
Transforming Beauty

Beauty Smith, an ordinary and directionless college girl with a poor fashion sense, often found herself targeted by school bullies. However, her life took a significant turn when she befriended the campus heartthrobs, Nicholas Johnson and Thomas Anderson. Initially paired with Nicholas, their differences became apparent — Nicholas prioritized his grades while Beauty lacked concern for her academic performance. Determined to help her improve for the sake of his grades too, Nicholas helped unleash Beauty's inner potential. But as Beauty became closer to Nicholas and Thomas, malicious rumors began circulating, turning her college life into a living hell. Will these rumors ruin the friendship she built with Nicholas and Thomas?

roseescribbles · Teen
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34 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

NJ won't stop bothering me about cheerleading so I ended up agreeing to Quila's invitation. I almost regretted telling NJ that I became a temporary cheerleader since Quila failed to come on time. Now, it left me wondering what did their team tell her? And I wonder if she tried looking for the person who temporarily replaced her without her knowing? I don't know her story.

Anyway, we're currently at the bleachers where Quila and I agreed to meet up. Their dance practice will take place at our gymnasium. While waiting at the bleachers, NJ wouldn't shut up his mouth about trying to convince me to join the cheerleading group. Sure, he told me that he'll help me improve my grades and the way I look but I never expected that he'll start becoming persistent. What's his real intention, anyway? He's persistent to the point that he refuses to go home unless I agree with watching the cheerleading squad.

So now, here I am with NJ.

I never responded to him. I am simply pissed off at him. One thing I hated the most is forcing myself into something I didn't like.

Okay, I love to dance but I never wanted to be a part of a group or any activities club. As mentioned, I hated being in the spotlight.

Lost in thoughts, NJ suddenly shouted a name that is very familiar to the both of us.

"Hey, Tom!" He called out using a loud voice. It made me look at Tom who stopped walking to wherever he was heading just to look at our direction.

"What are you two doing there?" He asked, then began walking in our direction. When he got into the bleachers where we are currently in, he gave me a slight salute. "What's up, you two?"

"Nothing much," I answered. "Just waiting for someone, that's all."

"Who are you waitin for?" He asked, seeming curious.

I was about to answer when I heard a female's voice yelling, "Twinny!" I looked at her direction and saw her jogging towards our direction while waving her hand up in the air. She's wearing her PE uniform. White t-shirt on the top and half-knee jogging pants. She's wearing a white sneakers as her footwear. She looked fresh with her hair all tied up in a bun. Quila had a smile on her face while making her way towards us. As she got in front of me, I was surprised when she held my hands and said, "I'm really glad that you made it." She talks to me as if we are close friends who have a strong bond for a long time.

"Well, y-yeah. It was what we agreed after all," I answered and tried to smile back at her. When she noticed the two guys standing near me, she let go of my hands and looked at NJ then at Tom.

"I see that two guys are accompanying you," She said. "Oh, I know you! Aren't you Thomas and Nicholas?"

"Yep. That's right. The one and only." Tom answered. NJ just kept quiet. Judging by his actions and reactions, he seems disinterested. Or maybe it was just my imagination?

"It's the first time I talk to you," She said. "I'm Quila, a member of the cheerleading dance squad. I am the majorette of our team." She introduced. Quila looks very used to socializing.

"That's nice. As you know, I'm Thomas but Tom will do," He introduced. "If you don't mind me asking, why are they both waiting for you?"

"Oh, right! I invited twinny to come and watch our dance practice." She said,

"Twinny?" Tom repeated, confused.

"Yep! We looked a lot after all," She answered then pulled me to her side. I was surprised when she removed my eyeglass. "We looked alike even more without her eyeglasses. Didn't you notice?"

For a while, Tom was silent as he examined our face. "You're right," He finally responded and then pointed out our only difference. "If your hair is exactly like Beauty's, I would probably mistook you for Beauty."

I felt NJ nudge at me and said, "Aren't they done talking? I am more interested in you, having a desire to join their group."

"How are you so sure that I'm gonna agree to join?" I said then let out a sigh.

"We'll see about that, then." He said.

"Why are you working up about this?" I finally asked. "What's it to you if I join or not the cheerleading group? Weirdo."

"I'll make you eat your words, buddy" He said, sounding determined. I'm used to him already, anyway.

"Dare me," I said. "You'll fail with your plan."

Tom and Quila seemed like they heard our conversation.

"In that case, why don't we bet on whether Nicholas will be able to convince Beauty to join our group?" Quila suggested.

"Not bad, sounds fun." Tom followed.

I heard that people bet on whether I am going to pick NJ or Tom. You know, the rumor.

And now, here's another bet about me.

