
Transmigrated as CEO's Daughter and Mated to an Alpha Prince

"I WILL FORGE MY OWN PATH!" ~Scarlett "IF THERE'S A CHOICE BETWEEN THE WOMAN I LOVE AND MY FAMILY, I CHOOSE BOTH!" ~Prince Kratos "YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CHANGE FOR ME, I LOVE YOU THE WAY YOU ARE. EVEN YOUR BROKEN PARTS!" ~Scarlett ====== This is a story of a nineteen years old strong-willed Scarlett who grew up in a foster care system. She was a big fan of a werewolf story that she grew up reading. Then she found out that the ending was not the outcome she imagined and expected it to be, making her curse at the author of the story. A hell-bent fury of dissatisfaction just reached to the God. Until one day, Scarlett was transmigrated into the world of the werewolf story that she just finished reading. Waking up as a daughter of a rich CEO. Realizing she has taken over the ill-fated female main protagonist of the story. Living within the story and exploring the world she previously read. Now, Scarlett has to survive and change the tragic fate of the only daughter of Richard Pride before her death becomes reality. --- How will she manage to live in her new reality? Will she accept the ill-fated destiny of her character or make a new path for her own self? Can she make a new ending for the female main protagonist? What will she do if love came in her way? --- Time of Release: (Enough clamor from the readers can make this into daily 2 chapters updates)

madskie00017 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

My New Life


As I make my own way downstairs, I saw the reaction of the staff members including the chief of staff, Butler Fredo.

Scanning the entire lobby of the mansion, the Pride Family is indeed a rich family.

"Miss Pride, where are you going? You look a bit…" Butler Fredo could not find the right words to tell how unusual it was for me to wear such an attire.

More skin revealing and out of character of the original Scarlett Pride.

No wonder everyone was astonished to see me in such a new look compared to the original Scarlett Pride.

"Different? Is that what you want to say?" Scarlett finished Butler Fredo's statement.

"I-I m-mean… more beautiful, Miss Pride!" Butler Fredo stammered in his clarification.

"Thank you for the compliment, Mister Fredo! Kindly prepare my ride. I am planning to see my father," My immediate request to the chief of staff.

"But Miss Pride, your father wouldn't be glad if you leave the mansion."

That reminds me, the headmaster of Pride Family always kept the real Scarlett Pride safe within the mansion.

He is quite an over protective and over-bearing father because of the loss of his wife.

Ever since the day his wife died, he became over protective of his only daughter because he doesn't want to lose her the same way how he lost his beloved wife.

Especially, his only daughter is a splitting image of his beloved wife.

Before I could even respond to Butler Fredo's concern, someone appeared behind Butler Fredo.

"Let her go and see father. This is an interesting day! My anti-social sister and the one who hates to go in such public place finally wants to step in the work place of our father," He interjected.

He added, "Fredo, kindly prepare Scarlett's ride and assign a bodyguard to accompany her."

"Yes, Master Gary!"

Gary Pride, the second oldest son of Richard Pride.

Meaning, he is my older brother.

<< In the story, he also died trying to protect me. A self-less brother who always look after my welfare. He is the closest sibling to Scarlett Pride. >>

"Good morning, big brother!" I cheerfully greeted my older brother.

"You seem to be in a good mood. What is the cause of this high spirited mood of yours?" He chuckled at the sight of me.

"Nothing! I just wanted to go out and talk about something with father in person. I don't want anyone listening in my conversation with him."

I continued explaining to my older brother, "As you can see the phones are wire tapped and I am not allowed to have my own phone because of security issues and being tracked by untrustworthy individuals."

My remark surprised my older brother.

He became more curious on me, especially on how I knew about the phones being wire tapped.

'Oh! I forgot, the real Scarlett Pride was oblivious about this matter. Even the details about the security around the mansion. It means I have not been mated yet to the wolf prince.'

How can I explain this to him?

"Who told you about the wire taps on the phones?" Gary wondered at my remark.

"I just over heard you and Mister Fredo the other day talking about the security around the mansion," elaborating my explanation to him.

