
Transmigrated as Sasuke Uchiha

Thrown into Sasuke's body right after graduation, before officially meeting Kakashi. One man takes the potential, and anger of the 'Last Uchiha' and makes it his own, turning his potential into hard work and effort. Turning his anger into fuel, into power. Harnessing what the original Sasuke was too blinded by hate to use. Friends, his family's history, and his Sharingan, that he had far before the bridge arc.

BeaulenSmith · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

War Prep-1

Sasuke slid his hands together in a formal greeting as he bowed softly. ''Greetings, I am Sasuke Uchiha of the Village Hidden in the Leaves.''

That brought a few surprising responses before he began to drop the changes to his voice and appearance, them all watching as his seem seemed to shudder like scales as he did, Zabuza shaking his head with a chuckle as he watched.

''That's fucking creepy kid...''

Mei raised her brows a bit before she spoke. ''You're just a kid... A kid skilled in stealth, but how can we trust you to be able to he-.''

Sasuke froze time at that moment, calmly unrolling a sealed scroll, he used the hand sign for release before a massive stack of money appeared in the middle of the table on the map.

He then went around and disarmed all of the shinobi, brushing his fingers through Mei's hair and pushing back her bangs. He was gentle in his movements, not wanting to actually hurt anyone here. He returned to his spot, returning to the exact position he had been in before, having mirrored it from Mei's eyes before he did this. Resuming time.

''-lllP WHAT THE HELL?''

A fitting response for everyone in the room to be without their weapons, and a massive pile of money on the table. Everyone came to attention as the only ones untouched were Zabuza and Haku, all thought that didn't mean it didn't affect them, Zabuza swearing under his breath, thanking his past self for having agreed to be on the kid's side.

Haku's breath hitched softly in response to the sudden change, her heart beating hard as she tried to calm herself.

''Because I have the money, the resources, and the skill... Despite knowing you were meeting an Uchiha, you looked directly into my eyes when I first entered...'' Sasuke simply spoke as he stood straight, his hands lowering. ''You'll find all your weapons on the ground at your feet, this is 10 million Ryo, a bit more than a 'few' million as I had originally promised, a gift of goodwill...''

Sasuke then drawled a bit as he looked around. ''About the help?... I am the help, I assume you have a way to seal the Three-Tails?''

Seeing all of them sort of look at him, Sasuke sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. ''You do know you're fighting Yagura Karatachi, correct, one of the VERY few perfect Jinchuriki's that exist? Once you kill him, do you plan to just let the beast be and let it dissipate?''

A few awkward looks between each other as Sasuke raised his hand. ''You know what? Never mind, I forgot most people don't even think further about the effect their actions will cause. We don't have a way to seal the Tailed beast, so it will have to do and be reformed later.''

Sasuke knew that even if he was technically 'Hurrying' the events on a little bit, nothing would really change, the only thing that really happens is that Sasuke would be getting goodwill from the future leader of Kirigakure, as well as multiple loyal retainers.

''How do you know so much?'' Mei asked, her brows raising as she had someone begin to take the money away.

''Clan Leader of the Uchiha, I know the incident of the Nine-tails attack isn't as safety guarded as we thought, it was an Uchiha who put the Nine-Tails under an illusion, after I realized that I did a lot more research, it was also thanks to my help that the One-Tails was so easily dealt with after it broke out during our chunin exams.''

Everyone nodded a bit, the only lie Sasuke had said was that he did research, he didn't.

But, watching the anime and reading some of the manga could 'technically' be counted as 'research' by some, so it was more a stretched truth.

''Honestly... Pretty sure I could deal with your problem by myself without anyone to help... I've recently become many times stronger than I thought I was going to be original when I would be asked for my help, lucky encounter and all.''

Mei scoffed. ''You think you, a Chunin, could take out a Kage-level ninja?''

Sasuke raised his shoulders. ''Worst case beautiful, I die. My Hokage already knows that I don't return, I will be claimed as dead, you'll still have the money, and I have spoken to both Zabuza and Haku enough for you to have two people that can help you make a real attempt at the Hokage's head, as well as having an actual plan in place to be able to retain the Three-Tails in your service, after finding a person to help you, which I will hint, just in case... Ask Konoha, they would be more than willing to strike a deal for you to get some help in the situation since there is 'Technically' a team dedicated to suppressing Tailed-Beasts.''

''With that! See you guys later!'' Sasuke waved as he vanished from their view, there eyes bulging a bit as he was simply gone, only for him to appear many, many miles away.

Leaning against a rock as he panted, catching his breath. He had gotten a lot further then he thought he would with his little stunt, freezing time and then seeing how far he could move.

He had been in that time freeze for at least a day by his count, and the real reason he stopped was because of how exhausted he was, he hadn't slept for a few days, and using his eyes to keep that effect up as long as he did took a lot more out of him.

But even then, his eyes felt fine, no strain, no blood, nothing that said his eyes were hurting. It even felt like his eyes were stronger.

Sasuke had a few idea's about, not entirely sure how it worked, but maybe it was simply waiting for all the energy the Sage of the Six Paths gave him to fully attach to him, it offered many benefits already, seemingly limitless use of his eyes in all forms, including their power, a boost to his physique as a whole and a massive leap in chakra.

Needing to rest he made himself a cave to rest in, once he finished his prep inside the cave he summoned a few Falcon to keep watch over him and the area while he slept, passing out shortly later.


Hours later Sasuke woke back up, rubbing his face before he sighed.

He needed a plan to deal with Zetsu if he was around, which would be likely. Since Tobi would be still around Yagura, controlling him.

He already had a plan to deal with Obito and Yagura, which wasn't hard, the ability to stop time with the strength he had could be something unfair to normal people. Black Zetsu was only a problem due to the difficulty and intellect the physical manifestation of will had.

Granted... Killing Obito would throw a wrench in the plans, leaving him far more time to be able to deal with Zetsu since he would lose the Uchiha he's been trying to cultivate to be able to perform the ritual and jutsu needed to revive Kaguya.

Wait... Now that he was thinking about it, Zetsu NEEDED an Uchiha to be able to pull of the moon plan, simply because of needing the Rinnegan.

Then why did he simply let Itachi and Obito kill most of the Uchiha? Did he lesson the amount of things he needed to focus on so he could make sure this plan worked properly?

Granted, planning for someone like Sasuke, who not only knew of his existence and the extent of his plan was already hard to make a plan for...

But for someone with all the information, and the ability to stop time? It most likely never crossed Black Zetsu's mind...

Or maybe, dealing with idiot assassins, who instead of being hidden in the shadows decide to wage battles face to face, had made his IQ drop as well? Sasuke remembered the parts they got to meet Black Zetsu, hotty and full of himself since he has basically been leading the world on his palm for a thousand years.

Black Zetsu was the perfect way to show what 'Power Trips' did to someone, not that Sasuke had a right to speak.

About to fight a perfect Jinchuriki, a man who can warp through space, and someone who's been alive for over a thousand years. All at the gentle and sweet age of 14.

Life sure came at you fast.

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