
Transmigrated as a Fat villain: All heroines are after me

"Y-young master, the Lord is requesting your presence." I looked at myself in the mirror as a maid's voice, laced with trepidation, reached my ears. "Tell him I'll be there shortly." "I understand, y-young master." I paid no mind to her quivering presence, my gaze fixed on my reflection. And this is exactly why I despise this character, Yes, He is a villain with my name but does it matter, no, the problem is this guy's weight he is so heavy that this tub of lard is weighing me down, literally. For someone who prides themselves on muscle, nothing's worse than "fat," and this guy before me? Well, he's a prime example of that. "I suppose I need a workout." Reaching the door, exhaustion gripped me and I found myself gasping for breath. It was unbelievable – this body was so darn heavy. After an arduous struggle, I finally made my way out of the room, causing servants carrying a litter¹ to scurry over. They lowered it, creating a path for me to step onto it. I tried to ignore the spectacle – it was this pampering that turned this fatty into a giant tire. Pushing the annoyance aside, I began to move, managing only about 10 steps before my legs gave out. Damn it. Seriously? I collapsed, leaving the twenty servants to hastily lift me and place me onto the litter. For me, it felt more like a stretcher. There I was, sprawled on it like some mountain, panting heavily. "You damn god! I hope the protagonist of your favorite novel gets NTRed!" . . "We're here, young master." Can you believe it? his father's office is just thirty steps away from this pumpkin room, yet he insists on using a litter. "Give me a hand." I ordered while cursing this hefty body under my breath. "Oh, come, come, my dear child. How was your day?" I glanced at the middle-aged man, his face exuding warmth and care. As for my feelings? This old man right here is the reason this chubby exists. Not that I give a darn about my indulgent father. "I'm alright, Dad." Yes, imagine this: as a noble, this old man spoiled this pumpkin so much that he thinks he can go around scolding the mansion's maids and servants. "Take a seat. Hey, fetch his chair!" You might wonder why he doesn't sit on a regular chair. Well, that's because the chair is custom-made to accommodate this hippo-sized frame. "What's going on, Dad?" Seriously, why would he summon this big old hippo over to his quarters? There's gotta be a reason for it.... "Your fiancee is coming tomorrow" ~~~~~~~~~ Join Discord for Faster Update notification:: https://discord.gg/QZnWtQARft NO YURI NO INCEST NO NTR --- This story doesn't carry any of these things. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE ~ you can expect some errors

A4KL · Fantasy
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173 Chs

Chapter 34 - Dreams are more important than Dragon Bloodline

Rihane's POV

In my life, things have always been interesting because I can sense what people are really feeling. Plus, I have this special power called "Soul Insight."

It helps me understand not just someone's physical body, but also their soul – their emotions, and how well it fits with their body.

When I got to the academy, I was blown away by how beautiful it was. But then, something caught my eye – a person whose soul felt totally out of sync with their body. Normally, I can tell if someone's soul matches their body by the color, and this was a real curiosity.

It got even more interesting when a girl next to him said something that made everyone look at him.

Inside the classroom, I met some really unique people.

There was a Craten guy with cracks in his soul, like it had left his body many times.

Then, there was this Haidren girl whose soul seemed dim compared to her body, like she was carrying a heavy burden.

And, then a sapphire coloured eye boy whose soul was looked like a girl, It was funny to see a girl wearing boys clothes.

I took my seat, and the girl I'd noticed at the academy entrance came over. Despite her cute appearance, her soul shone brightly, telling me she was mentally strong.

As I started chatting with this girl, she mentioned how amusing this person named 'Zeph' was. However, her emotions were telling me a different story. It became evident that she was not entirely truthful with me, although I didn't sense any malicious intent behind her words.

Before long, the boy with the incompatible soul entered the scene once again, emitting an unsettling aura. His soul was bright, but his body had a slightly dull color. This contrast intrigued me, and it felt different from the girl with the burdened soul. It was as if his body had experienced many things, though not to the extent of being entirely dark and yet his soul was clear not common in this world , everyone in this classroom have some taint on their soul as if they got tortured emotionally or did it to others.

Then, I noticed Thalia calling him, using my name. I decided to play it cool, and why not? It seemed like being around such amusing people might be a good experience.





Diana's POV

In a corner of the classroom one can see a sapphire coloured eye boy murmuring something.

"Are you saying that boy has a solution for my broken mana vessel?" I inquired of my earring as it conveyed something intriguing to me.

"Yes, that boy possesses an artifact capable of controlling the flow of mana within one's body," my earring replied.

Upon hearing these words, I directed my gaze toward the boy who was conversing with two girls before taking a seat in the corner of the classroom, almost as if he were creating an invisible barrier that said, 'Don't approach.'

I felt a connection, knowing he shared the same condition as me, which led me to contemplate the challenges he must have faced.

Then, my earring's voice chimed in again, revealing, "I can't detect any mana emanating from his body, but I can see the artifact directing it towards his body, significantly enhancing his strength. It might be some form of concealed physique."

When earring previously mentioned of having insights comparable to something from the Sanctum's third floor and the keys to unlocking a solution left me astonished at that time but now as I saw that boy it also stirred a sense of jealousy within me, knowing that this person already possessed such a valuable artifact.





Once again, my persistent dreams have let me down. This time, this 'zeph' boy was not in my dreams but appeared in reality.

I've been plagued by these dreams for as long as I can remember, and it's become quite irritating. Initially, I believed they held some truth, maybe a sign of rebirth or something meaningful.

However, as more and more of my dreams turned out to be false, I started suspecting that I might be under the influence of a mind manipulation spell.

Today, I took a chance, hoping that by unlocking a new power, I could uncover the meaning behind these recurring dreams.

However, what I found was that I had gained some sort of dragon bloodline, which significantly improved my abilities.

Unfortunately, it didn't provide any answers to my ongoing dream troubles.


Thank you all for the support you've given. As a novice writer, what motivates me is knowing that someone is eagerly waiting for the next chapter, even if they are just a few. So, I hope you'll continue to give this novice author some precious Power Stones and keep me motivated to write more chapters. Of course, as promised, today I will upload four more chapters.