
Transmigrated as Sasuke Uchiha

Thrown into Sasuke's body right after graduation, before officially meeting Kakashi. One man takes the potential, and anger of the 'Last Uchiha' and makes it his own, turning his potential into hard work and effort. Turning his anger into fuel, into power. Harnessing what the original Sasuke was too blinded by hate to use. Friends, his family's history, and his Sharingan, that he had far before the bridge arc.

BeaulenSmith · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Confronting Tsunade

Entering the decent-sized Diner, the three of them made no move to blend in as they went directly to Tsunade and Shizune's table, it seemed they didn't have the pig with them.

Karin sat down first, then Sasuke, then Naruto sat by the edge as Sasuke slid a sealed paper onto the table. ''Noise suppressing, eye avoidance. No one will notice us talking, or hear us talking.''

''What makes you think you can just sit at a pair of youn-''

''You're not young Tsunade Senju, stay and listen to what we have to say and we'll pay all your debts tonight.''

Tsunade's face became slightly red, but at the mention of her debt being paid she rapidly cooled down, nodding.

''Were from Konoha, all three of us are Chunin assigned by the fifth to come and retrieve you.''

''You mean the th-.''

''The fifth. Hiruzen was forcibly stepped removed from his position.'' Sasuke pulled the folder from his jacket, pulling out a secondary folder he set it on the table in front of her, letting her look through it.

Many, many emotions flashed across her face as she slammed her hand onto the table. ''Do you think I'm going to believe that my teacher was the one responsible for all this?!''

''We have a written confession, and you are free to get the confession from Hiruzen himself.''

Tsunade stopped, seating as she stared at the man in front of him, he was using transformation and they hadn't identified themselves yet. ''How do I know you are in fact Konoha ninja?''

All of them dispelled their transformation without the smoke effect, their features slowly morphing as did their clothes as they returned to their normal outfits.

''I am Sasuke Uchiha, even you should know what that means... Here to my right is Karin Uzumaki, and to my left is... Well, it looks like you already know, but he is Naruto Uzumaki.''

Sasuke watched the fight going on inside Tsunade's eyes, shifting to another folder inside the main once as he slit it to her.

As she watched it she widened her eyes a bit, reading it more thoroughly before she looked up. ''Is this true?''

Karin spoke up, letting Sasuke lean back in his seat as he relaxed to listen.

''The fifth has lost comrades to, some that could have been saved if everyone had at least a little medical knowledge. Konoha will be now enforcing a medical class that all must attend to get basic knowledge, and for each student that shows promise in the field, will be taught how to become a proper medical ninja.''

Naruto spoke up next, his arms crossed. ''The three of us already have quite a bit of medical knowledge and have our licenses, out of sheer potential, Karin has the best promise of being a medical ninja, and so does our old teammate Sakura. Sasuke is the most proficient with medical jutsu such as the Mystical palm and others, I focus on practical experience since me having the fox inside me makes it hard for me to have complete control of my chakra.''

Tsunade suddenly looked up. ''I thought it was considered an S rank secret?''

''Yes, an S rank secret that everyone but some children and Naruto knew, he found out about his passenger, and his parents awhile ago thanks to our higher clearance.''

''Clearance?'' Shizune asked.

''We are the Chunin team directly trained by the Hokage, it is also through our help that he currently has a tight hold on the criminal underground.''

Sasuke tossed the rest of the folder towards her, letting her read it over while they waited, it was an hour later until she finally put it down, rubbing at her temples.

''So, want to head back to Konoha with us?''

''As long as my debt gets paid? Sure.'' Tsunade sighed, causing Naruto to click his tongue.

''Guess I don't get to fight today.'' Naruto sighed as he stood up, Sasuke following him then Karin.

''Ask her to spar later, her medical abilities are legendary, but her taijutsu is as well. She will need the exercise anyway.'' Sasuke added while sending out a falcon to warn Haku to start paying for all of Tsunade's debt, an incentive that Sasuke made himself, it felt great to be a filthy rich young master.

''You saying I'm fat, brat?'' Tsunade stated, slowly closing her fingers into a fist.

''I'm saying you're out of practice. Jiraiya would've been able to tell he was being followed for the whole day, yet you never realized.'' Sasuke shrugged.

The thought that they had been stalking her all day sobered her mood quickly... Maybe she was out of practice, but her fear of blood...

But the folder mentioned the Sasuke brat had some way to help her cure her phobia, she didn't believe it, but she would get all her answers from the Fifth.

Tsunade smirked as she found something she could make fun of. ''You know, your clans are both near extinction... Why aren't you under the Clan Repopulation act?''

''Because I believe in needing only one woman for my needs, and my love. I will not have a harem simply to repopulate my clan. Instead, I am waiting for my maturity to his 18, and for my genes to reach their prime state before I will begin to collect my sperm and distribute it to the powerful female ninjas that I have been gathering in my clan compound... I already have 1 candidate who agreed to join who has a rare Kekkai Genkai which allows them to manipulate ice.''

Karin blushed as Sasuke lead their walk, Naruto speaking up. ''You know... I've been thinking about asking Hinata on a date. I see her everywhere, and she likes ramen so....''

Karin blurted out immediately. ''Ask her out! Hinata is shy and easy to fluster, so start with a light conversation, about the weather, missions, and plans. Get her to relax while talking with you, and never mention it's a date. Simply find a day you're both free, and ask her if she would want to get something to eat with you. She'll know it's a date, but it'll be easier for her to be comfortable if she doesn't constantly think about it.''

Tsunade watched the strange brats in front of her... Did they start this young? Wasn't it usually easy to tease brats about mentions of the heart or sex?

''The offer to be one of the people who bare my children will be offered to you and Shizune as well Tsunade.''

''...Brat... Did you just... Say, that I was one of your fucking incubators?''

''I said the offer would be provided, the Hokage will make sure the offer is at least on the table, as the Fifth needs to make sure the Uchiha family lives on.''

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