
Transmigrated As A Villain in the Beginning Of The Plot

Waking up Damon found himself inside the body of a rich second generation who was loaded with money but wait...Doesn't this plot sounds familiar? "...Oh Fuck!" Realising himself possessing the body of the villain Damon didn't know what to do then suddenly a voice rang in his mind. [Ding..] [Almighty Villain System Activated]

IceMonarch · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Agatha Frost

Driving his Buggati La Voiture Noire Damon left his villa.

This time Damon didn't take Aisha with him. Originally Aisha wanted to go along with Damon but he ordered her not to as Damon would be talking about something which he doesn't think Aisha is ready enough to know yet.

Damon soon reached the headquarters of the Frost Industries which is the tallest skyscraper in the whole city.

Getting to the parking lot Damon took the V.I.P. elevator which is specially reserved for Arthur, Damon and the trusted staff of the Frost Group only to use.

Arthur's office was located at the topmost floor of the skyscraper so Damon pressed the button for it.

He didn't need to take any appointments or anything to meet with Arthur and seeing his car which is registered in the company's database entering its premises the staff would have already notified Arthur about his arrival.


The elevator reached the top floor and after a proper inspection by the security Damon was allowed to enter.

As he entered the waiting room an old man wearing a butler uniform greeted him.

He was Albert, Arthur's personal assistant and butler.

"Sorry Sir Damon, but Sir Arthur is currently in the meeting with Madam Frost"

"Madam Frost?"

Damon, who heard the name of Madam Frost, couldn't help but frown a little.

The Madam Frost in Albert's mouth refers to none other than Agatha Frost, his grandmother.

Arthur originally came from Frost Family, a second rate family of the capital.

He was the firstborn that the old patriarch Theodore, his grandfather and Agatha.

Arthur was also revered as a business prodigy who was praised by everyone and loved by Agatha and Theodore.

After Theodore passed away Agatha took over the position of the head of the family and ran the family business.

During his college years Arthur fell in love with Damon's mother Olivia but Agatha disapproved of their relationship as she believed in 'elite blood' thing.

Agatha despised Damon's mother and separated their relationship with Arthur.

Arthur after leaving the family created this massive empire of Frost Industries by himself.

Quite a romantic story isn't it?

But unfortunately this didn't last long.

Olivia became pregnant with Damon and died while giving birth to him.

After that incident Arthur was devastated and you know pretty much he would do his best for Damon.

Well coming back to the topic Agatha and Arthur's relationship hasn't returned to what it was before separating though the he still maintained his relationship through business and all making the Frost one of the first rate families in the capital.

Damon hearing about Agatha's visit was a little surprised but didn't care much as he didn't have any good impression of her and just sat in silence browsing his phone waiting for Arthur to get free.

"Oh I didn't expect to see filthy blood like you here"

As Damon was browsing the internet a voice brought him out of his phone and looking at the source of the sound he wasn't surprised at all.

It was an old lady who stood at the height of 5 feet 5 inches with a healthy body and was surrounded by 6 of her bodyguards.

She may be old but had an aura of superiority around her.

It was none other than his bitch grandmother.

"It's been years since I last saw you, you really have grown up well"

Walking down the stairs Agatha made a remark about Damon who just sat calmly over the couch with a smile on her face.

"Guess rumours are true your face is really quite a piece of art"

Agatha said admiring Damon's face but her eyes showed a clear despise.

"Really good looking I must say, you had perfectly inherited the genes regarding beauty from the filthy blood of that lowly woman"

Hearing Agatha's reply Damon didn't get angry instead he calmly turned his head towards Albert who stood at his side silently.

"Albert has Dad bought some new pets for himself?"

"No sir"

"Then why do I hear some bitch barking"


Hearing Damon's words Agatha was furious and was about to say something but before she could Damon got up from the couch and stood in front of her.

"Stop barking bitch"

"I don't fucking care how much you bark outside but in front of me you should know your place"

Releasing a bit of his pressure and at the same time immobilizing the bodyguards who stood behind Agatha Damon bent forward and looked straight into her eyes.

"You already have your half foot in the grave, you are welcome to come to me if you want me to put your other half of your foot too, I will be glad to"

Looking straight into the terrified eyes of Agatha, Damon said to her and took back his pressure.


The bodyguards and Agatha who were under Damon's pressure coughed furiously after Damon took back his pressure as it was too much for them.

Damon didn't say anything but began to walk towards his Arthur's office and as he did he looked at the bodyguards who got themselves together and were helping Agatha out.

"Next time make sure to have your bitch on a leash it won't be good for others if she kept barking"

Saying so Damon didn't pay much attention to them and went towards the gate to the office.