
Transmigrated As Haruno Sakura With System

In the past she was an ex soldier who retired at the age of 32 years old. 8 years later, unexpectedly she become a wealthy rich woman and her company became one of the biggest company in korea and generate million of sales every month. She was beautiful but her personality make people afraid of her, thats why she still single at the age 40. In a free time She loves to cook and cleanliness, fighting (Mixed Martial Art) and watch anime especially naruto and demon slayer. One day, she suddenly woke up as haruno sakura. "DING" (This is newbie package for host) - Nano Machine - Character Template (Yoriichi) - Legendary Sword Shusui Support me in patreon.com/zorojurown (There wont be harem, because harem destroy the fun)

ZoroTraineeWriter · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 9: Training and planning

Little did he know, sakura become very important in his heart. Her words open something in Kakashi heart without he realised it. He thought it was because she reminds him of obito and rin, but sakura personality, tender eyes when looking at her team mate make him very happy.

Maybe some of you might say kakashi is pedophile because 27 years old man have feeling towards 12 years old sakura, but i will say"heck no", sakura soul is eun hye. Her matureness, gentleness, fondness and personality is not like 12 years old at all, she was 40 years old virgin inside 12 years old body. After undergoing body transformation by nano machine, her appearance alone looks like an adult.

Sasuke and Naruto also like this new sakura, they can saw her clear eyes filled with fondness especially Sasuke he can see her mother shadow (mikoto) in sakura eyes when talking to her. Naruto like sakura because she had unique pink hair, other people had black or blond hair but sakura had pink which consider rare. But this time, he can't explain this unfamiliar feeling because naruto didn't have mother. The only time he had feeling like this when he was with 3rd hokage and iruka sensei, if both of them had grand father and fatherly figure, sakura shows motherly figure to him. Sakura who didn't notice her team mate and sensei feeling continue chatting and laughing with them.


For several days they did D-Rank mission at morning and at evening she will start practice with Yamanaka Inoichi and her total concentration breathing. She shows more progress than last time and start to ask new technique which is telepathy, this will become important during combat fight.

Before this ino was sakura bestfriend but because of their crush towards sasuke, they decide to broke their friendship. This new sakura take initiative to start back her friendship with ino, this kind of friend who protect others when they saw unjustice is rare in a modern world. So sakura decide to repair her relationship with ino.

At first ino act like tsundere but after sakura show her sincerity, she accept sakura back as her friend. They become close again and ino try to help as much as possible to teach sakura about sensory ninja, sakura appreciate this and everytime she meet this duo (father and daughter) she will prepare food (her cooking) so that they can taste it. Each time this duo will be shocked by her food, they never taste something like hamburger, nougat, caramel and many more.

Yamanaka is not the only one who surprise by sakura talent even her team and parents are shocked by this. Especially her parents because they never knew sakura is very talented in cooking this happen just after sakura become ninja. They can accept it because they thought sakura become mature just after she become genin.

For her business, she starterd to spam her clone to draw full coloured comic, people in this world read novel they never knew comic exist. Sakura believe if she can attract akimichi clan attention she will become very rich. She didn't plan to open her shop early because of threat of incoming war, pain alone might destroy entire konoha. So to be safe she decide sell her comic to book store, this can reduce her burden.

In just 3 days, her template reach 5% completion and unlock a new features (accept disciple). Naruto cannot learn haki and Luffy cannot learn chakra because they are in different universe eventhough they both are human but they have different body. I mean in naruto, we can see different body compared to normal human, in modern world eyeball is connected to brain but in this world eyeball shape is sphere.

So this disciple system is to give anyone chance to use breathing concentration even civillian without mana can also learn to use breathing concentration. It can let body with chakra to use this technique. Her status now:

Name: Haruno Sakura

Age: 12 years old

Chakra amount: Jonin level

Chakra Control: Kage Level

Phsique: Jonin level

Character template: Yoriichi (5% completion)

New features: You can now accept disciple to pass the breathing technique.

And finally the most awaiting day in her life, naruto will ask hokage to let him doing C- Rank mission. This time they will escort tazuna to her village and she will change Zabuza and Haku instead of kill them.