
Transmigrated as Azazel's son in DXD(Fan-Fiction)

{This fic is my First work in this field and English is my not my 1st language , So please do not mind my mistakes much. Thank you .. BTW this fic is also available on Scribble hub] [ Some good points about my book~ 1•"The Cool - busty lady KALAWARNER will be in harem" {And Rias akeno, koneko and kiba(hehe) *Aren't included in the harem*} . 2• The harem is gonna be huge. 3• Lots of pics of characters both cultured and non cultured on my plate.r.on Some free pics on comment section as well. 4• I will reply to every single comment. (You can check if you want too.) 5• I will add your ideas oin the story if I like them. And now theSummary :- In a endless void a soul was floating without an aim (Yeah i know typical FF s**t but there was something different about that soul, its middle fin*er was up..... yeah you heard it right)..................... What want to know reason? read it and you'll know.(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) Though I am not confident in writing R-18 scene I'll try to do my best in romance. [NOTE :- HIGH SCHOOL DXD IS NOT MINE, ANY Original characters aren't mine, I DO Not own Anything Other then MC and the Idea about this fan fiction. This fan fiction is just for fun I wrote as a hardcore HIGH SCHOOL DXD FAN.] My reason for writing this fan fiction you ask? :- Well after reading many fanfics about DXD although many were good most weren't what I wanted ,So even tho I am lazy...... VERY LAZY , I decided to write some So I'll add whatever element or S**t I want and yours too if I like your Idea.}

GLORIOUS_SIMP · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

/ Pure White Black-mail/

Hey~ How are you guys, I was pretty busy with some entrance exams and stuff for the last few days So I couldn't release chapters like usual And Its gonna continue for some more days but I will try to write a chapter whenever I can.. That reminds me I was writing a new chapter for my original story and it was almost completed BUT..... I made the mistake of reverting an old draft of it, I thought the reverted draft will become a new draft but No! I lost my 2400 something words, Arrghhh I was very busy for the last few days but I still took some time off to write and this happened.

I was so pissed that I though whether I should stop using webnovel. But after calming down I decided against it as it was my fault after all as I still don't know some stuff about This app. Anyways Thank you as always for Views, likes, Comments, Collections And power stones, As always. Now please enjoy the Chapter.


~~~~~Time skip 3 Years {Current age of Mathew 11 years old} ~~~~

(It's been almost two years since I Awakened liber de ingluvies Though I was able to somewhat improve with Telos Karma. But liber de ingluvies Is so hard to master it. Or more like level up it? Rob told me I need to Mes..... Directly or indirectly Interfere with Events that could affect the future. Hmm But I am too weak for that right Now. Though A plus point is that I recently discovered a new ability.

It's simply called Domain and it isolates space around me and my opponent , essentially making my own indipendent world. The laws of this world are completely under my rule. It is possible to trap opponent in that independent world, however if the opponent is stronger then the me he can forcefully break the said isolated space.

It just popped up from who knows where in my mind, And It's not like a magical aptitude, Its like a unique ability as if related to my bloodline.Well atleast that's the only theory what Dad could come up with. But I think I know exactly where it came from, Of course Rob is the one who sneakily stitched it at my soul or something. But since it's convenient I won't complain~)

"Hm? Mathew Sama you are already up what are you thinking so deeply about early in the morning?" Kalawarna asked somewhat interested in what got me brooding over early in the morning.

"Ah! It's nothing much I was just thinking about some things That happened in the past few years. Nothing to worry about anyway is the breakfast ready?"

"Yes Mathew sama Please get fresh While I serve the breakfast" Damn! Even though she's not a maid Having a hot secretory prepare breakfast for me, hm~hm~ It was a good idea to hire her as my personal secretory I hummed in mind while nodding.

"Mathew sama?"

"Ah! it's nothing I was just thinking it's good to see a beautifull face first Every morning" I said with a teasing smile.

"..... I-I will go and prepare the breakfast" Her face turned crimson red as she made her escape. Is this what they call gap-moe?

"Ah~ She ran away". But now that I think about it I just did something embarassing, Didn't I

But I don't feel an ounce of shame?

Well It's probably because of Dad's is the one raising me? Yeah lets go with this, I don't remember being flirtatious in my previous life. Its probably his fault.

