
Transmigrated as an Instant Dinner with a Bonus!

Welcome to the enigmatic tale of Reinhart Glast, a warrior wrapped in a hard hat, hit by a storm of misfortune in his prime years. Threatened by Parkinson's Disease, his world crumbles into a heap of depression, pushing him to the edge of despair. As he contemplates death, life serves him a bittersweet twist - instead of oblivion, Reinhart's existence is whisked away to another realm, where he is plated as... an instant dinner? Fork your way through the unfathomable world of Fallenia, a simmering cauldron across dimensions, where the air stirs with magical energy known as Mana, and humanoid dragons, the Dralkons, color the sky. At the heart of this world lies the Roost of Grammel, where Queen Maze sits on the overheated throne, ensnared in a whirlwind of conspiracy and strife. With her kingdom on the razor's edge of chaos, the heat of politics blisters relentlessly. In the spice-ridden milieu of Maze's royal tribulations, our unlikely hero Reinhart appears, struggling to digest his peculiar fate. Their paths merge in an unusual mélange of destiny and dire need, as they bite into the thick crust of Fallenia's challenges. The epic adventure of this duo cooks up the central plot of our story, as they navigate the cauldron of deception, whip up alliances, and serve their enemies with defeat. "Transmigrated as a Magic Dinner with a Bonus!" invites you to a banquet of emotions steeped in serendipity, marinated in unpredictability, and peppered with danger. Side servings of robust courage and simmering hope accompany magical entrées, all garnished with a dose of humor that refreshes the narrative platter. It’s more than just a saga — it’s a lavish buffet for your imagination. Hold your spoon of anticipation and dive in, but be forewarned: this is a sizzling tale, likely to set your excitement aflame and tantalize your literary palate. Enjoy your meal!

Magic_ · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Out of the Frying Pan

The afternoon sun seared overhead with no promise of relenting its heat soon. Reinhart stared up at the sky with a weary gaze as he pivoted his eyes back to look at Maze, trudging through the underbrush. The forest seemed to stretch on forever. It was verdant, filled with a myriad of strident sounds of unseen creatures and robust, thundering waterfalls in the distance.

Reinhart had materialized back into his normal human form about an hour ago, and despite having just regained his consciousness, his mind was shrieking alarms about the limited time he had left.

"We should stop," Maze panted, halting her pace and shielding her eyes from the sun. Her face was flushed from the heat and exertion, lines of perspiration trailing down her forehead. She leaned her weight on a nearby tree, her breath ragged and heavy.

"I agree. You need to rest," Reinhart said, taking in her fatigued form with concern. He knew Maze was pushing herself for their survival, but he also knew she needed to care for herself. Right now, her health was paramount to their survival.

Maze sank down with her back against the tree, sighing as she closed her eyes. "I didn't envision spending my day like this, you know. I thought I'd be in my palace, dealing with boring court matters... not running for my life in a forest."

"I know what you mean, but if I am being honest, this is better than my old life. Even if I have to change back into a cardboard box in three hours," I sighed with a smile, and Maze looked up at me with an inquisitive look.

"Change back...?" She turned her head slightly, her tired eyes questioning. "To your other form, you mean?"

Reinhart nodded as he slumped down next to her. The soft rustle of fallen leaves and the distant serenade of birds was their only background noise. "Yes, the instant dinner package. Happens every time the four-hour mark hits. This is all new to me."

Maze blinked, taking a moment to process the information. "Hang on... you mean to say you become a dinner pack... unintentionally?"

Reinhart chuckled, "Something like that. Bocchi, the entity, never told me how to control it. I discovered the timeframe part myself."

Maze frowned at the thought, leaning her head back against the tree and staring into the tree's tall branches. "So, what you're saying is... "

"Basically, currently I'm more like Cinderella. A very rough, construction worker version that turns back into a...literal meal instead of a pumpkin," Reinhart finished, punctuating his explanation with a dry chuckle.

"Who is that? Cinderella? Bocchi?" She asked, and Reinhart facepalmed, remembering that he was no longer in Seattle or on Earth for that matter.

"Oh, right. Cinderella is a story from my world. Anyway, Bocchi is the entity that brought me here. Wish I could tell you more about... it? Him? But, to be honest, I have no idea."

Maze sighed softly, clearly trying to wrap her mind around it all. It stayed silent between them for another few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts.

A sudden grumble interrupted the silence, Maze's face flushed a deep crimson as she looked away. Reinhart laughed, "Guess you're hungry, huh?"

Looking decidedly sheepish, she reluctantly nodded. "The food you gave me helped, but this running has really drained me. Before we escaped, I was...too tense."

Reinhart glanced down at his hands. He somehow knew that he could transform back, but then he would be stuck that way till they found someone new to eat him. "Well," he began, his voice filled with uncertainty, "My contents are, um, edible now. It would take me back to my other form, but you would get a temporary power buff, not to mention be fully healed and nourished."

Maze stared back at him wide-eyed. "What? Really?"

He shrugged, "Guess there's more to me than meets the eye. For someone who was practically a meal ticket back on Earth... Who would have thought I'd become some... magical cuisine here in Fallenia."

Despite the surreal situation, they shared a laugh, the sound echoing in the quiet vastness of the forest. The forest that just moments ago seemed daunting and ominous, now held a sense of solidarity, as if sharing this secret between them fortified their bond. The laughter subsided and a comfortable quietness lingered in the air, each immersed in their thoughts.

"We should probably keep moving soon," Maze mentioned, breaking the silence. "The sun will be setting and we need to find a secure place to camp for the night."

Reinhart nodded, standing up and stretching his stiff limbs. "You're right, but first, dinner?"

With an amused grin, Maze reached out to him. "Yes, dinner. But...only on one condition."

"Oh? What might that be? considering how I am going to have to change back into a box for you to eat, shouldn't I be setting the terms?" Reinhart smirked, making Maze smile warmly.

"Yes to your offer, but only if you promise to tell me more about this 'Cinderella' and your world."

Despite the worry nagging at him regarding their situation, Reinhart managed a genuine smile, "Deal."

"But are you sure?" Maze asked, and Reinhart sighed, looking at his hands.

"I really don't know, if I am being honest. You need to eat, but your magic burns up so fast when you use it. I am worried that we might get into trouble and there is nothing I can do to help you," Reinhart explained, his eyes filled with concern. "Given how unpredictable the situations can be, I need you to stay strong. And if my transformation can help, then it is a risk we have to take."

Understanding dawned on Maze's face as she grasped the dire circumstances they were in. "Alright," she agreed, nodding solemnly as she reached out and touched the package once he transformed. "Just hope that your magic dinner trick keeps up with us, Reinhart."

As the sun set and they embarked on their journey again, all they had was the promise of a perilous path ahead, the company of each other, and a peculiar magic meal named Reinhart. Sometimes life didn't serve what one wished for, but it did serve what was required—often disguised in the most unimaginable wrappings.