
Transforming Beauty

Beauty Smith, an ordinary and directionless college girl with a poor fashion sense, often found herself targeted by school bullies. However, her life took a significant turn when she befriended the campus heartthrobs, Nicholas Johnson and Thomas Anderson. Initially paired with Nicholas, their differences became apparent — Nicholas prioritized his grades while Beauty lacked concern for her academic performance. Determined to help her improve for the sake of his grades too, Nicholas helped unleash Beauty's inner potential. But as Beauty became closer to Nicholas and Thomas, malicious rumors began circulating, turning her college life into a living hell. Will these rumors ruin the friendship she built with Nicholas and Thomas?

roseescribbles · Teen
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34 Chs

Chapter Twenty Nine

× back story ×

Beauty and Nicholas met at their usual hiding spot inside the woods where a small cave could be found and inside, waiting was Beauty.

As Nicholas entered the cave where Beauty was waiting, he received a smile from Beauty with the greeting, "Welcome home, sweetie."

"I'm home, honey," he said, then crawled until he got inside and sat next to Beauty. "How are you?"

"I'm good," Beauty responded then showed her picnic basket full of food prepared by herself. "You better try my homemade salad and sandwich. I'm sure you'd love it!"

Nicholas looked inside the basket and looked back at Beauty. "But not as much as I love you." he said then winked.

"Shut up, Cole," she responded but deep inside, she's feeling giddy and almost wanted to squeal. "Just eat, alright?"

Both of them were enjoying their time during the same summer they first met. They both knew that this dating isn't official. They weren't really dating 'cause it was only a summer fling as they both agreed.


Because both of them were just curious on how it feels to date and to have someone there for you.

Whilst Beauty considered it just a summer thing, Nicholas considered it as something that they could work on together to have progress in their relationship and finally make it official.

Unlike Beauty, Nicholas took it really seriously and began thinking of what their future might be. That's why Nicholas decided to fight for her and for them even if it's not official.

"Alright," Nicholas answered. "It feels like we are already married. Don't you think so?"

"I agree," Beauty said and began eating too. "But you understand that after summer, we will no longer be together, right?"

"Yeah. It was unfortunate," he said. "Honestly, the thought of losing you makes me feel sad."

"Hey! Don't blame me," Beauty started. "This is your idea, remember? You started this."

It's true.

Nicholas asked Beauty out but told her that he didn't want something serious. He said that he was just curious to have a girl by her side. Since Beauty wasn't in a relationship and was fully available, she agreed on that term.

As days passed by and Nicholas got to know her better, he decided to let himself fall for her and hopefully, marry her in the future.

But as Nicholas thought about that, Beauty decided to make what they have nothing but a summer fling.

Nicholas was heartbroken.

But it doesn't mean that he'll give up.

"I know," Nicholas responded sadly. "And I shouldn't have made you a summer fling."

A moment of silence.

Then the silence broke when Beauty spoke. "We don't know what the future holds. Let's just make this moment a happy one, alright?"

"It's like you're saying that the important thing is, we were happy together," he said.

"'Cause that's how summer flings work," she started. "No commitment, no future plans and all." she ended then shoved the sandwich in her mouth.

"It would be better to have a future plan," he said. "Hey, maybe we can stop this summer fling and make it really official."

Beauty swallowed her sandwich and gulped before speaking. "Look, I appreciate that but please understand we were still in highschool. We need to focus on our studies, right?"

Not that she actually cared about her grades.

She wasn't really prepared for a relationship.

But Nicholas believed in her reason and he agreed with Beauty.

What Beauty said became his motivation to strive harder with his studies so one day, he could get back at her and marry her.

"Can you wait for me?" Nicholas said.

"You heard my answer last night, right?" Beauty said with a weak smile. "There's no telling what the future holds. After this camp, you might meet others and the same goes with me."

They go to different schools but both of the schools are currently staying together at the summer camp.

Their principals got one goal: to help their students learn how to mingle and get along with strangers so that it would be much easier for them to adjust once their students graduated highschool and begin their life as college students then eventually, as employees.

Outside world was such a huge place with different people and sometimes, it was never easy to adapt and adjust - at least not to everyone. Because there were people who weren't keen to adjust but they are trying.

Nicholas was silent for a while then he finally said, "If you can't wait, I'll find you."

She giggled. "Sounds interesting," Beauty started. "Okay here's the deal. If you are able to find me, let's get married."

She gave him hope with those words.

But Nicholas was also hoping that she wasn't giving him false hope.

Because it would crush him if she did.

× end of the backstory ×

+ to be continued +


"'Yo Tom," NJ greeted when he saw Tom and when he noticed me standing next to Tom, he said, "Aren't you Tom's girl?"

I assume that he forgot my name so I said, "Yes. It's Beatrice."

"Nice to see you again, Beatrice," he said. "What brings you here? Tom mentioned that you'll come over but never told me why."

"Well, I heard from Tom that you have an opening as a storyteller for the kids," I started. "When I found out about it, I came to a decision to become your daycare center's story teller."

