
Transforming Beauty

Beauty Smith, an ordinary and directionless college girl with a poor fashion sense, often found herself targeted by school bullies. However, her life took a significant turn when she befriended the campus heartthrobs, Nicholas Johnson and Thomas Anderson. Initially paired with Nicholas, their differences became apparent — Nicholas prioritized his grades while Beauty lacked concern for her academic performance. Determined to help her improve for the sake of his grades too, Nicholas helped unleash Beauty's inner potential. But as Beauty became closer to Nicholas and Thomas, malicious rumors began circulating, turning her college life into a living hell. Will these rumors ruin the friendship she built with Nicholas and Thomas?

roseescribbles · Teen
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34 Chs

Chapter Ten

I said that I am going to fix this myself, but I ended up having a meeting with NJ and Tom regarding the affair issue.

Okay, so here's the story.

As soon as NJ and I got into the left corner of our street, I told him that we have to part ways. He asked for the reason and of course, I lied by saying, "I need to go and buy some snacks for later." Ah. Crappy excuse but to my surprise, he bought it. At first, he insisted on tagging along with me, but when I told him that it's almost 7:55AM, the must-have-a perfect attendance guy agreed to go ahead without me.

And so with that, we parted ways. When he turned left going to our school, I dashed to the school's backyard, climbed the wall and jumped over. I landed in the bushes with my two feet. Good thing I've got this habit of climbing trees and then jumping down. Because of that, my feet and knees became strong enough and I've learned to maintain my balance when I got into the ground.

Of course, this isn't allowed because they needed to check the student's identity first before entering the school campus.

Anyway, as soon as I landed down on the ground, specifically behind our classroom, a familiar voice caught my attention.

"Hey, Beauty" he started. My head spun and spotted Tom who looked totally confused. "You understand that entering the school by jumping over the backyard is against the school's policy, right?"

Of course, he's right but I pretended that I did not know about the policy because I never read the school's handbook where the do's and don'ts were written.

Tom didn't buy it.

"Liar. I don't believe you," he started. "First of all, you've been attending this school since you were in highschool. Even though you never read the school's handbook, you should have at least heard the basic rules and regulations from other students and teachers." he continued and crossed his arms together.

I have nothing to answer so I looked over his shoulder and tricked him into saying, "Uhm, I think our professor is coming here. And it looks like he's looking for you because he's waving his hand while looking at you." I tried to be convincing as much as possible and to my surprise, he bought it. He looked over his shoulder and as soon as he did, I tackled him that made him stumble a bit then ran away.

While running, I yelled, "Sorry Tom! Gotta go." And dashed towards our classroom.

As I got in there, I noticed a group - no, almost everyone in the class were gathered at the teacher's table. As much as I wanted to meddle, I decided to mind my own business. I better think of a way to clean the mess wherein I am the villain, but in reality, I've got totally no idea about the affair issue.

I silently made my way towards my seat and placed my backpack in front of me.

I was about to take a seat when I felt like everyone's attention was on me. I confirmed by looking and yes, they were looking at me and others are whispering about who-knows-what's that all about.

It made me uncomfortable.

Audrey walked towards me and said, "You're pretty famous now too," then continued. "You've got quite an interesting reputation here."

I'm confused as to what she's been talking about but I've already got a hunch. "I-I've got a bad feeling about this." I responded in almost a whisper.

All of a sudden, a light flashed into the board. It seems that they have opened the school's projector.

My eyes widened upon seeing what had been flashed into the board and it made me stand up. "What the - ?!"

It was the picture of me and NJ, who looked like we were kissing. The latest issue.

Another classmate of mine came running to the board as he said, "Look! I got another one!" While waving his phone up in the air.

I saw them begin looking at the phone and heard them gasp. Suddenly, they spun their heads at me and one of them asked, "Nicholas and Thomas, seriously?"

The one who got a 'new news'' walked up to me and saw a photo of Tom and I in the backyard. But in the photo, we were just talking.

"So, why are you talking with Tom in the backyard?" Audrey started.

"What else? Obviously, she doesn't want to be caught by Nicholas." Another classmate of ours said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Interesting. So it seems that the rumors are true, after all?" Another girl from our class jumped in. "You were talking to Tom in a hiding spot," she continued, then walked and stopped right in front of me. "Is this a confirmation that Tom is your affair?"

I instantly waved by hand. "That's not true! About the three of us - it's not what you think!"

They were not convinced. "Then what? Care to explain?" Audrey asked.

I would like to explain but my social anxiety started triggering so as I began stammering, I pushed them and ran away.

When I was about to step out of the room, I felt a hand around my grip which made me look at the person who just did that.

It's NJ.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked.

"Ooh. Look who just arrived," another boy from my glass began upon noticing NJ enter the room. I thought NJ went ahead of me? How come I got here faster than he does? Maybe he just went elsewhere for a while then went back here to our room. "The geek's knight in shining armor."

"He's not my knight in shining armor!" I reacted to the remark.

Still with his hand on my wrist, he dragged me back to the classroom. He's strong so he was able to pull me back with him. We walked towards the board. Not because I'd like to, but because he dragged me and would like to see what the ruckus was all about.

He doesn't seem surprised at what was flashed on the board. Doesn't he care about the issue? Or was he just used to these kinds of issues that he was able to remain calm and composed.

"So, can you confirm if that rumor and photo is true?" Audrey challenged.

"This is what I was telling you earlier," I told NJ in almost a whisper. "We've got issues including Tom that aren't even true."

