
Transformers Galvatron Self Insert (TFP)

What would happen if you woke up one day in a different universe where you have the memories and body of a gladiator turned revolutionary were once noble ideals were thrown to the way side and you became the very thing you swore to destroy. Oh and don't forget you're a bloody robot, probably one of the most hated beings ever but hopefully you can change and save your new species from certain extinction. Hey thanks for coming by this is one of my first attempts at writing a good story i hope you enjoy and any advice or criticism is encouraged i got inspired by the story (How very logical TFP SI.) By Tomb Spyder so you may see similarities but my story will branch off it's just he is a really good writer and there was not much i could change at the beginning I've also posted on Spacebattles https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/transformers-megatron-peace-through-tyranny-tfp-s-i.1113121/

Devastator_21 · TV
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20 Chs


Within the depths of my base, the relentless hum of machinery reverberates through the air, a testament to the ceaseless activity of my new army.

Every clang of heavy metal against metal, every whirl of servos, carries the weight of their tireless dedication as they work to fortify the base, upgrade outdated weapons and armour thanks to mine and Shockwave's works.

Every soldier works to gather vital resources, around every corner a tapestry of industrial might not seen since the Golden Age of Cybertron.

Unfolds as soldiers erect barriers, calibrate weaponry and ensure that our stronghold stands as a virtually impenetrable bastion against any threat from the inside or out, security stations are placed at strategic spots arcoss the Bastion automated drones patrol where living begins cannot.

I do eventually plan to link up The Bastion to our base on Kaon and restart the capital of the Decepticon Empire.

Here at are base on Kaon i stand shoulder to shoulder with Shockwave his loyalty is now secured, and the only thing that is matched by that is his scientific mind.

Monitors bathed in an eerie purple and blue glow flicker with intricate schematics and streams of data.

My optics, a menacing shade of crimson, remain fixed upon the complex designs and calculations that are sprawled before me.

But before i continued, my red optics flick up towards Shockwave.

Galvatron: Shockwave i require these terminals to be one stable colour the continuous movement of Blue and Purple is making it difficult to work.

Shockwave looks up at me from his terminal and looks at me what i can assume to be annoyance, exasperation and amusement.

Shockwave: Lord Galvatron, there is an option in the settings to change the display colour.

I pause look at Shockwave to see if he is telling the truth which i already know he did and i feel an immense amount of stupidity and get back to work while changing the color to a nice purple.

Amidst getting over my embarrassment i should probably explain how Prototype Zero is doing, well brilliantly his gestating tank is smack dab in the middle of the Laboratory and not to stroke my ego a little bit but he is beautiful my magnum opus the pinnacle of decepticon engineering.

The tank's transparent casing shimmers with an electric energy, obscuring the hulking figure in a sea of energon fuild from within as it bathes.

The air around his tank crackles as if with anticipation, a palpable reminder of the unstoppable creation that will soon grace the battlefield.

My hands dance gracefully across the controls, fingers poised with a master surgeons precision as I make delicate adjustments to the spark chamber's energon levels, perfecting the intricate neural network that will soon awaken this mighty force.

On the other side of the Laboratory Shockwave's focus is unyielding.

His single optic burns with an intense luminance as he manipulates complex holographic interfaces, lost in thought as he refines the synthetic energon formula.

The concoction simmers within a highly secure containment unit, its brilliant emerald hue a testament to Shockwave's mastery over chemical reactions and energy manipulation.

The synthetic energon will be the lifeblood of our cause, a source of unending power that will fuel our conquest and domination across the cosmos.

In the midst of this mechanical symphony, my thoughts inevitably drift back to the origin of my transformation from Megatron to the formidable being that I now am.

It was a metamorphosis wrought from conflict, pain, and the fusion of fragmented memories.

The remnants of Megatron, the gladiator who once rallied the oppressed against the oppressive caste system, continue to reverberate within me an echoing chorus of ideals that intertwine with the newfound power and perspective of Galvatron.

Memories of battles waged in the gladiatorial arena, camaraderie with my fellow fighters, and the nascent stirrings of rebellion linger like spectres from another era.

