
Transmigrated as a Ghost

Dying in a tragic accident Marcus Ferrous gets transferred to a fantasy world of monsters and magic, except when he arrives contrary to what he expected he is now level one and a ghost. Left with nothing on a strange new world, Marcus will struggle with everything he has on his journey to get stronger and uncover the secrets of his new world. Artwork By Radiopaque.

MegaC · Fantasy
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1100 Chs

Chapter 816 Planning their Next Move

The moment Marcus returned to his room on the resort, he found that Mrazivý was no longer in the room.

Almost immediately panic gripped him and he thought that the worst might have happened.

'Mraz, are you there?!' Marcus shouted in his mind sending her a telepathic signal.

For a moment all was quiet and he was getting ready to tear the entire resort apart to find her when she responded.

'Yes, I am here. Why are you so panicked? I am just in the bath. If you had calmed down and focused, I am sure you would have noticed that I am here.' She said with her telepathy and having an exacerbated tone.

Hearing this, the tension left Marcus immediately and as he listened, he could distinctly hear that Mrazivý was not far away and in the bath.

With a sigh of relief, he sat down on the bed and calmed down.

A few minutes later Mrazivý came out of the bathroom with a bath robe on and using a towel to dry her hair.