
Transforming Beauty

Beauty Smith, an ordinary and directionless college girl with a poor fashion sense, often found herself targeted by school bullies. However, her life took a significant turn when she befriended the campus heartthrobs, Nicholas Johnson and Thomas Anderson. Initially paired with Nicholas, their differences became apparent — Nicholas prioritized his grades while Beauty lacked concern for her academic performance. Determined to help her improve for the sake of his grades too, Nicholas helped unleash Beauty's inner potential. But as Beauty became closer to Nicholas and Thomas, malicious rumors began circulating, turning her college life into a living hell. Will these rumors ruin the friendship she built with Nicholas and Thomas?

roseescribbles · Teen
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34 Chs

Chapter Thirty Two

As soon as I remembered the past, I began having a hard time around NJ even though I am in disguise as Beatrice.

After our overnight, I've decided to go home first thing in the morning while everyone's still snoring.

I need to know why I have forgotten about us and why my sister L said that she doesn't know what NJ was talking about.

Are my sis and mom hiding something from me?

We'll figure it out later on.

For now, I am processing the details of the memories I recollected.

So we became a not-really-together in the past or also known as summer fling. I began feeling bad when I remembered how I answered "thank you" to his confession.

Now that my memories have returned, at least a certain memory, what I felt that night began rushing back to me.

And more importantly, am I sick? Do I have mental problems?

I couldn't remember anything about having amnesia or whatever. I don't think I got caught in any accidents!

They are definitely hiding something from me. And since they are hiding from me, I doubt they would tell me anything if I ask them so I'll figure it out myself.

As I entered our house, I acted normal.

"I'm home!" I greeted.

"Welcome home, sweetie" my mom said.

"How's your overnight? Did anything interesting happen?" L teased me and I knew what she was exactly referring to.

Of course, it would be awkward to say in front of my mom that Tom and I kissed because of the truth or game.

"Nothing much" I answered but using my eyes, I gave her a hint that says, I'll tell you later on.

"Fiiine. If you say so" L answered and continued watching TV.

"I'm surprised you returned early," my mom said.

"Well, I missed you so I went home" I answered. Half of the reason but of course, I couldn't tell them that I remembered something from my past.

As I went to my room, L followed me and bugged me about what happened exactly last night. So to shut her up, I've decided to tell her once we enter my messy room.

"Tom and I kissed" I admitted and she looked surprised and at the same time, disappointed.

"Your first kiss is Tom? I thought you're going to kiss NJ first?" She said,

No. Tom is my second kiss and I kissed NJ when we were in highschool but of course, I couldn't say that. At least, not yet.

"Well, Tom is my first kiss. And we're only playing truth or dare so..."

"Shouldn't the one you're kissing is someone you really love?" She pointed out she was not wrong. In fact, I agree with her.

"I got drunk"

"Oh the infamous old lame reason," she said and rolled her eyes. "You could have resisted. Admit it, you like it! You could have stopped yourself if you didn't like it. Are you weak at temptation when it comes to something intimate?"

"It's bold of you to assume that, sis" I said and sighed.

"Because it was what you did!" She said. "At least you don't have any suitors or boyfriend at that moment."

"I know right?" I said. "But really, it was just a game so it's not counted."

"If only Nico knew that you and Beatrice are the same person? He would probably get hurt." She said.

"Why so?"

"He's in love with you, dummy"

I know.

"No, he's not!" I played dumb. "What made you think that way?"

"For starters, who in their right mind would put an effort for you?" She said prankly without hesitation.

I shrugged and began playing dumb again. "Maybe he has ulterior motives? I don't know! Why don't you ask him for yourself?"

"Ever since you asked him to stop going here, I have never seen his face. I can't talk to a ghost." She said.

"Very funny," I said. "Will you get out already? I'd like to take a rest."

"That's rude but fine," she said and finally walked away.

I've decided to rummage my old stuff. I might get something from there. Let the investigation begin!

I crawled under my bed to get the old box I've seen just last month but I never paid attention because I was not the one who put the box in there so I thought that someone else had put it there. I never bothered to ask because I simply don't care. It's just a box!

As I crawled, my face was washed with dust that made me sneeze. "This is what I get for not cleaning my room."

I extended my arms forward, trying to reach the old box. "Got 'ya!"

Holding the box tightly, I began crawling back until I finally got out.

I sat on the floor and slowly opened the box. "Now, what do we have here?"

I saw nothing but old papers. They looked like they were old files. "Who would put their files under my bed? They are really hiding something."

I began opening the files and raised a brow, "What are these? Property files .. a contract? Contract for what?"

I kept on rummaging the box until I saw a birth certificate. "Beauty Autumn Smith" I read. "Who...is this? We have the same name only, I don't have a second name. Do I have a twin?" I moved my eyes down the birthdate but we don't have the same birthday so I think I'm wrong. Besides, if I have a twin, I don't think they would hide it from me, right?

I kept it anyway.

I moved on to the next file and saw old photos of our family. I saw the kid me, kid L and my parents when they were younger. I smiled at the memory, I still remember that moment. "Feels nostalgic"

I kept on rummaging my stuff until I reached the very bottom of the box. "No more?" I sighed in disappointment. And here, I thought that I'll find something from my past like a photo of us or whatsoever.