Megatron's legacy is a symphony of struggle and a fervent desire to dismantle the chains of oppression.

The memory of my first steps along the path of resistance, the intoxicating allure of leading the downtrodden to victory, remains a poignant reminder of the past.

But the transformation into Galvatron has wrought clarity from chaos.

The mantle of leadership, once fraught with responsibility, has now been cast aside in favor of an unwavering pursuit of power and madness oh it calls to me tries to tempt me, showing me everything i could ever want but i know it is a lie but it never stops it will always be there always in the back of my mind.

As my identity formed into a force of nature, a tempest set on reshaping the universe according to my will, a sense of purpose swelled within me an unrelenting determination to carve my mark upon existence and save my race.

My optics remain riveted on the holographic monitors, their purple glow reflecting off the contours of my faceplate.

My lip components curl into a mirthless grin as I contemplate the journey that brought me here, a journey that encompasses both Megatron's ideals and Galvatron's ruthlessness and the human element i must never forget i was once human.

Melding the memories of two disparate entities has granted me a unique vantage point, a fusion of wisdom and unyielding ambition poised to redefine the very fabric of Cybertron and the cosmos beyond.

These Decepticons may not look like much but under my command they are not mere soldiers however they are the vanguard of a reinvigorated movement, a resurgence of principles born from hardship and forged in the crucible of adversity.

My spark surges with anticipation, my ambition matched only by my calculated cunning and is tempered by human patience and ingenuity.

I would never of gotten to this point if not for all three memories working in tandem around my human side it was easier to nearly breakdown both Megatron's and Galvatron's memories and emotions and manipulate the decepticons here and Shockwave.

If i was still Galvatron i would've never been able to get Shockwave on my side kill him yes easily but make him join of his volition never.

The same with Megatron if i was still him i would've probably died by Shockwave or the decepticons Shockwave because i do not fit with his version of Megatron and the decepticons because they hate him with a passion that pleases my Galvatron side.

Back to what I'm doing as Prototype Zero nears the final stages of gestation and Shockwave's endeavours with the synthetic energon formula bear fruit, my vision clears into a tapestry of destiny.

A symphony of creation and devastation awaits, and I stand poised as its orchestrator.


6 Stellar-Cycles Later

In the span of six Stellar-Cycles, a cosmic heartbeat has pulsed through the fabric within my dominion.

The fortress that once stood as a sentinel now thrives as a formidable bastion of might and resilience.

It hums with activity, the symphony of Decepticon soldiers, drones, and machinery echoing the crescendo of ambition and unity.

Prototype Zero, born of shared dreams and Shockwave's ingenuity, as Zero roams these hallowed halls, as spectral echo of Tarn's legacy, its presence resonates with a dichotomy of loyalty and zeal.

The glint in its optics, an combination of my own characteristics and Shockwave's pragmatic precision, exudes an unwavering allegiance that fortifies the Decepticon cause.

Within this newfound stronghold, Shockwave and I, architects of Zero's form and function, embody a synergy that transcends mere collaboration.

With every shared concept and calibrated calculation, we've woven an alliance that not only shapes Zero's existence but defines our resolute march toward a triumphant future.

Shockwave's optic narrows incrementally, his synthesized voice carrying a tone of measured respect.

Shockwave: "Lord Galvatron, your capacity for strategic innovation approaches the zenith of genius."

Acknowledging his sentiment with a nod, I reciprocate his calculated regard.

Galvatron: "Shockwave, your meticulous dedication has refined our collaboration into a progress of innovation and scientific purpose."

Honestly that made me happy I'm smart enough to not show it but Shockwave is the closest thing i have to a friend.

A subtle thread of irony underscores his response a gesture that resonates with the nuances of our partnership.

Shockwave: "Our symphony of collaboration is pushing the limits of science and we shall do so together."

This interplay of affirmation and subtle jest defines our alliance, a partnership that combines my incisive intellect with Shockwave's calculated brilliance.

Together, we carve a path that will push the of constraints and forever herald the resurgence of our Decepticon Empire.

Shockwave's optic flickers, a glint of amusement cutting through his perpetually controlled demeanor.

