
Transmigrated as king in one punch man

A lazy guy was walking when he saw a girl in the middle of the street about to get hit by a when he saw a dweeb going to push her out the way "no the fuck you don't, that's my truck" and we all know where this is going

spining · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 5


At a mountain in City Z, you can observe someone running at about 80 meters per second as he ran up the mountain. He seemed to be breathing heavily in a controlled manner, sweat made his clothes stick to his body as he ran. Is steps were heavy as under his feet tiny explosions were helping propel him forward along with his strength.

(A/N: I know bangs dojo isn't that high, but I'll make it that way just cuz)

[fuck! These mountains are so tall. Ha, I've been ha been running for about 30 minutes and the air is not helping.]

As he said that the ground beneath is feet cracked as he was propelled at an insane speed. As he was doing this his healing factor was healing his torn muscles and fatigue making him stronger slowly but surely, making his body used to the wind pressure and his power.


As he jumped again, he can recognize a building at the top, and with happiness, he focused as best he could and made the biggest explosion he could with his limited stamina.


With one more explosion, he had moved from 150 meters away to the door in a second, falling on the floor his body stationary as his healing factor was healing his strained muscles and skin.

[Arg everything hurts, hurry, and heal so this pain can leave. I swear by the end of this training I'm gonna have to be a battle maniac or a masochist as I have to be hurt to get stronger.]

Putting one hand on the ground he got up and stimulated his body a little to loosen the newly heal muscle. Walking up to the door he possessed a nervous face after a little pep talk to himself he knocked on the door he heard footsteps at the door. Opening the door was a serious-looking man with a GI.

[What have you come for?]

As he asked this, he examined him up and down before saying another thing.

[Have you come to become a student of master bang]

king with a startled expression said yes, as he walked in he was informed to take off his shoes. Looking around, there were hundreds of people learning here from beginner to probable masters.

[ Wow, there's a lot of people]

saying that the man suddenly had a look of admiration on his face.

[Indeed, there is, master bang is one of the most outstanding martial artists in the world. He has won the super fight tournament which is a gathering of the best martial artist. That is why he has all these students, he had students before but winning the tournament pulled more people to learn]

with a look of understanding king just followed the man to where bang was located.

[ master bang, there is a person that wishes to learn martial arts]

bang who was teaching told everyone to stop as he looked at me. As he looked at me, he had a look of surprise when he asked king something he had a tone of curiosity.

[So, have you ever learned martial arts?]


[have you ever worked out?]


[hmm, have you ever gotten into a fight?]


[alright then, why have you come to learn martial arts]

as he asked he had a deep face with a glint in his eyes

[I've come to get stronger, stronger than anyone]

{but this also because I don't want to die but you don't need to know that}

as he said the first part determination glimmered in his eyes, but as he thought the second thing his face become something of the determination to live and not die.

[I'll believe your reason for now, but you are withholding something, I will not force you to say it now. Now that you are here and I see your clothes are wet how about you grab a GI.]

saying that he signaled the students to continue as he helps him pick out a GI.

[Come this way, and I'll let you participate in this class for today to get the feel of what you're getting in to]

[that sounds ok to me, how much longer is this class today]

[30 more minutes but you should be able to last much longer, so it doesn't matter]

As he said that he handed, king the GI and left mysteriously.

{ I wonder what he suggested, does he know I'm strong by just a look? Is that also why that guy asked if I wanted to learn under bang.]

Shacking the thoughts from his mind, he put on the GI that properly fit him and walked outside. As he walked outside, he heard bang say something surprising.

[ Alright it is sparing time, find a partner to spar with for the rest of the class]

{ they're already sparing, but I just got here who was I supposed to fight with}

as he had a stupid face bang walked over to him and said that he was going to be him sparring partner for this class as he is new. As they walked over to there spots he said that he just wants to learn where he is at infighting and strength.

{ Ok, am I just going to get my ass beat this entire time}

[if you are ready, you can start, no rush to you]

{ok, you can do this, you can do this, you can do this}

launching forward king was in front of bang in a second punch toward his face. Bang raised his eyebrow in surprise as he didn't think that he would be that fast even though he knew that he was strong.

Moving he instinctively employed his martial arts to protect himself as he swiped his hand out of the way before sweeping his leg. As he was spinning in the air, he had landed on his legs before he used that momentum to kick out.


bang seeing this was surprised again, shifting the leg out of the way he capitalized on his momentum to punch king in the stomach. Flying backward he stopped himself before breathing, a smile plastered on his face as he looked at bang with no pain on his face.

But bang who was across being in a stupor at the fact that his body was this strong and hard without training, strength, speed, senses, and awareness of the surroundings were all at superhuman levels.

{ His potential is off the charts, if I discipline him, well he will be a force to reckon with. He and Garous with his martial genius and ability to adapt to the situation will take my technique to the next level, hmm}

as he was in thought king who was hyped up on adrenaline had his fist connect to bangs face. Bang eyes went wide before his trained body instinctively started moving at a speed not visible as he moved the punch from his face before he kicked out with enough strength to break kings ribs.

king who was getting kicked in the stomach and ribs cracked had a face full of knowing and pain.

{Ah shit!}

getting flung away king hit the wall and the dojo went quiet. king who was getting his ribs healed at a visible rate was spiting saliva. Getting up king sat against the wall his ribs healed back to new with a weird face.

{Ah, why did I have to punch him? It hurts everywhere again, it fucking hurts he fractured my ribs.}

bang was already in front of king with a sorry face, bending down he touched kings stomach seeking broken ribs but all he found was perfectly fine ribs.

{What's this, I thought I fractured his ribs but they look fine. I swear I felt them break under my kick, did they perhaps heal rapidly}

king who was on the floor got up with a scrunched face and patted bang on the shoulder.

[ It's fine nothing broken, It's my fault for punching you in the face]

bang who was crouching got out of his stupor before nodding his head.

[Thanks but it was my fault for letting these old bone act on there own, will you sit out for the rest or will you come back tomorrow for another lesson.]

king with a thoughtful face made his decision.

[ I'll come back tomorrow for another lesson]

king after a couple of minutes of gathering his stuff left the dojo and left the mountain. At the bottom of the mountain, he walked away and started to run and jump and explode through the city again, and by the time he made it to the apartment he lived in it was dark.

Laying on his bed king was mentally tired and physically taxed.

[Damn that old man hits hard. I almost employed my power to move out of the way and expose my self-early. I guess I'm gonna have to get a place near the dojo so that I don't have to run through the city every day.]

as he was thinking that he fell asleep from his exhausted mind and body. His body healing making it stronger and clearing his mental and physical fatigue for tomorrow's lesson.

But he didn't know that the future was changing and not in a good way as in another location trouble was brewing.

Forest in City Z:

[arg Arg ARg ARG ARRG kil qiwg]