"Despite having evidence?" Another girl from our class interjected. "If you're claiming that everything's just a misunderstanding, why don't you explain?"

I could feel the tense around the classroom. This is the first time I encountered this kind of trouble. Ugh, what a nuisance.

The tension broke when Tom suddenly ran inside the classroom while yelling, "Hey Beauty! Why did you run away from me?! We're not yet done talking."

NJ looked at me then back at Tom and back at me again. "Talk about what?" NJ meddled.

Tom looked at NJ and said, "Nothing related to you. Why do you care?"

"Well, first, we were buddy partners and second, we were friends." NJ reasoned out.

"Point being?" Tom said.

"A friend always cares about his friend, right?" NJ said and I sighed.

"And now, the affair has entered the scene," another boy from the class remarked with a smirk that I'd gladly wipe with my knuckles. "Who's really your guy, geek? Are you just making NJ believe that he's the legal one? So you could hang out while Tom's not around?"

I suddenly heard everyone throwing their comments at me.

What a selfish brat

She's not that pretty and she's got the nerve to two-time NJ?

But hadn't you considered that maybe, it's Tom who she has been two-timing?

Well, that's kind of pathetic. One isn't enough, huh?

And for her to trick the both of them? Isn't the geek girl low?

Or perhaps, she just wants to feel good about herself that's why she's choosing both at the same time?

That might be true too.

I'm going with the last theory.

Isn't she ashamed of her deeds? Trying to break the popular ones?

Huh, as if she could do that.

Maybe it's possible, who knows?

I bet, she thinks of herself too high and mighty now that he got the two heartthrobs at the same time.

People like that sickens me to death, seriously.

Using other people just so she could feel good about herself huh? I never thought that the geek got two-faced.

And so on and so forth.

Ah, aren't words that could stab like a knife blissful? Please note the sarcasm.

What is wrong with them?

I bowed my head, feeling ashamed even though I know that I am not doing anything wrong. Me? A two-timer? Come on, I don't even intend hanging out with either of them. If it only weren't for the buddy system, I wouldn't get paired up with NJ.

NJ said that he's going to help me become a better person but what's happening is the other way around.

I'm beginning to have doubts about him.

I took a breath and mustered my courage to stand up against these people. Who are they to give remarks, when I haven't begun explaining to make things clear, right?

"I appreciate all of your comments," I started using a sarcastic tone. "But listen here, nothing of the stupid rumors were true. There are no affairs going on between the three of us."

"Are you playing make-believe on us too?" A cheerleader said. "Well guess what, it won't work. I promise. Why don't you just tell the truth?"


Issue after issue. How can I live my school life in peace now?

It was a relief when the teacher stepped inside the room and asked us to go and take our respective seats because our class is about to start.

As I settled down on my chair, a crumpled paper hit my head, falling down the floor. Out of curiosity, I picked the crumpled paper and opened it.

You okay? Let's talk about the issue later. We'll help you resolve and sort this thing out. I noticed that you looked a bit pale and was nervous. Be well. See you later.

- NJ

And that's how the three of us decided to talk. For privacy purposes, we came to an agreement that we would talk at our house on a Saturday and that day is today.

They were waiting at our balcony as I prepared brownies, tea and a cup of cold coffee.

As I stepped out of the balcony with my hand full of a tray with snacks, I asked, "Thank you for waiting. I brought us a snack while talking about the - you know." Then I settled the tray down the table.

I sat down on the vacant chair and began talking to the both of them about the matter but guess what? They don't seem to care at all. All they cared about were the brownies I baked.

"This is awesome! You baked this?" Tom asked and I nodded in response.

"I did," I answered. "I also made you a cup of tea and coffee for me. Well, that's what you wanted."

I didn't notice that only one piece of brownies left if it weren't for NJ who tried to grab it and eat it but Tom slapped his arm so he wasn't able to get it.

"That's mine! I saw you ate 8 pieces!" Tom almost yelled.

"No, I did not! I only took 7 pieces while you finished 8 pieces!" NJ said. "Gimme that! You're unfair, don't you think?"

And now, my beloved friends began fighting like crazy over brownies. What are they? Children?

"No, that's mine! Be fair!" Tom said. "I am not hanging out that much with Beauty because of you and now, you're refusing to give me that brownie?!"

"How come it's my fault now? I never asked her to come with me all the time. It's her decision to hang out with me." NJ responded.

I gave him a poker face and said, "Seriously? As far as I recall, you did nothing but barge in our house and in my room every seven in the morning!"

"That is definitely not fair!" Tom instantly reacted. "How come you can barge inside her room, when I can't?"

"Who said that I gave him my permission to barge in?" I stated. "I even have no idea on how he was able to barge inside a room that's fully locked!"

"Didn't I tell you that I have my ways?" NJ bragged so I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's not something to be proud of, dummy," I reacted. "Barging into a girl's room? Who does that?"

"Me!" NJ answered and I almost face-palmed at that.

"If Nico could enter your room anytime he pleases, then I guess I can do that too." Tom said with a grin.

"NO! Definitely not," I responded and looked at both of them then sighed. "What's wrong with you guys? Of all the girls who you can befriend, why me? Have you lost your mind?"

"Shut it, Beauty. We befriended you by choice and chance," Tom stated. "And since we were friends, you better treat us fairly. If he could barge in anytime, I should too."

Crossing my arms in front of me, I said, "No way! Not a chance! My room is my private sanctuary, you know?"

The main reason for having the two of them with me in our house, is because we planned to make a plan on how to stop this madness.

But in the end, we just chatted and laughed.

And I think that's fine because I felt better.