
Transmigrated as a Ghost

Dying in a tragic accident Marcus Ferrous gets transferred to a fantasy world of monsters and magic, except when he arrives contrary to what he expected he is now level one and a ghost. Left with nothing on a strange new world, Marcus will struggle with everything he has on his journey to get stronger and uncover the secrets of his new world. Artwork By Radiopaque.

MegaC · Fantasy
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1123 Chs

Chapter 65 Clean Up and Payment

With the demon and the necromancer now dead Voda turned towards Marcus and said, "Thank you for your help, I am finally rid of that nuisance, so once you finish up here come back to the church and you can claim your reward."

Voda then disappeared in a puff of mist leaving Marcus alone with a few high level undead that were left.

Looking around Marcus counted three skeletons and four zombies all above level twenty and decked out in armor and weapons.

'Fuck, she could not stay and help me finish these things off, I used up practically all of my mana and am running on fumes right now.'

The now unbound zombies and skeletons began chasing Marcus around swing their weapons at him and trying to rip him to sherds.

Marcus tried his best to fight them off but without the mana to use magic or enhance himself he was having a hard time doing meaningful damage.

Marcus figured he could not win without his mana, so he went about stalling waiting for his mana to replenish enough for him to bring back his iron golem to help him finish off the undead chasing him.

However, a seven on one fight was becoming increasingly more difficult, and Marcus was slowly taking damage when he realized something.

He then broke off and ran as far away as he could and reverted to his ghost form.

'Sometimes I am an idiot, I should have just done this from the start. Now all I have to do is wait for a few minutes and I can take care of this easily.'

Once his mana had fully restored Marcus summoned up his iron golem and had it start fighting the undead along with him.

The iron golem would take the brunt of the attacks while Marcus quickly moved in swinging his scythe around slicing up the undead and when any came after him, he would batter them away with his iron sphere.

After a few minutes had managed to finish off the remaining undead and finally could be done with them.

'That was a bit of a pain, but it is over now, and I think it is time I look over the possessions that necromancer had since that amulet seemed pretty powerful.'

Walking over to the necromancer's corpse Marcus first looked for his amulet but unfortunately found that it had broken. He figured he either overloaded it with his thunderbird strike or it was just an item that could only be used once.

Sighing with disappointment at finding the amulet was unusable, Marcus rifled through the rest of the necromancer's body taking anything he thought was valuable.

'Well, I was hoping for a bit more, but it is a decent hall overall. He had a magic bag with around thirty gold in it so that helps out my financial situation a bit, but the real draw are the other items. He has a few healing and mana restoring potions as well a staff that empowers magic a bit. Though the other things he had are all related to necromancy like this ghastly ritual book which I do not really have an interest in.'

Happy for the most part with the loot he got off the necromancer, Marcus did a once over of the place to make sure he did not miss anything.

Once he had finished up examining the area and finding that there was nothing else of value or any hidden undead Marcus, went around lighting all of the corpses on fire before making his way back to the surface.

Having made it out of the sewers that he hoped to never venture into ever again, Marcus started moving directly for the Church of Aigean to claim his payment for a successfully completed request.

When the church came back into view Marcus felt a bit of trepidation, since on his previous visits the barrier around the building had caused him to get lost and forcibly kept him out.

Luckily, this time he was able to approach without issue since Voda had already adjusted the barrier to no longer repel him.

Once inside Marcus looked around at the grand entrance seeing stained glass windows that were arranged in what he assumed were representations of Aigean.

'I did not get a good look at this place last time, but it actually has some really great architecture reminiscent of some of the famous gothic churches from Earth.'

After he had finished gawking around like a kid in a candy store, Marcus found an acolyte and asked her if she could take him to head priest Voda. However, their response was, "There is no one by the name of Voda here, the head priest's name is Ursola. I do not know who gave you that name but if you have no other business, I will be on my way."

"Wait I am the adventure that accepted the request at the adventures guild and have come to report its completion."

"Oh, in that case I will lead you to the head priest, but I did not even know that they had met with an adventure already."

Marcus then followed the young acolyte around the church and up a large set of stairs and was thinking that he had been bamboozled by Voda, and now he was going to meet someone completely different and would have to complete a new request.

However, When he was led into the head priest's office, he saw that the person sitting their looking over some forms while sipping tea was indeed Voda.

Looking up from her paperwork she noticed Marcus and the acolyte, and a smile crept onto her face.

The acolyte then said, "Head priest this man says he is the adventure that accepted your request and that he has completed."

"Yes, that is correct, thank you Vanessa, you can leave us now and I will finish up with him."

Vanessa gave a small bow before exiting leaving Marcus alone with Voda.

"I have finished up and come to collect my payment as promised, Ursola or is it Voda?"

Realizing her blunder she said, "Sorry about that, my real name is Voda, but I go by the name Ursola while acting as the head priest here. Normally I would introduce myself as Ursola but since I first met you in my spirt form I forgot and gave you my real name, hopefully that did not cause you too much trouble."

"No, it was fine just gave me a bit of anxiety is all, since I was afraid that you were not the real head priest, and I was going to have to do another job."

"Well, I really am sorry about that but since it all turned out fine let us get down to business, which of these magic items would you like."

Voda then took out the items she had previously shown him and allowed him to look them over again.

After examining each of the items, Marcus decided to go with the pair of boots that had caught his eye before since they gave off a powerful aura.

"You have a knack for picking out magic items, of everything I showed you those boots a certainly the most powerful. I suppose I should tell you what they are. They are called boots of the deep and with give you the ability to walk on water as well as breath underwater. You will also be uninhibited by water pressure allowing you to move as you do on land. And its strongest abilities are that it will increase your agility by five percent, and it has a special attack called tidal stomp. To use it simply pour mana into the boots and slam it down onto the ground."

Looking at the boots in his hands Marcus had a twinkle in his eyes nearly, overwhelmed with how powerful these boots were.

'This was definitely worth it; in terms of value these things must be worth thousands of gold and for me they are basically priceless. I need ever boost I can get, and these boots are absolutely stupendous.'

Marcus immediately tried the boots on, finding that they adjusted to his foot size and fit perfectly. Once he had put them on, he could feel the enchantments in them effecting his body.

He then looked up at Voda and said, "These boots are certainly impressive are you sure you want to let me have them."

"Yeah, it is fine, I actually have another pair for myself so those are just spares, and since you did such a good job for me, I have another rewards for you."

Marcus' entire body was then bathed in a bright blue light and unlike the crushing pressure he felt during their first meeting this light gave off a soothing aura that eased Marcus' soul.

After a few minutes Marcus felt completely refreshed like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"What did you just do I feel much better than I did before."

"Oh, I noticed that your soul had some damage so I healed it for you, it is not good to let a wound to the soul go untreated since if it festers you could have died."

With a look of fear on his face Marcus realized he needed to be more carefully as there were a lot of things, he still did not know about this world, like that a soul could fester.

"Thanks for healing my soul and I will keep that in mind, but now I need to turn in the completion tag for this request so I can solidify my silver rank."

"Oh, I understand this was your rank up mission, here is the tag and if you need my help do not be afraid to ask and if it is within my power, I will lend you some aid."

With his request complete and reward collected Marcus made his way out of the church and started heading towards the adventurers guild.