Seriously, people tend to bet about me huh?

"What's going to happen to the loser?" I asked. Maybe I'll just ride on their trip.

"Gender swap," Quila suggested. "For example, if I bet on Nicholas failing but he was able to make you an official cheerleader, I must wear boy's clothes for a month. Then act like a boy too."

"Then if I bet on Beauty not agreeing but Beauty agreed in the end, I'll be wearing a female's clothes for a month, correct?" Tom asked.

Nodding excitedly, Quila said, "Yes! That's correct."

"What a childish game," I commented. "Suit yourself."

"It may be a childish game but it sounds fun," NJ agreed. Ugh, traitor! "Count me in!"

"Me too!" Tom said.

"That's great!" Quila reacted then the three of them looked at me, waiting for a response.

With a sigh, I said "Fiiiiine. I'll join!"

After our agreement with the bet, altogether, we went to the gymnasium where their practice will be held.

"What are you practicing for?" Tom asked while we began walking.

"We wanted to improve our dance," Quila started. "And in addition, we will be cheering for the upcoming basketball league. Haven't you heard about the tournament?"

"No, not yet. But Nicholas sure did," Tom said. "He's a basketball player, after all."

"Yes, I am fully aware. Everyone knows, right?" Quila answered. "You were declared as the team's most valuable player, as far as I recall."

"That's right. I am the team's MVP," NJ said. "And I'd love to see my buddy cheering for our team especially, me."

"Buddy?" Quila said.

"Beauty is his buddy," Tom answered. "They became buddies because of our professor."

"I wasn't doing well in academics, to be honest," I jumped in. "You know, studying is not really my thing. I tried to convince our teacher that I can handle myself but she's unconvinced. So here we are, stuck together."

"Come on, don't be too upset!" NJ said. "I know you're having fun and love me."

"Having fun with cleaning, is that what you mean?" I responded sarcastically.

"Don't you like it?" Quila said. "At least, you two are getting closer."

"Because of us getting closer, rumors began spreading like a wildfire. Worse, all of them aren't real." I said, feeling frustrated.

"Rumors will pass, you'll see," Quila answered. "Been there, done that." Then shrugged and smiled at me.

"If you say so. I just don't want to be bothered." I said.

"Don't say that, you're hurting my feelings!" NJ said as he placed a hand on his heart. Talk about exaggeration.

While talking, we didn't notice that we're already at the gym and there, Quila introduced us to their whole team.

"Feel free to watch," Trina, who introduced herself as the team's cheerleading lead, said. "You can sit there, if you want." She offered as she shifted her body to the location of the vacant chairs. They were located right in front of the stage.

"Thanks a lot," I said. "We'll do that then."

After that, we settled down at the vacant chairs.

Their team's formation went like this:

5 cheerleaders on the stage.

5 cheerleaders down the stage.

We watched them from the beginning of their practice until the end. We saw them creating their dance steps from the start until they completed the steps they have formed altogether.

They danced to the tune of "Girl In The Mirror" by: Sophia Grace.

Watching them dance with that song almost made me want to dance with them but I resisted the urge and stayed on my seat. After their dance, we applauded at their dance steps.

Quila jogged towards her and as soon as she got in our place, I said, "That was amazing! I loved your steps."

"And well, she loves to dance too." NJ said. I glared at him. I don't want anyone to know that I love dancing but here he goes, spilling my little secret.

"If you love to dance, why don't you join their team?" Tom said.

"That's right! It'll be fun," Quila said enthusiastically. "We can even perform together at the front row as the twin of our group!"

"Well, that wasn't a bad idea," Trina said, appearing from Quila's back. "If ever you have decided to join our team, you and Quila could be named as the Dancing Twins or the Majorette Twins."

"That's a lame name for us," Quila bluntly said. "How about ... The Butterfly Twins?"

"Butterfly Twins? Where did that idea come from?" NJ asked.

"The way a butterfly flies is like a movement when you're dancing. It's the way I see it," She suggested. "Imagine we started as a newbie like a caterpillar then blooming into a beautiful butterfly."

"I don't get you but whatever," Trina said. "If that satisfies you, then fine."

"W-WAIT! Hold on a second!" I interjected. "I never said that I am going to join your team. Don't give us a name!"

"Seriously?" Quila said. "But if that's your decision, I respect you. But if ever you change your mind, you know how to reach out to me."

"Yes. I have your number." I said then waved the phone in my hand. It's mine.

Maybe I'll think about it for a while before deciding. Until then, I'll focus on myself and the projects that I had to deal with my partner.

I haven't even learned how to bake a cake yet! I almost forgot about that. And I shouldn't have.

Bet huh? Let's see who's going to win.