
Transmigrated as king in one punch man

A lazy guy was walking when he saw a girl in the middle of the street about to get hit by a when he saw a dweeb going to push her out the way "no the fuck you don't, that's my truck" and we all know where this is going

spining · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 11

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The next day King woke up, His face was trainqil but you can see a glint in his eye, a raging fire but it seemed controled. Sitting on a mat that was in the middle of an empty room he started to meditate. King had found that meditation helped with controlling his new awakened powers because they are pretty unstable.

In meditation a dense red aura rose in wisps before it covered his entire body. The heat that it was giving off could probable melt the entire house but King had asked the association to build a special room to handle it.

(A/N: think of might guy's eight gate release )

[ Calm your mind, control you emotions, control your yourself, control your powers.]

King repeated himself as he had found that this is what he needed to do to control his power. His powers and energy are feeding off his fury making them unstable and hard to control. So he must control himself and channel that fury into his energy in a stable flow.



Countless sparks danced around his body before they blow out.

One Hour later

King sitting on his mat suddenly looked strained as tye energy that was around him started to vortex around his body, his veins started to turn red as his energy was getting absorbed in his body.


Gritting his teeth King after a couple of minutes trying to absorb his massive energy into every part of his body, gave out as he fell forward sweat and steam emanated from every pore of his body. But Kings face was not happy, He touched his nose only to see blood coming from it and he felt internal injury.

{I have failed again.} You could see the frown on his face as displeasure was evident on it, he had been trying this for about 2 months but it always failed. [Looks like I need the old mans help, lets hope that he can see that I have controled myself]

Getting up with a wobble he healed before he went to change, Walking out of his house he faded out of the forest.

City Z: Bangs dojo

[It's been a while since I have come here, here we go]

opening the door King walked in side while looking around for anybody only to be met with silence.

[seems to be his day off, he should still be here] Walking around for a second he heard a familiar voice [So you have come back.] turning around he saw bang standing there leaning on the wall, his usual crouch still evident because of his old age.

[Seems you havan't aged and are looking still as strong as ever] King looking at him saw his burling energy that was emanating from his every pore. [ It seems that you have self reflected and are mastering youself, you are close and still so young. Your talent was so great but I didn't know it was this great.]

Walking closer he looked at King closely a glint in his eye [ You have come to learn how to do it but you are still not there yet, I can see that you have been trying.]

King hearing that was actually surprised, he was so sure he was ready. Suddenly what King heard next made a frown dawn on his face.

[You want to internalize your energy, but you have not mastered your external energy, second you want to internalize you energy but you have not mastered yourself.] His voice turned more serious as he spoke as if he had been slapped. [mastering ones, external and internal energy takes years of hard work, pain, and self-reflection and you are not ready]

King who was listening had a thoughtful face before he had come to a conclussion.

{I guess he will not teach me}

Getting up King was leaving when someone grabbed his shoulder [huh] with a surprised expression King turned to face Bang [Who said I wouldn't teach you. You are mastering yourself, this shows that you are willing to not give in to your hate. This shows that you have a strong character, this is enough for me.]

Backing up King bowed saying yes sensei, walking with bang king took off his cloths revealing his body, it was ripped, no muscle was forgotten as he had a perfectly preportioned body. Scars showed on his body from his long and hard fights that had these two years that shaped his character and humbled him.

(A/N: From mosters that stop healing abilites and such)

Bang looking at him had a suprised face before it turned to a satisflyed one.

[Loos like you have been tempering yourself] Taking off his shirt he had a smile before saying [ But you are still to young to show off here, Now show me you aura before we spar I want to see what you have accomplished on you own]

King who was at the other side of Bang lowered his stance as he breathed out making smoke raise out of his mouth, a dense red aura rose from his body filling the entire room. The heat was immense but King controlled it to not melt the floor, the energy sparked making the wind blow.

Seeing that bang raised an eyebrow in surprise [You have already assimilated your aura with a concept? You have gotten farther than I had thought. It is well controlled but not the best it could be better, the density is quit well maintained, and lastly all we need is your control while fighting and body foundation.] Saying that bang lowered his stance into the fist of flowing water crushing rock.

Seeing that King turned side ways with one hand sticking behind him and the other in front, After waiting for a while King made his move as he disappeared without a sound, bang raised a brow but didn't move from his stance. King who had disappeared controlled the sound of his explosion making it completely silent in return makes him like a silent ninja untell he attacks.

Already behind bang king punched out only to see a kick right next to his face, as it connected Kings head moved a little to the side looking like it didn't even affect King. Blowing bang away he stopped himself by digging his feet in the ground making a skid noise.

Separated King felt his chin with a smile on his face [ your kick is still as strong as ever] Saying that bang smiled back [ you have gotten much stronger, I'm not sure I can hurt you but I'm sure that I can still beat you.]

Finishing the talk King started another assault but although extremely quick, powerful, and controlled bangs technique combined with his years and years of experience he fought on equal ground with King.


Punching forward Kings fist missed bangs face only slightly before bang punched and kicked him dropping him on the floor.

King who was on the floor had a frustrated face as he was getting hit in his head and he couldn't defend.

{GRRRR, this bastard, it doesn't hurt but just getting hit there everytime is annoying}

Continuing King got a beating for a couple of hours(A/N: not literally, bang can't hurt the mc, It just technique and fighting experience) before they had to stop because Bang got tired. Seeing that he was tired king walked him to his bed laying him down, Packing his things King was about to leave bang told him to stop.

[ Wait King, I need you to stay here so that I can train you, We have an extra room for you that you can move into to.] King not turning around told king ok before he left and got his stuff returning he opened the door Only to find someone with silver greyish hair that looked to be in his twenties or something.

[oops wrong room] Walking out of the room king went into the one next to it before putting his stuff down and making his room sitting on his bed and relaxing king had a curious face.

[That kid looked pretty familiar, where have I seen him ] manipulating the probability of him finding out his name king had a look of euphoria as the memory came back.

[OH! That was...]