
Transmigrated as Naruto with system and gifts

God_Itachi · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 Uzumaki Naruto


In the training ground 44 or better known as forest of death , we see three genins of team seven being attacked by a man.

This man is one of the 'The Legendary Sannin' and rouge 'S-rank' Shinobi of Konoha Orochimaru .The said genin team consists of The 'Last loyal Uchiha' named Uchiha Sasuke , The Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no yoko Uzumaki Naruto and the 'Konoichi of the year' Haruno Sakura.


Team seven and several other genins from different nations were standing in front of the gates of forest of death where the second part of the chunin exams will be conducted. The proctor of the second part is a konichi named Mitarashi Anko. She stated, "The next part of the chunin exams - the Forest of Death! There are two great scrolls of knowledge in this exam: Heaven and Earth! Your mission is for your entire team to survive long enough to take the Scroll of Heaven and the Scroll of Earth to the tower in the center of the forest; your time limit is five days, and if any member of your team doesn't make it, you fail! Any questions?".

A plump hand rose from the crowd, "What about food?"

Anko's grin only grew, "Why the forest will provide. Either it'll feed you…Or you'll feed it. Anyone else?"

Naruto raised his hand.

He asked, "I'm just wondering, what exactly does the 'Forest of Death' entail?".

Anko chuckled.

Without any warning, she tossed a kunai straight at Naruto's face, scratching him across the cheek and breaking his skin.

Almost just as fast, Anko snuck up behind Naruto and licked the blood off of his cheek.

She hissed, "That's what I mean: a brush with death itself... This ain't a joke, you can die here!".

She slowly rose, and was given the kunai back by a student.

Naruto shuddered.

Motioning to a tent nearby while the gathered teams murmured to each other, she held up a piece of paper, "Everyone will be provided a consent for that they must sign before being given a scroll. The form is just to release the village from liability if you should do. There are no rules inside the forest, so some advice?" She paused while looking them all over, "Don't die."

After everyone signed the papers, Anko walked back up to her station and said, "Come up here and take a scroll, one per team.".

Thus, one genin from each team walked up in random order to receive their assigned scroll.

... Sasuke from Team 7 was first.

And so it went on... Kiba from Team 8, Neji from Team 9, Ino from Team 10 ...

After all was said and done, the teams were ushered in to the forest.

[Everything went by as canon]


Orochimaru sealed Naruto's chakra with 'Gogyo Fuin(Five Elemental seal) making naruto unconscious and put a Curse seal of Heaven on Sasuke and said"Kukuku...I hope you like the gift Sasuke kun. I hope you come to me in the future for more power." and left. But he didn't know what he did will change the future.

__________________________________________________ Author Notes:

Phew that was completely nerve wrecking experience . I know it was boring but i tried not to skip some events. So please bear with it.. Thank you