
Transmigrate to be a luna

I woke up in the land of the supernaturals and I happened to be a wolf as well but I am the runt. The last thing I remember was reading for my finals and now I am in the land of the supernaturals as the weak runt of a pack. However, living as a werewolf wasn't as easy as I thought.

cobalt_blue · Fantasy
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23 Chs


"Hey, What's this little pipsqueak doing here?" Another bulky man huffed as he approached beside the eye-patched man. He grinned showing his rough dentures. He also had the same physique as the gruff man with an eye patch.They were probably guards.

"Same thing you rascals are doing" I said rudely. A shocked gasp erupted in the background at my brave remark. Both men stood quiet, a quick glance at one another before turning back to me.

His friend's jaw clenched, he obviously didn't like the way I talked. However the eye-patched man stepped in before his friend reacted, "Real cute, but buzz off while I am still being nice." His deep voice boomed through the dining room. All eyes focused on us.

Some of them in the crowd had started whispering to one another. "Who is this runt?"

"I heard she's new." another answered.

"She must be crazy to go against them" they commented.

I narrowed my gaze at the two men in front of me. Deep down my survival instinct told me to flee but I paid no mind to them. My stubbornness getting the best of me. I couldn't back down.

They all waited in anticipation of what was going to be done to me.

"I just need food for me and my friend," I started with a calm voice. Hoping to somehow appease them to let us get some food. Without resulting into a fight.

They both burst into laughter at my request. Everyone followed along with them. I felt a tug on my sleeve, turning I saw Esme trying to pull me away.

"You need to back down now. Forget about the food, we can just wait till later." She whispered, worriedly. Her hands trembled as they tugged tightly on my sleeves.

"Listen to your friend mutt," he glowered at me. This time his smile had faded into a serious frown. His calm demeanour soon turned into a menacing gaze trying to throw me back with fear.

I pushed Esme's hands off me, fighting the urge to flee. And I took a step forward, the room dropped in temperature at how tense everyone was.

"I'm not leaving until I get my share of food. And I don't care how." I stated and even more gasps erupted.

"She must be mad. He's a top guard. He will kill her." Words meant to scare me off only fueled my anger at the disrespect shown to me. He had no right to talk to me that way. I didn't know why I felt this way but either way I agreed with it.

Lucan's pov

Somewhere in the main mansion,

Nicholas, my aide, walked in with yet another heaped file of paperwork he had sorted out and was waiting for me to acknowledge and sign.

He made his way to my desk dropping it at my side. When he didn't leave immediately I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What seems to be the matter." He had something to tell me.

"I don't think this is news for your particular hearing." Raising an eyebrow, I leaned back into the seat resting my chin on my palm.

"What's the matter," I asked again.

"It's about your mate" he spoke up, something sliced through me and I snapped.

"Don't you ever call her that" my voice boomed loudly with anger that wasn't intended to be nothing more than a single warning. It infuriated me.

"The woman who was newly brought in" he started slowly, seeing as I didn't react further he continued, "Well in a way to put it lightly has become the talk of the house." He said,

She must have gleefully gossiped to every wolf she snagged an alpha as her mate.

The same as the last one.

"Is she asking for attention? Unfortunately, I won't pay any attention to it. For all I care-" Nicholas cuts me off, "it's not that way. In fact, she has been creating chaos in the servant's manor. Picking fights with higher wolves."

Silence fell into the office as the alpha thought deeply to himself. She just got here who could she have fought with unless this could be some sort of way to draw my attention to her.

He chuckled deeply, not that he was amused but he was actually disgusted by her behaviour. He didn't want to involve himself any further with that woman. Before the person came.

"Right now she seems to have created some sort of chaos in the servant's dining hall. While her guard was away." He added.

"And the guard," he asked,

"On her way to the woman as we speak" Nicholas answered.

The alpha though calm on the surface, gripped the chair he sat upon with a stoic expression. He was fighting the wolf inside of him that said his mate was in danger.

Back at the servant's dining.

The whole place had turned into a battleground as everyone fought to get to the food counter. The higher loves were fighting with the deranged younger wolves who had gone mad instantly. Attacking in number they stole off the table of the higher wolves knocking furniture to the ground.

Raven used the chaotic atmosphere to steal some food from the kitchen. Breaking through the door. Inside sat a plus-sized woman in the corner trembling as held her full chest breathing heavily.

They made eye contact and she froze. "I'm just here for the food." Raven said with her hands in the air. She grabbed a bowl and threw some fruits and bread into it. Just then through the serving window made of glass crashed open as someone was thrown across it into the kitchen.

He landed with a groan on his back right in front of the kitchen lady making her scream and pass out in fright. Taking that as her cue to leave she bolted out through the door away with what she had come for.

Gleefully skipping past angry men and women. She grabbed Esme who trembled in the midst of this chaos. Frozen in a spot.

"Come on let's go" she shouted over the noise.