Shockwave: "Indeed, Galvatron. Our joint endeavor weaves a tapestry of advancement."

Galvatron: "Shockwave, i have a name for the Prototype PBM."

Shockwave looks at me and tries to calculate what I have come up with he's fun like that.

Shockwave: "Lord Galvatron, elaborate."

It seems that my friend can not figure out what name I've chosen.

Heh, who knew i would catch Shockwave off his game.

Galvatron: "Drachen a powerful name translating to Dragon, symbolizing strength and fierceness, perfectly befitting my creation's formidable nature."

Shockwave nods in acceptance.

Zero or now Drachen enters the room i stop what im doing and focus on my creation it's frame reminiscent of Tarns but better even though Drachen is eerily similar to Tarn it's probably just my programming.

I begin to address Drachen.

Galvatron: "Drachen, how was your patrol"

Drachen speaks, its voice a mix of mine and tarns also Shockwave's in there. ( if you want to know what his voice sounds like watch the Transformers The Permanent Revolution it's really good.)

Drachen: "Is that my new designation Drachen i like it but creator when shall the stage be set for the conquest of Cybertron and the destruction of the Autobots?"

A fond smile tugs at the corners of my mouth an affirmation of Drachen's loyalty and zeal.

Galvatron: "Patience, Drachen first we need to finish all repairs and figure out exactly where the autobots are on Cybertron you shall have you're big dramatic entrance."

A dimming of Shockwave's optic reflects a sliver of amusement beneath his calculated veneer.

Shockwave: "It appears that Drachen's eagerness for combat rivals his anticipation of the performance itself."

A genuine chuckle escapes my vocalizer a sound that reverberates with an air of friendship ah Shockwave emotions are showing good it means when i repaired him i tweaked with the shadow play to allow Shockwave to show and feel more emotions besides anger.

Galvatron: "Indeed, it seems that our creation hungers not only for the rush of battle but also for the dramatic flourish of a dramatic play."

Drachen optics glint, an inquisitive glimmer in its gaze that shows amusement and fondness.

Drachen: "I live to serve you my creator either on the battlefield or the theatre."

Galvatron: "You're not only a harbinger of my will but a master of all the art's."

Drachen looks at me straight faced and brust into giggles reminiscent of a child.

Which i guess he is my child if you count for him being a walking tank of weapons but yes my child if you want to say.

Drachen: "Creator, i must go i have duties to preform."

I burst out with laughter.


As my gaze sweeps across the expanse of the sprawling base, a sense of pride intertwines with my reflection.

To witness the seamless integration of technology old replaced with the new.

Some things i forgot to mention we moved our lab to a pire, a citadel dedicated to innovation and experimentation imagine of Mix of Cyber city and Polyhex but with the cool black and purple colour scheme of the decepticons.

It's called the Echelon Scientific Citadel the architecture seamlessly blends sleek metallic spires with intricate circuit patterns etched into the facade.

The citadel houses a vast array of state of the art laboratories, each specializing in different scientific disciplines ranging from quantum mechanics to cosmic exploration.

The heart of the citadel is the Nexus, a spherical chamber with a suspended artificial sun that simulates various planetary conditions for research purposes.

Walkways lined with holographic displays connect the different wings of the citadel, where researchers will eventually come to collaborate, analyze, and unravel the mysteries of the universe.

But for now it's just me and Shockwave and some of the automated drones we made it's virtually impenetrable like the Bastion and The Nexaraxis Dominium the name for mine and Shockwave's citadel in Kaon the capital seat of my New Decepticon Empire there's a really cool throne room at the top with hidden defenses and should just incase of an assault and they somehow make there may all the way to the top i will not be virtually defenseless.

I plan to eventually either make science based cybertronians or find some smart decepticons hidden across the galaxy or on cybertron in stasis however i do have big plans for the Echelon Citadel and due to the citadel being in Kaon the nearby deactivated automated facilities are being reactivated so my army is being filled out and we will soon make more of the PBM's as Drachen is a success for the moment.

