
Translucent Entity Book 1 (currently being rewritten)

Thousand years ago on the World of Sirius There are 3 realms that existed on this world, The human realm, the spirit realm and shadow realm,they all lived peacefully until the shadow realm show their true colors, their master's creation broke their balance harmony on this world by making his own demons.

Jiro_Li · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 6: Icy Room

Jiro and Ril are staying on the same room but the room is quite spacious, it has two large bed, a tv, an Aircon, a big refrigerator, and a bathroom with bathtub and shower. The whole room felt like a big studio apartment. At night time, both of them went to sleep and laid down on each bed, Ril was still unsettled because of that place, the tree, the stairs, the door, and everything, everything still confuses him, at some point, the place looks slowly familiar to him as if he's already been there in the past, that is also one of the reason why he accepted the offer of joining the organization, they might be a big help for him and for the documents he is looking for. Suddenly, he felt a bit cold, for some reason, he felt like the whole room was snowing and no, he was not exaggerating, in his eyes, the whole room was full of ice, everything became ice and he asked himself 'what just happened?' then he looked at Jiro, and he instantly know, it was him, his powers are acting up because he might be having a nightmare, he tried to wake him up but it just became colder and more powerful until the window's broke and it alarmed Chijin and Gabriel. Gabriel calmed him down using his manipulation of fire and Chijin restrained him using his manipulation of golden chains, then Jiro woke up and everything stopped.

He was shocked to see his surroundings full of ice and everyone restraining him, he only looked down and did not say anything about it, "Woah... everything literally became an ice" said by Gabriel who was astonished by it and surprisingly he could not melt the ice even though he manipulates the power of fire, "How is this possible? I can't melt the ice" Chijin's eyes widened because the ice did not melt, then he realized something 'is he possibly...I was so sure the blue clan-....huh?!' then puzzled words are all coming together on Chijin's mind. Jiro apologized for what happened, he stood up and wanted to get out of the room, then Chijin glared at him and stopped him, he looked so serious and he whispered to him "Did the blue clan sent you?" Jiro's eyes widened the moment he heard those words, he is suddenly afraid that the identity he's been keeping so hard was revealed, Jiro thought to himself 'How did he know?', Because of this he rushed out of the room and Chijin did not stop him, but now he knows his true Identity

'That's why he looked familiar...after all, she was the one who created him... Don't worry, I'll keep him safe, I hope this will redeem your guilt..." he thought to himself while remembering someone, someone who is dear to him

Because his identity was revealed, Jiro even went outside of the mansion and caught his breath, he looks so nervous that he became wary if his surroundings, then suddenly someone familiar came beside him, he sensed it, it was an adult woman who has a short hair and wore a black suit, it made him very nervous, hoping the person is not the one he thought it would be, but..."Long time no see... little brother" The moment Jiro heard her voice, he was shocked, he trembled in fear, he looked behind him and it was his big sister "Sister...Irene?" His voice was trembling and he was scared, then she hugged him and said "It's been seven years...Mother and father missed you Jiro" she said while smiling maliciously 'Lies' he said to himself "Now, if you would come with me quietly, I promise I won't hurt your human friends" Jiro has no choice but to follow it, and he nods while looking so nervous "Good boy" She pat his head while his whole face was looking so pale and scared, then suddenly, Chijin and Ril went outside and saw Jiro, Ril suddenly saw Jiro's expression of being scared, then he shouted "WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

"Simple dear...I'm just bringing back my little brother, you will come with me right?" Jiro obediently nods while literally looking pale

Ril noticed that Jiro was being scared the whole time and said "No, you're just forcing him" Ril looked very angry while saying this words "Seems your friend here wants me to teach him a lesson, Jiro" She showed a very sharp sword and made such a strong Aura that made Ril feel very weak, every hair on the back of his head stood up because of her powerful aura, but then...Jiro shouted "STOP!"..."I'll go with you, but just don't hurt them..." His voice trembles while saying these words, then his sister stopped and Ril glared at her, Jiro said one last words to Ril before disappearing with his Sister "Please... don't follow us" after saying this, he disappeared quietly with his sister