I was about to close the box when I noticed something on the bottom part. I looked closely and using my thumb, I pressed it down.

"It opened!" I reacted. "Is this some kind of a hidden compartment inside a box?"

As I opened the hidden compartment, I found a small golden key and a diary with a lock. I smiled because I knew that finally, I got a new lead!

I dug in deeper and when I saw none, I closed the box and began opening the diary with the golden lock. Honestly, I don't remember having this diary because as a kid, I preferred writing in a blog. Maybe I just forgot but now that I found this, I'm sure that memories of yesterday will finally come back completely.

Still sitting on the floor, I began reading the diary, hoping to get more hints.

Jan 01, 2006

Dear Diary,

Guess what? It's my birthday today and I am finally turning 16 years of age! Woohoo! I, Beauty, borned on Jan 01, 2001 is turning sweet 16!

I am so thrilled for the birthday party mom and dad planned. I was feeling ecstatic! I wonder what gifts I will be receiving?

But gifts don't really matter as long as my friends and family are with me on my special day.

I kept on reading the entries until I reached an entry that caught my attention.

Jan 01, 2008

Dear Diary,

Can you imagine? I'm a debutante! I am turning 18 today. I am more excited than ever because my Reed will come to attend my birthday.

We've decided to make my special day a simple one to lessen the expenses even though my parents insisted. Still, I prefer to make it simple and hassle-free.

My friends are coming anyway.

March 15, 2008

Dear Diary,

Guess what? My school will be going to a summer camp. I don't know what to feel because this is my very first vacation away from my family. I would probably get homesick.

The students must be in the summer camp from March to September. Yep, that long.

I hope I can find more friends there.

March 17, 2008

Dear Diary,

Today, I met a guy named Nicholas and he must think I'm dumb. Way to go for a first impression!

He spotted me trying to catch a fish in the running river using my hand. Furthermore, I was wearing a long white dress, making the cloth wet and heavy.

But I'm surprised that at our very first meeting, we got along really well.

March 19, 2008

Dear Diary,

Nicholas, who I call 'Cole' asked me out but it's nothing serious because he said that he just wants to get an experience with this fling thingy. I am not in a relationship and I am not entertaining anyone so I agreed. We said that we'll stop seeing each other after the camp.

He seems like a nice guy so might give it a shot. We're just playing, anyway.

December 21, 2008

Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is the last day for our camp. I would honestly miss the camp and the people I met, especially Cole. He became a part of my life even if it's just for a short time.

Tonight is our farewell party. We witnessed the fireflies at night near the lake and guess what? He said that he's in love with me but I just couldn't not now when I'm saving my academics. I don't want to be in a LDR too.

Then Cole said that he'll look for me after college. I wonder if he could find me?

December 22, 2008

Dear Diary,

I was almost left by our bus! Today's the day of our departure back home but Cole and I met at the river where we first met each other. We've decided to say goodbye there and have one last bonding moment.

We shared a kiss and ... well, it kind of got out of hand so we lost track of time.

What? We only kissed, nothing more than that. But it was quite a long and passionate one. You know, a goodbye kiss full of emotions.

For a summer fling, we did share a lot of emotions and personal stories, you know?

He'll find someone, the right one for him. That's what I'm sure of.

I closed the diary after the entry. The rest of the pages are blank anyway.

"Did that really happen?" I said, hesitantly. Sure, I could remember but a part of me was still feeling in doubt.

"The only lead now is NJ. We aren't even talking! At least, as Beauty Smith. And more importantly, who is Beauty Autumn Smith?"

These revelations are honestly creeping me out.

I need to know the truth.

And I want the truth so badly that I'd do literally anything to find it.

I went downstairs when I heard my mom screaming that it's dinner time.

So, I walked downstairs and went straight to the dining table.

"Thanks for the food!"

As we began eating, I asked my mom a few things in relation to my old diary.

"Mom, just a question. Have you thought of changing my name in the past? Or have you had second thoughts on what to name me?" I asked.

"Before you were born, the name Beauty was decided. No more second thoughts. Don't you like your name?" She asked.

"It's not like I don't like it. I was just wondering ..." I said. "Mom, do you still have my birth certificate?"

"Yes, I have a copy. Why?"

"I was wondering if maybe I can have a copy of my birth certificate?" I said.

"What for?"

"Well.. you know, in case I need it in the near future?" I reasoned out.

My mom looked at me suspiciously but agreed in the end, anyway.

"Thanks mom!"

"By the way, your gran-gran called and is looking for you." My mom said.

"Gran-gran is looking for me? Why?"

"I don't know. Maybe she missed you? She'd like to have a granddaughter - grandma time with you this Saturday." She said.

Then I got an idea. Maybe, I can get something out from my grandma! So without any hesitation, I answered yes.

"I'm surprised you agreed," L said.

"I'm not going to do anything this Saturday, anyway and hey! It's gran-gran we're talking about. She's not accepting no for an answer, right?"

"Point given" L said.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked.

"For starters, she asked for you and not me" L said and shrugged.

"Hey, you can come too, alright?" I said.

"No, I'm fine. I've got a date this coming Saturday, anyway." L said and smiled at me.

Alright grandma, here I go!