~~~~~ 20 minutes later at the Dining Table~~~~~~

"Oh, Mathew You're up early today. It's quite hard hard to see you around for breakfast on time nowadays" Dad said after seeing me up unusually early for breakfast.

"I was always lazy, It's just That my body was a bit to energetic for my lazy soul before" I said while taking a seat.

"Huh? What are you talking about??" Dad was obviously confused.

"Well he always says wierd stuff like this, You should just get used to it" Hm? Oh! I almost forgot about this guy last year One day Dad brought Vali from somewhere saying that he"s going to be my younger brother, I wasn't very surprised as I already knew It was about time Vali showed up.Though I was a little surprised that this guy really is a chunni brat just like in novel. At first he didn't speak much with anyone not even Dad And I even felt sorry for him when I learned what he he had to go through from his mouth. At that time he looked so pitiful, But now It seems like picking a fight with me has become his favorite hobby

"Who are you calling wierd you chunni brat" I said while calmly taking a sandwitch in my plate, Of course I am not petty enough to fight with a brat who is barely 11 years old, for his rude comment. But I am just reprimanding  him for his rudeness as his big brother so it's fine, Yup it's fine~.

"Who are you calling a brat! You are not much older then me." Vali rebuked angrily.

"Hey! Don't talk with food in your mouth and Absolutely don't spit on my food. What are you a spitting cobra or something? " This seems to only anger him more. I will just ignore him at this point, He'll probably say wierd stuff again.

"Haa! How dare you call me 'The Mighty White Dragon Emperor' A snake! Do you not know the consequences of your action I'll../-

" Yeah~ Yeah~ whatever, Do you even know the spelling of Consequences you brat" Ahahaha, His face looks really funny right now~ It's as is he's out of breadth while blowing a ballon. But it looks like he's about to cry I should probably stop now.

"You/-" Before Vali could say Anything we were stopped by dad.

"Alright both of you stop! Although I am relieved that for once you're acting like kid of your age. Stop messing with Vali he's your little brother. And Vali Show some respect To Mathew even if he's only some months older then you, He's your older brother; Seriously It's really hard to raise kids these days" Dad looked tired at our usual convo. But what what does he mean by acting according your age, Anyways I have more important things to talk about.

"That aside, Dad could you Give me some money?" He looked confused, As I usually don't ask for money, Since I already have everything I need, And if I need something, I would just ask him for it.

"Hm? Sure, How much do you need and what are you gonna use it for?" Ah, I wonder how will he react?

"Well Give me as much as you can, but If I have ask for a specific ammount, Maybe $500million would suffice?" Hm? There's no reaction! There's no reaction I though He would chock on his drink or something??

"What?" Hahahaha that stupified look on his face priceless, Hahaha it's a good reaction too. Hm? What is Vali doing is he counting money with his fingers? Pffttt..hahaha okay- okay now calm down me, *Inhale* For now let's focus on the business.

"I said I need $500 million dollars" Hm?

"What are you doing?" Why is he sniffing his glass??

"I am just checking if This is not my usual wine but a very strong one. Unless I could I get drunk enough to hear to talking nonsense" He can't believe my words? Well..That's understandable after all If a 7 year old kid asks $500million dollars from me I would also check If I had something in my drink. But it's annoying now that I am 'that' kid.

"You heard it right and I am not joking, I have some plans, and some buisness ideas I am going to develope some games. And If everything went well You'll become my biggest shareholder and profit a lot" Dad just started at me as if I am a rare animal.