My older brother pondered on my reasoning.

He heaved a deep sigh before giving me an advice.

"Just don't cause any unnecessary trouble outside. Will you?" his last word to me before heading back to his room.

"Sure!" reassuring him with my behavior.

~Moments After~

Butler Alfredo assigned a bodyguard for me while we make our way to my father's workplace.

Looking outside the windowpane, I opened the window and basked in the fresh air.

As I was seated at the back of a black limousine, I pondered at the new life that I have to live in and survive at the moment.

This world consist of hierarchy.

[][] Social Hierarchy [][]

[] On top, {-THE WEREWOLVES-}

- The monarchs of this world consist of a bloodline of werewolves and have dominated the entire world with their power and strength.

[] Second, {-THE WITCHES-}

- They assist the werewolves behind the scenes. Their magic powers earned them such respect and position in society. Though they are nearly extinct creatures. Not everyone can command such magic. Thus, witches are rarely seen in public. Most of the time, they are always behind the scenes.

[] Third, {-THE HUMANS-}

- Such a creature like me is in the bottom of the social hierarchy. We may be rich but in terms of total control and prestige within the society, we are still below the werewolves. Of course, amongst humans, there also hierarchy. Hunters from different clans lead the top, Non-hunters consist the middle class, and the bottom of the barrel are the unfortunate poor souls, those who refuse to cooperate with the government.

This is why I need to help my father in accomplishing greater heights in his business.

[] Lastly, {-THE OUTLIERS-}

- Like the vampires! Such creatures hiding from the werewolves. Living in the night and behind the shadows. Keeping their isolation hidden from others. Not considered to be part of the society but I just want to consider them within my own assessment.

Government and the entire industry of the world are under the palm of the monarch.

Their strength and manpower are vastly huge.

Conquering the entire world with it.

Divided into many wolf packs.

This world is truly fascinating with all the wonders and extraordinary discoveries that lies ahead.

One of the many reasons I liked this story.

This is so unbelievable, living and breathing within the story itself.

On our way to the Metro City, the route used by my chauffeur was on a private route where there will be less trucks, public utility vehicles and private vehicles around.

To avoid traffic and unnecessary encounters.

Out of nowhere, the limousine stopped.

"Woah! What's wrong!" me asking the chauffeur.

"Miss Pride, just stay in the car! Whatever happens do not leave," The body guard instructed me to stay in the car.

The moment he stepped outside the limousine.

I could hear loud gunshots and growl from a fearsome beast.

It made me cover my ears.

But I became concerned for the men trying to protect me.

So I stepped outside to check on them.

And there it was…

Huge and menacing wolves.

"WEREWOLVES!" I uttered in astonishment.

The chauffer was just in front of me when I stepped outside.

He was holding a dagger at first then he clicked something.

Turning it into a long spear.

'I remember now! Pride Family harbors members of hunters under their wing. We are supposed to be protectors of the human race from any supernatural threat.'

In the middle of my contemplation, a group of 5 huge werewolves in few meters away began to close in.

Evading all attempts of my body guard and they took him down easily.

"Run, Miss Pride!" the chauffeur told me while I stood behind him.

All I can think of was…

Running was pointless because these werewolves are way faster than I am.

When I thought it was the end of me, another group of werewolves led by a white wolf suddenly leaped towards the group of werewolves in few meters away.

It was a complete spectacle.

A savage battle between werewolves.

Instead of screaming and crying in fear, I was amazed and impressed at the fierce battle happening in just few meters away.

Finally witnessing a werewolf clash when before I was just reading all of it.

Clawing at one another.

The savagery and lethal bites.

Now, it's in front of me.

Right after the battle ended…

For some unexplainable reason, the white werewolf looked at me with curiosity but its attention was diverted back to the defeated werewolves on the ground.

From what I can recall, white werewolves were pure-blooded werewolves. That belonged to a noble lineage of werewolves.

This is the world where werewolves and other impossible things are normal.

'I guess this is my new life now!' I thought to myself.



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