
Great Harvest

Resting while looking at the vast ocean, and enjoying the early afternoon by eating young coconuts, according to Adi is the best.

Until 1 hour later, he was feeling quite energized, came back and prepared to harvest, the seafood he had been craving, brought the spear left over from the fight, and a medium pot for him to collect seafood from.

Because in space only inanimate objects can be stored, and living things will be refused to enter the space, so Adi plans to catch seafood, let them die, and then put them into the room.

Walked to the beach, and went to the spot where he found many corals, which were on the beach, Adi waited until the seawater receded, waited a while, and not long until half an hour later, the seawater began to recede, and Adi began to observe where the place was. its good to look for.

Observing, walking towards the crevices of the rocks that lie along the beach, makes adi feel he is harvesting, not long after he approaches a medium size 2 M wide coral, looking carefully around the coral, adi becomes happy because he sees a big crab hiding in a rock hole.

Piercing the crab with a spear, and putting it in the pot, Adi looked again, and today he did harvest, because he saw two large lobsters hiding again in the bottom rock hole, without much effort picking them up, by hand after fishing. with a spear and put it in the pot.

A few moments, Adi found some clams and oysters that were quite a lot and put them back into the pot, Adi was grateful that life on this island felt more comfortable and easier to eat.

Looking at the filled pot, adi rushes back to the cave and prepares to clean all the seafood and boil it with salt and spices.

Arriving at the cave area, Adi cleans all the seafood with water magic and then walks towards the spring to cook seafood, because the water in magic cannot be consumed, unless Adi has reached level 10.

And for that, he has to rely on coconut water and boiled spring water, to supply his drink, because instead of exchanging points in the system catalog, it's better to make a little effort to drink, after all, he can also eat young coconuts at the same time, so that's a good solution. good, he thinks.

After making the petromax lamp turn on, and hanging it on a tree branch not far from the bonfire, Adi opened the Kompack food that was available for him, saw that inside the food compact there was rice, and chicken meat, and vegetables, already make Adi happily.

His longing for rice is now cured because in his previous life there was no rice, he would not be full, yes the saying is true, at least for him.

Eating compact meals with satisfaction, drinking fresh young coconut water accompanied by a clear night sky, and gazing at the brightly lit stars make Adi feel comfortable.

Leaving space in the stomach and seeing a pot that is already boiling, opening the lid of the pot, seeing lobsters and crabs that are already bright red, and clams and oysters that have opened their shells, it's a sign that the seafood is cooked.

Putting it to cool the seafood, taking a plate to set aside the clams and crabs, and lobster in a separate plate, Adi eats it voraciously, not forgetting the sauce and soy sauce and chili sauce as a dip.

Making Adi's first day be closed perfectly, at least that's what he thought, after he was full and cleaned the utensils used and disposed of the food waste by burying him in the hole, Adi stepped into the tent with the petromax lamp.

Cleaning himself by taking a shower on the spot, in the simple bathroom he had made, and changing his clothes Adi got into the sleeping bag and slept soundly.

Of cours he could sleep well by setting up some traps around the cave, and also making a wall of earth magic to cover the cave opening, leaving only enough holes for air to circulate.

So he can sleep more comfortably and soundly, although he must remain alert while sleeping.


The sun shone with warmth, seeping through the holes in the walls that covered the cave, Adi who was in the tent felt that the temperature in the cave had become much warmer, and this was a sign that the sun had risen.

Waking up and tidying up from his sleeping bag, Adi came out of the tent, made basic water magic to wash his face, and rinse his mouth, Adi canceled the earth magic that covered the cave.

Stepping out, saw the sun was already shining brightly in the sky, guessing that it might be around 9 am, adi took the toiletries and went to the bathroom to take a shower, after finishing showering and getting dressed.

Going to his place to eat last night, Adi took two coconuts and opened one of them, filled coconut water into a large glass as a container for drinking, and then split the coconut to eat young coconut for breakfast.

Using a spoon to scrape the coconut, and taking out the mango that he had not tasted yesterday, took out the ripe mango that was in the room, Adi became mesmerized by the sweet fragrance of this mango, he remembered the mango which was famous in the world before which had a sweet fragrance.

The fragrance is more fragrant than the mango, and the size is twice as large, it is like half the size of a coconut, peeled reddish-orange color appears from the thick flesh of the mango, and there is a sweet aroma wafting through his nose.

Making the mango cut into cubes, without peeling the skin, Adi took a bite of the mango slowly, and a moment later a very delicious fresh and sweet taste seeped into his throat as if eating a mango mixed with honey, really delicious "ahhhhh..... this mango is really sweet, if you sell it like a Japanese mango, Im rich" he said while admiring the taste of this mango.

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