
Transmigrated as Incubus Prime Minister in a Female-Dominated World

In a world where powerful women reign supreme, Lin Qingshan, a disillusioned college student, is unexpectedly thrust into a reality he once only knew through the pages of a novel he despised. Transmigrated into the body of the Prime Minister, also named Lin Qingshan, he awakens in the opulent grand palace of the Dongzhou Dongqin Immortal Kingdom. This is not the life he remembers, but one fraught with political intrigue, where every move could mean the difference between survival and demise. Equipped with the physique of an incubus, Lin Qingshan is no longer the weak and passive character from the original story. Will Lin Qingshan conquer this female-dominated world and carve out a destiny of his own? Or will he succumb to the same traps that ensnared the original protagonist? In this thrilling tale of transmigration, power, and intrigue, one man’s determination to rewrite his story could alter the course of an entire kingdoms.

Rupey_ · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: The Beginning

Present Day, Yang Qingshan's Apartment

Yang Qingshan lay sprawled on his bed, phone in hand, binge-reading the latest chapters of a popular fantasy novel. His room was a chaotic mix of manga, light novels, and anime posters. A part-time otaku with a vivid imagination, Yang Qingshan often found himself lost in these fictional worlds. Even though he used whatever time he saved from his hectic life, he enjoyed it. Yet, this particular novel was testing his patience.

Earlier That Day

Yang Qingshan rubbed his eyes, exhausted from another grueling day of college. He had spent the last twelve hours shuttling between lectures, labs, and study sessions, barely finding time to eat.

"Qingshan, are you coming to the study group tonight?" one of his classmates called out as they left the lecture hall.

"Can't, I have something else to do," Yang Qingshan replied, forcing a smile. His classmates didn't know about his double life as an otaku, and he preferred to keep it that way.

After grabbing a quick dinner from a convenience store, he headed back to his small apartment. The moment he walked through the door, he felt a sense of relief. Here, among his collection of manga, light novels, and anime posters, he could escape the pressures of his demanding studies and immerse himself in the worlds he loved.

Back to the Novel

[ Lin Qingshan, the male protagonist, lowered his head, his voice barely a whisper. "Please, let me rest for a few days."

"No, what if you try to escape?" Qin Yueling's eyes flashed with a mix of anxiety and obsession.

Lin Qingshan sighed deeply. "I am bound to you, Your Majesty. My body is... unique. I cannot leave, even if I wanted to." ]

Yang Qingshan's fingers tightened around his phone. "Bound to you? What a pathetic excuse! Just say you're spineless and get it over with," he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. His irritation grew as he continued reading, feeling a mix of contempt and frustration towards the protagonist's weakness.

[ Lin Qingshan knew the truth all too well. If he left, disaster would befall the Lin family. And his body—cursed with a succubus physique—needed women's help regularly. He was not promiscuous by nature and loathed the idea of seeking other women. ]

"Succubus physique? Give me a break!" Yang Qingshan scoffed, swiping to the next chapter. "Ridiculous! What kind of man has a succubus physique?" He shook his head in disbelief, his irritation growing with each word.

Later That Evening

After dinner, Yang Qingshan settled back into his reading. The novel, despite its infuriating protagonist, was oddly captivating. He found himself drawn to the story, hoping against hope for a turnaround.

[ Standing at the palace doors, Lin Qingshan felt like an empty shell. "Your Majesty, may I leave?"

"No," Qin Yueling's voice was firm yet possessive. "You must return tomorrow. Come after your nap, we shall dine together. You need to gain weight; it will be more comfortable to hold you." ]

Yang Qingshan's irritation flared further. "Reduced to an object for her comfort? And he just stands there and takes it!" He tossed his phone onto the bed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "What kind of man allows himself to be treated like this?"

He picked up his phone again, unable to resist the twisted allure of the story. His annoyance was palpable, each word he read fueling his anger.

[ Lin Qingshan stared blankly at his reflection. He had once been a respected prime minister, but now, Qin Yueling had reduced him to a concubine, scorned by all.

The public blamed him for the country's troubles, not her. His transformation was complete: from a revered leader to a symbol of disgrace.

He glanced at his wrist, where the chastity guard should have been. It was gone. ]

Yang Qingshan groaned loudly. "From prime minister to concubine. Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse." He kicked a pile of clothes out of his way, revealing more novels stacked haphazardly on the floor. "How can he let this happen?"

[ Lin Hongyu cradled her brother gently, placing him on his bed. Lin Qingshan clung to her sleeve. "Sister, help me sit up. We need to talk."

Lin Hongyu nodded, supporting him as he leaned into her embrace, seeking solace in her familiar warmth.

"Shan'er, what happened?" Her voice was soft, filled with concern.

Lin Qingshan's voice trembled as he turned his wrist, showing the empty spot where the chastity guard had been. "Sister, I was violated by Qin Yueling..."

The words choked him, and he could not continue. ]

Yang Qingshan's frustration reached its peak. "Violated? Seriously? This is too much!" In a fit of anger, he threw his phone onto the bed. "How can he just let this happen to him?"

He stood up, pacing the room, his mind a jumble of anger and disbelief. "He is simply a disgrace in the name of transmigrators. If I were in his place, things would be different."

He glanced back at his phone, lying face down on his bed. "Just a bit more," he told himself, unable to shake the need to see if the story would take a turn for the better. "Maybe it'll get better."

Little did he know, his wishful thinking was about to become reality, thrusting him into a world where his ideals of strength and masculinity would be put to the ultimate test.

so i am new author and writing a novel for first time so if their any mistakes or improvements that i can do you can tell me by using paragraph comments or normal comments , as english is not my first language ,the editing for it was done by using chatgpt , thank you for your patience for giving me time to read about my thoughts

Rupey_creators' thoughts