
Worries of an Investment Banker

There was one more Crystallisation of life.

But how was that possible? As far as David knew, there had never been any instance in the past in which a person had two Crystallisations of life.

The simple principles which govern Crystallisation didn't allow such a thing to happen.

As the name itself suggests, every person's Crystallisation of life depended on their past life experience.

Each and every action they took and every single achievement that they had under their belt decided what your Crystallisation of Life going to be in your next life.

For example, due to some unfortunate event or bad luck, you didn't manage to awaken your Crystallisation of life when you turned eighteen. Hopeless, you lost the will to live and spent the rest of your life in mediocracy. There was a high chance, that your fate in your next life was going to be the same, and if you were even going to have another life as human was another question altogether.

And, on the other hand there was another person who, just like you didn't manage to awaken but he wasn't as pessimistic as you, his will was firm as iron. He didn't give up, lived his life to the fullest, chased his dreams and passions. There was a very high chance that he was going to awaken in his next life.

Of course, there were other factors that affected your chances of awakening in your next life, you might not know about the existence of Crystallisation of life and therefore you didn't push yourself to the extreme, you might not be human in your previous life but it didn't matter. What really mattered was your attitude towards life.

Moreover, an individual couldn't live two live's at the same time; therefore, it was impossible to have two Crystallisations of Life.

That's why David could hardly believe his eyes.

furthermore, its name sounded way cooler

"Domain of Zenith Sovereign." What a grand name. After some time, David muttered with a serious voice.

After initial exhilaration, David was able to connect the dots together and understand why he had two Crystallisations of Life.

he thought that the second one might not be his own but belonged to the original owner of his body.

As soon as this thought entered David's head it became uncontrollable and led to more questions.

But how could the original have a crystallion of life as he hadn't awakened at that point?and suppose even if he had a Crystallisation of Life, why it didn't disappear after his death?

Does that mean the previous host wasn't dead?

Suddenly, David felt a chill run down his spine. He felt as if someone had placed a sharp blade on his neck.

The implications were horrifying to say the least.

David's mood instantly hit rock bottom; the earlier joy that he felt completely disappeared.

"Calm down." David muttered and tried to calm himself down. Overthinking wasn't going to solve his problem.

Maybe the previous host was dead but not completely; that is why his Crystallization didn't disappear. In the process of Transmigration, some part of him merged with David.

David still vaguely remembered that there wasn't any sign of wound or injury on his body when he arrived in this world.

Although he had no direct evidence, his intuition told him that he wasn't far from the truth.

David finally sighed with relief and felt more confident instantly.

More importantly, he didn't want to think about such questions that he had no answer and one such question was why did he even transmigrate in the first place.

David's memory of his previous life was fuzzy; he only remembered some things like he wanted to be an investment banker and other things such as the name of his parents and friend had completely disappeared from his memories as if they didn't exist in the first place.

that wasn't always the case when he was young. He vaguely remembered their names, but as he grew up their memories started fading away.

Sighing, David gave up thinking about these things.

He decided to examine the rest of the functions.

The shop function was pretty much self-explanatory, but he still decided to take a look. He hoped to find the technique needed for cultivation, but his hopes were soon crushed. There wasn't any technique or legendary weapon, but a bunch of crap needed to run day-to-day operations of the bank.

Sighing, once more he moved on to the last thing.

He opened his inventory and clicked on the first box out of fifty.

Following his actions, a warrior dressed in full plate armor materialized in front of David.

David looked at the behemoth with his mouth wide open.

The Origin Guard was a towering behemoth measuring over ten feet in height; its simple presence alone was enough to intimidate David.

However, David felt he could control the Origin Guard with his thoughts if he wanted.

He instantly felt more at ease.

After looking here and there, David realized he could check the status of Origin Guard without having to pay in spirit stones.

So without wasting any time, David did just that, and a window similar to his own appeared in front of him.

[Name- Origin Guard

Cultivation- Peak Body Refining Realm

Crystallisation of Life- Sword of Eternal Debt.

Remark- Will guard the Bank of Eternal Origin till his death]

Oh boy, oh! David wasn't ready for the information that was in front of him.

He got the protection of a cultivator at the Peak of Body Refining Realm. Although it didn't State anywhere that this thing would protect him, but that didn't stop David from concluding this on his own.

After taking one last look at the Guard, David allowed it to roam here and there to fulfill its duties.

Every step of the giant caused the floor to quake.

David was finally done; now he just wanted to rest for the remaining day without even looking at the other floors, he exited the building and looked for a place to relax.