"Hmm," NJ started. "The slot was supposed to be for B," he said. "But it seems that B no longer wants to be a storyteller so okay, you can take her place."

And Beauty was replaced easily as that.

He didn't even hesitate!

But I kind of missed hearing him say my nickname, "B". I hope that we'd talk again and hear him call me "B". Until then, I'll pretend to be Beatrice.

"That's great! Thanks" I said and flashed a smile. "When do I start?" I was hoping he'd say I can start today. The earlier, the better. He was about to answer when Audrey, wearing the daycare's uniform, came into view.

Right. I forgot that Audrey works here.

Audrey was holding a couple of children's books and placed her free hand on NJ's shoulder. "Should we start telling stories to the kids?"

He looked at her and said, "Someone else will tell a story to the kids." Then he looked at me and so was Audrey.

"New hire?" Audrey asked, confirming.

"I guess," I answered and smiled. "I'm Beatrice, Tom's girlfriend."

And boy, I said it like we're for real. I must have gained additional confidence when I joined the cheerleading group. That's why I was able to introduce myself confidently considering the fact that I was lying.

"It's nice to have you here, Beatrice," she said and smiled. "I'm Audrey, daycare center's admin. I also help with the clean up here."

ADMIN?! I didn't know that she was an admin. Could that be the reason why she was so close to NJ?!

What are they, exactly?

"It's nice being in here, Audrey," I said. "If I am officially hired, then I assume that today, I'll be the storyteller, right?"

"If you prefer to start today, then sure," NJ answered. "Every Saturday, we tell stories to the kids."

"You don't tell stories everyday?" Tom asked.

"We don't," NJ responded. "Each day during weekdays, we give different activities to the kids. See, we wanted them to stay active so they'd stay healthy. We'll give you further details later at break time."

"You'll be our storyteller now?" one of the kids asked. I recognized her. She's that one odd girl whom I first met. I remembered her telling me that she could see something that not everyone couldn't.

I crouched to reach her level and smiled. "Yes, I am."

"Where's Beauty?" another kid asked. "She's really good at telling her own story." I recognized this kid and I felt touched when he said he likes my story. It was heartwarming and made me want to create more stories for the kids.

"Unfortunately, she won't be here," I answered. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you too."

Then altogether, they began looking for Beauty when Beatrice was the present at the moment.

If a real Beatrice exists, she'd probably feel hurt because she's the available one at the moment, but they have been demanding for the one she replaced. Someone who's no longer here.

I'm pretty glad that Beatrice and Beauty were the same person which is no one but me!

Before lunch time strikes, we decided that I'll start telling a story. When I said that I also write stories, they asked me to tell that instead.

But I couldn't tell a story that was exactly the same as Beauty's or they'll become suspicious. So I've got no choice but to adjust my writing style.

The story I told them as Beauty was criticized as a dark fantasy for a children's story. NJ criticized it. So this time, I'll tell a lighter story with animals starring in it.

As the kids settled down, I took a deep breath then breathed out.

"The story that I'll be telling you is about a world where no one exists but animals, one lady and nature," I started. "But before we start, I'd like you to do something."

Then I began instructing.

"First, sit in a crossing leg position, and close your eyes." I said. I heard Tom comment.

"Are you trying to teach the kids how to meditate?"

"It isn't meditation if I'm going to ask them to do so for only 10 seconds," I said. "Just watch, alright?"

I turned my attention back to the kids and continued. "No one can say a word. Please remain silent and do not answer in whatever I am saying." I could see that they were obeying me. Well-behaved!

I turned on my phone and played a bird chirping tune so everyone in this room could feel like they were in touch with nature even when they weren't really.

The song was soft and when you listen to it, you'll feel like you're outside nature.

"Now, slowly breathe in and hold your breath for 3 seconds," I started then saw them slowly breathed in. "Then breathe out, slowly."

I asked them to do it thrice and stop but they could not open their eyes.

"Listen to me and try to imagine the scenarios that I am about to tell you. Believe me, you'll enjoy it." And with that, I started telling my story.

Once upon a time, there was a land wherein no one exists but animals.

The field has healthy green grass. The sky was clear and blue. The clouds above were pure white in color and hiding behind the clouds was a sun that shines so bright, it gives the plants and animals a warm light.

You could find animals playing happily on the green grass and surrounding the green grass were trees that were so healthy and strong.

Gentle wind was blowing, making the mini branches of the trees sway and making the green leaves fall down the grass.

I played a song of a gentle wind, blowing with the sound of the leaves and branches moving as I continued speaking.

Inside the woods, you could find a river with clear running water.

Then I played the music of water running.

Afterwards, I changed the music to a song of birds chirping gently.

The animals never wanted to leave the place they called home because it was the same place where they can breathe and run freely as they pleased.

There's one lady who maintains nature clean and safe. This lady wore a farmer hat and a dress where she can move easily. She always has a stick on her hand and she lives in a cave inside the woods alone.

