
Transition in another world

Join Nita on her adventure of finding love but also with a mix of adventure and action. Pictures are not mine

Kiki_tomboy_Orr · Fantasy
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8 Chs

chapter 1

Nita Pov

Nita woke with a slight headache, she slowly stood up with a soft groan. Looking around she noticed that everything was white not knowing where she was, she starts to get nervous. As she starts to walk around she calls out to someone, anyone "HELLO"? She says but there was no response, all of a sudden there was a blinding light. Nita closes her eyes momentarily because of the light, when she opens them she sees a figure walking towards her.

"My child, what are you doing here?" The figure asks

Nita says nothing trying to register what's happening and why. W-who are you and where am I, she said. "I am whomever you want to call me, you humans are quite creative with what you call me, I am very fond of the name God, very creative indeed but I am a woman so I prefer goddess more. That is but a nickname you humans gave me, I go by the name Freya " The figure says.

Not knowing what to say because of the shock of seeing a woman made of void talking to her she says nothing. Noticing this Freya speaks again " I am very sorry for my ranting Dear, let me change my appearance to something more appealing to the eyes". A bright yellow light surrounded the figure and then a beautiful woman appeared. "I mean not like she wasn't Beautiful already she just shocked me at first," Nita thought.

Talking again the blushing God says " The answer to your question about where you are is quite simple, you died and ended up here but I'm quite confused though you weren't supposed to die according to your thread".

"What do you mean I wasn't supposed to die" says Nita. "Every human has a thread, Spicificly a Life thread It's supposed to tell me when someone is at their end but I haven't been here today to do exactly that, My apprentice was tasked to that job considering I was on vacation to explore earth" That's when Freya realized why Nita was there.

"CORA!!!" yelled Freya