"No matter how talented you're in supernatural things you're just a kid who don't know anything about business, I Can't give you that much money, Business is not a game you can play and then throw when you're are bored Mathew". Woah he looks angry. Atleast he didn't ask if II am on drugs or something. But I won't just loose that easily, I still have my Trump card.

"Did you already forget about the ability of my Second longnius?" (Alright I have his full attention now).

Mathew grinned in confidence when he got a reaction from Azazel, But Azazel wasn't the only one who reacted at the words 'Second Longnius' He got Vali's full Attension as well.

"You mean.." Before he could finish his words I interrupted him.

"Thats right, It devours concept, Principles, and ideas. And they become mine. I can do whatever I want with them, And I devoured some concepts of business from you". Although Mathew said all this with a innocent smile, Azazel wasn't smiling at all.

"..*Sigh* ~ Why can't you act like a normal child for once. And when did you do that? If you want to do that again you better ask for permission, Seriously that's kinda creepy! I didn't even feel anything wierd, When did you even do that?". Mathew still did but and kept smiling, While Vali was conducted as he could understand what his brother and New adoptive Father? are talking about. But Azazel's next words caused Mathew's smile to fade.

"I do understand that you may have exllent business ideas and mind too. But I can't invest that much money on your ideas because I don't have that much money" Mathew couldn't believe his words but it's not like he could do anything If Azazel doesn't want to invest on his buisness.Other then.....

" Hah~ It can't be helped them I will go and ask miss Penemue to invest in exchange of some information" Azazel suddenly stopped all his movements and beads of sweat could be seen on his forehead.

"What do you mean by information?" But he Acted calm like a professional.

"Nothing much really, Just some information related to money Money embezzlement Plus some Reports about some wierd projects like back itching stick and other useless stuff like that" Azazel seemed shocked and angry at the same time. Shocked at how Mathew knew it all even though he hid all traces we'll and angry at his project being called wierd and useless.

"How did you know that! and Its called-

'Wicked Back Stabbing Deadly Sickle!!" Mathew seemed delighted that Azazel don't try to deny it, So he could save his time.

"Sooo.. Would you like to invest in the project of this Lil ol' me, And because you are my father, just for you I will add some special Intel which will help you in future" Azazel seemed to have already given up.

"Haah ~ Alright but I don't have that much money, I can give You $200 million dollars at most and even that will take some days to collect. And tell me in detail about it all including the intel" A bright smile adorned Mathew's face again as he enthusiastically discussed all about his idea, Intel and other things.

" Sure I will manage with $200 million dollars for now Other then that please provide me with some Computers and stuff introduce me to some game developers and animators, voice artists etc. As for the intel" I lean forward a bit "Do you want to deal with a devil?" Azazel was shocked yet again. And Vali for some reason was staring at Mathew intently.

~~~~~~~Couple of Minutes later~~~~~~~

"..... *Sigh* Blackmailing your own Father seriously are you sure you're a fallen and not a devil. Well maybe I should be glad as you'll definitely take that cursed title of 'Most Wicked Fallen' From me." Azazel was impressed and amused at the Shamelessness of his own son. At that time Azazel didn't know his words were going to become reality in the future.

"Hah~ atleast tell me where did you even get this information and how credible is it?" However there was someone who was impressed for a different reason, Even though Vali didn't completely understand the situation he was awed at how Mathew could force Their Father to do his bidding without even lifting a finger, If he had this talent he perhaps he could have avoided all that beating and abuse he got from his Father, Or even better maybe he could've even helped his mother as well.

While Mathew was Having a banter with his Father. Vali had already developed some respect for his older brother. And Mathew the ringleader of this whole scenario was of course unaware of it as he continued eating his dessert with a blissful expression on his face.


P/S- SeaMist2010, Room_game, loky11, SchneeSturm, m14k0v, Inevitable_Creator, Scorpio304, Devil_Dao97, Akaljot_Singh_0905, ggswart_510. Thank You so much for the power stones.