
Transmigrated As a Legendary NPC

Cinder Wood, an official ranker in the state of the art videogame "Goldbirth". In the year 3648, humanity had acquired several new recourses and advanced in technology, so much so, they could create digital-worlds if their own. As humanity became complacent of jobs due to them mostly being done by machines, they resorted to entertainment, and so the game "Goldbirth" was created by the super AI "Core". The poor could become rich and the rich could become richer depending on their skill, eventually, due to the hyper-realism of "Goldbirth", the whole world-revolved around it to make their daily income. Cinder Wood, an exceptionally player, grinded until he started to feel sick, day to night, for years straight, and with luck on his side he eventually became a ranker. After Cinder finds a secret NPC dressed as a beggar, he receives a mission to find the "edge of the world". Cinder, realizing the benefits he could get from this, decides to accept this mission. With clues, and side-quests, a year later, he finally reaches the edge of the world. The quest isn't activating and Cinder gets blown out the boundaries by a goblin-mage, even though that shouldn't be possible. He wakes up in a new body and the system gives him a short summary of the situation. Watch the journey as Cinder lives his life as a Legendary NPC, "Lord of Cinder, Legendary Blacksmith".

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"Gold-Birth," a sensational game with realism which is identical to real life, I, Cinder Wood, had reached a peak that only people who spend millions of dollars can hope to reach.

Ranker, a title envied by billions, after years of grinding, with my exceptional luck and skill I've reached that peak.

In the year 3648, the video-game, "Gold-Birth" was taking over the world due to it's real-life graphics and sentient inhabitants. Since most jobs were taken by machines, the world was in a state of panic.

This is when they introduced "Gold-Birth" a video-game which is managed by a super AI, "Core".

Thanks to this video-game, I make a good living and make 1,000+ dollars a day, and can even make millions if I offer services such as carrying, targeting, etc.

Today I'm going out to farm hobgoblins for a rare-drop I need to craft new armor, in this realistic game NPCs can be considered sentient, they learn, adapt, react, no different than us. A beggar in the distance, begging for money, but look at all those people ignoring him.

"P-please just a dollar sir!"

Why would someone waste money on a NPC who isn't going to give anything back in return, but I'm feeling good today, I might as well spare a dollar.

"Here sir, have a good day."

With a grin on my face and the feeling of having done a good deed, my day quickly brightened up.

*Ah, that felt nice, good-karma is always good to build up.*

As I'm about to enter hobgoblin territory the system pops up.

+- " Requirements for Hidden Quest have been completed, would you like to accept the Hidden Quest "Edge of the World"? "-

Hidden quests are extremely rare, a one in a million chance! Rewards granted by hidden quests are always luxurious.


Without delay, I quickly accept the hidden quest without even looking at the title of it.

-" Accepted Hidden Quest "Edge of the World". "-


Type: Hidden Quest

Title: Edge of the World

Description :

" Find clues by talking to the "Giant Twin Brothers", and locate the Edge of the world using grit, determination, and luck. "

Reward :



*Wait, wait, wait, something is missing here, it wants me to find the clues myself? What a bunch of BULLSHIT!*

Usually Hidden Quests have a lot of information regarding clues, that make it a lot easier for players to complete them. There has never been a hidden quest with this much information missing.

After resolving my determination, I ditched the hobgoblin area and ran straight to the town containing the "Giant Twin Brothers", as a ranker I was very knowledgeable about NPCs and which towns contain certain ones.

The "Giant Twin Brothers" are a duo from the Giant Race, or well a sub-species of Giants called "Grants", "Grants" are a rare sub-species that get rid of the "Giant" part of Giants and leaves them with the strength and mobility.

The Giant Twin Brothers are the center of information in the starter-town "Brit", Brit is the starter-place for all people, it holds the most basic equipment and NPCs, perfect for beginners.

As I approach the entrance of the house the "Giant Twin Brothers" reside in, I regain my breath, since they hate people with bad manners, and respectfully enter after knocking. One of the brothers, "Gorg", shows up and inquiries to my appearance.

"Cinder! I haven't seen you since your beginner days, Hahaha, how are you doing these days?"

If there was a bad-cop and good-cop, Gorg would be the good one, and "Jorg" the other Giant, would be the bad-cop. But a similarity they both share, is they both hate being called "Grant", and take pride in being called a "Giant".

Gorg has a strong physique with orange hair and a orange beard, Jorg looks the same, hence the "Twin Brothers" part of "Giant Twin Brothers", they both look like they are in their mid 40's.

"Yeah, nice to see you Gorg, I've been doing good, I had some questions regarding a quest that I think you might be able to help me with."

Gorg doesn't like "Quests" and the game in general, even though he is a NPC living in it, sometimes the behavior of NPCs make me think what it would be like to be one. Gorg walks away while waving his hand.

"I'm alright kid, go away."

Gorg seemed upset, but I couldn't let this Hidden Quest slipped through my fingers so I had to pull out one of the favors I had with him.

"Gorg, please, remember that time I helped gather your materials for free because you urgently needed them? Please return the favor."

I'm saying "return the favor" but the only reason I helped him with in hopes of having a secret reward. I clench my teeth and wait in anticipation as he stops.

"Fine, kid, this one time, what do you need?"

A smile of relief washes over me as he walks back in front of me.

" I need clues regarding "Edge of the World" "

"Ah, your in luck kid, find the Magus of Brit, she's knowledgably about this stuff, and if you say I sent you, she'll me more adamant to helping."

I bow in a sense of gratitude while making myself to the Magus of Brit, this loop to being redirected to different NPCs continued for nearly a year.

"A-A-AH FINALLY! THE EDGE! Who would've ever thought that I would have to, fight a dragon, find secret stones, open a portal, go through it, fight golems ... and finally split the lake in two, to finally reach here."

A distinct red wall surrounds the place, as if to signal you can't go out. I touch the wall but my quest still wasn't complete, the wall was indestructible, there was no way to get past it, I sit down to try and gather my thoughts.

That's when a mage goblin appears out of no wear, mischievously chanting behind a nearby rock unknowing to me.


A strong gust of winds flies me backwards, coincidentally, towards the red wall, but instead of colliding with it, I phase right through it.


As I fall, and fall, the end of the fall can only be explained by two words. "The Abyss", I close my eyes, and reopen them to find myself in a bed.

"W-where am I? Whose bed is this?"

Confused, I get out of the bed and look to the mirror placed to my right.


Long black hair, as if I just stepped out of the world of Murim, defined eyebrows and precise yet charismatic eyes, with black hair and red eyes.

-" Welcome, you must be confused, would you like an explanation. "-

Strange enough, the system talked to me on it's own accord, which means the Super AI governing the game, "Core", must be talking to me directly.

"Y-yes, please?"

-"You died in a real life the moment you died from the glitch in the barriers, I had managed to capture your soul before it left your body, even I am dumbfounded on how I did this"-

A sense of confusion, terror, shock, washes over my face as the system pops up once again.

-" I have "Transmigrated" you as a NPC, follow the System's quests to live a comfortable live. "-

I open up my mouth as if to try to prevent it from leaving.

"W-w-WAIT, How does an NPC receive quests??"

No response.

"P-please answer me."

No response.

As I get up to try and navigate this unfamiliar room, I stub my toe and realize the pain I'm experiencing is very detailed, unlike when playing the game, pain was reduced by 50% and under extreme cases, 100%.

* A piece of code, I'm a piece of code, HOW AM I GONNA GET A GIRLFRIEND NOW YOU PIECE OF SHIT SYSTEM! *

I take out my anger on the system, venting my stress for about 5 minutes, before calming down after hearing a knock on my room door...