The lady was really sad to be all alone as she maintains the cleanliness and peace of the area. As she watched all the animals, she got quite envious of how happy they were while she was there, living alone with no one to laugh, cry and talk to.

Before she sleeps, she would roam around to check if some part of nature has been destroyed or if it's still healthy and alive.

Thankfully, everything still looks fine.

I played the sound of crickets to make the kids feel like they are really outside nature at night.

During the night, she would walk around her cave to check if there's some kind of wild animal who eat humans. To protect herself, she placed a strong large cage at the entrance of the cave just in case a wild animal entered and attempted to eat her while she was sleeping. She made a bow and a sphere that was always next to her whenever she's sleeping.

And sometimes, when midnight strikes, she would automatically wake up and cry out of loneliness.

I stopped playing the cricket sounds and started playing a violin sound that matches the scene of the story that I've been telling but as I did, I kept going.

One day, she got sick of being extremely lonely and decided to find a way to make herself happy.

That's when a witch and a beast appeared right in front of her cave.

I played a creepy instrumental song and went on.

"Who are you?" the lady asked, alarmed as she pointed her sphere at the witch and the beast who just appeared right in front of her. "What do you want? What do you need from me?"

"You don't need to be alarmed," the witch said. "I am here to give you happiness."

The lady almost let her guard down but she chose not to. Her guard was up, preparing for the worst case possible scenario.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I am always watching you," the witch said. "Whilst you are making the animals and nature happy, you're feeling extremely lonely."

She didn't speak. She remained silent as a response to the witch that she was right. Of course, the witch didn't need to hear her answer. She could read minds, after all.

When the lady didn't speak, the witch continued. "I am here to grant any wish that you wanted."

"In exchange for something, am I right?" the human guardian of nature said, glaring at her.

Suddenly, she was surprised when the animals she'd been taking care of attacked the witch.

I played a tune of animal roars.

Dogs, cats, wolves, birds, crows, spiders, snakes, tigers, lions, bees and the other wild animals you could think of.

She was so surprised that she almost stumbled back but was able to regain her composure.

I changed the music into the wind blowing.

The wind blew hard and a booming voice suddenly said, "Do not trust that witch and her beast. She would take something precious from you."

Whirling of the strong wind enclosed the witch and the beast and of course, the witch and the beast tried fighting it.

Do not underestimate nature.

Nature's calm but terrifying when it gets mad.

The witch tried to use her crooked magic wand to fight the animals and nature but she failed.

The human guardian noticed and realized something during the fight. She saw the beast wasn't moving an inch and it made her extremely suspicious.

That's when she realized that the beast was never the witch's sidekick or pet.

It was the beast who has been controlling the witch!

Slowly and silently, the guardian lady sneaked behind the beast and when she was finally behind the beast's back, she stabbed the beast using her sphere.

And as she did, the beast disappeared into a thick smoke and so was the witch.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS, MORTAL!" a beastly voice boomed all over the area.

I changed the music into a very sad instrumental.

As soon as they disappeared, she saw that the trees, the grass and even the cave where she resides got destroyed because of the fight.

All of her hard work and efforts with taking care of nature was shattered that made her breakdown into crying.

Being alone was already enough for the reason for her loneliness.

And her efforts with taking care of nature got crushed because of what happened and added another load of loneliness.

I changed the music into a calming tune.

Two weeks had passed when the tragedy occured. She was able to fix some damages but nothing's the same. Sometimes, when damages arise, no matter how hard you try to fix it, it will never get to the way it used to be.

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to protect someone or something, it would still end up getting wrecked especially when it was meant to happen.

Then one day, a small whirlwind appeared in front of her that changed her life forever.

I changed the music to a slightly more lively tone.

She thought it was just a whirlwind but then, it transformed to a human kid, much to her surprise.

The little girl looked at her with a smile on her face. She has a flower crown on her head, her hair is braided and her braided hair falls up to her waist. She was wearing a white dress that is so long making her feet covered and although the dress falls up to the ground, you'll be able to see her barefooted when she begins walking towards her.

"Who are you?" she asked.

Giggling, she answered, "You created me, remember?"

The guardian lady was puzzled. How come she created her when she was the only human in their world?

When the guardian lady didn't speak, the girl added, "You named me Holy when you created me when you were still young."

"I don't understand ..." she started. "I couldn't remember"

Holy smiled and took her hand. "Come and I'll take you back to the time you created me."

I stopped the music and asked the kids to open their eyes. I gave them an activity.

"You're such a meanie! You left us hanging!" one of the kids said.

"Yes! Yeahh!" Everyone agreed.

"Well, you'd need to wait until next Saturday for the second part," I said. "For now, I'd like you to draw what you have imagined. Anything. It could be the scene or your portrayals of the character in the story."

Some of them cooperated and began drawing. They were probably the kids who love to draw but some of them did not draw but it's okay. I just let them be.

Boy, ain't this fun?