Me and Shockwave have moved most of our equipment, and anything that couldn't have been taken or were useless was destroyed so no one else can scavenge decepticon technology.


Over these past few months, it is the soul of the Decepticon ranks as well.

As dawn follows dusk, a newfound camaraderie has arisen a testament to the unity my presence has infused into the veins of my soldiers.

Honestly, it's like the decepticons where a pack of hungry scraplets devouring a mech the mech being my words.

These warriors, once fragmented, have embraced a new dawn a dawn in which their individual desires are overshadowed by a collective yearning for retribution.

Their battle worn frames resonate with a renewed vigour, their optics burning with a fervent determination that awakens my very own spark with a scorching blaze.

A chuckle escapes my vocalizer as I recall a recent incident that transpired within the bustling corridors of my bastion.

A group of soldiers, driven by a combination of restlessness and mischief, had engaged in a raucous bout of unauthorized sparring a confrontation that culminated in cacophony clangs and curses.

Unbeknownst to them, their impromptu contest had attracted the attention of one Drachen who was patroling, the massive mech, an embodiment of staunch discipline, had descended upon the scene with all the subtlety of a seismic event.

Caught in the midst of their frolicking, the soldiers had frozen in place, their audacity suddenly stifled by the imposing presence of Drachen.

Their optics widened like those of startled protoforms, and they exchanged sheepish glances that held the unspoken acknowledgement of their imminent reprimand.

The scene that unfolded had been nothing short of a comedic tableau as me and Shockwave watched the events unfold on the security monitor's squadron of mischievous soldiers facing off against the unyielding sentinel of order.

Drachen's stern visage, accentuated by his stern demeanour, cast a pall over their mirth.

Drachen's voice rumbled like thunder, his tone a masterful blend of disapproval and bemusement.

Drachen: "What, pray tell, do you believe you are accomplishing here?"

One of the soldiers, clearly lacking in diplomacy, had offered a feeble smile.

Roxatron: "Ah, well, you see, sir, we were just... um... testing our combat prowess?"

Drachen's optics had narrowed, and his imposing frame loomed over them like a dark cloud.

Drachen: "Testing your combat prowess, you say? In a corridor designated for strategic analysis and war planning?"

As the soldiers exchanged nervous glances, I could almost hear their thoughts echoing in the air the realization that their ill conceived diversion had earned them a not so pleasant rendezvous with the iron fist of discipline.

Yet, even as Drachen began to deliver a lecture on the importance of maintaining discipline within the bastion, a glint of levity had pierced through the veneer of authority.

A smirk, hidden behind Drachen's stoic exterior, had hinted at the amusement he derived from the audacious antics of my soldiers.

And so, even in the midst of discipline and reprimand, the undercurrent of camaraderie that ran through my ranks had been palpable an acknowledgment that while the pursuit of power and vengeance was their ultimate goal, the bonds of friendship and shared experiences held equal significance.

And honestly me and Shockwave had a blast watching this,

we even recorded it for future purposes and maybe movie night if i can convince Shockwave to do so and Drachen too.

The once disparate Decepticon outpost that previously occupied this domain has integrated seamlessly with my citadel in Kaon and is now called the Bastion, a symbol of the proud and brave soldiers that stationed the base even through troubling times both bases are connected through a series of intricate roads and groundbridges for ease of travel and strategic travel for military operations.

The joining of these two bases was not without its challenges, yet the convergence of our disaplince has woven a tapestry of achievement.

Under the watchful gaze of Drachen, Shockwave, and I, the two bases have fused into a cohesive whole.

The Bastion, The Nexaraxis Dominium, the capital of the burgeoning empire, and the Echelon Scientific Citadel.

They stand as the three pillars of the new decepticon empire, a beacon of hope and change.

I plan to eventually put Drachen in charge of the Bastion after he proves himself in battle and his duties, and they will eventually become mini city sectors if you will around the pillars of the Empire.

Shockwave in charge of the Echelon Scientific Citadel, which will also have its own sector as well.

And myself in charge of the Nexaraxis Dominium, the capital, and it will have the largest sector.

The corridors of all three citadels echo with the thrum of activity, the clamour of my Decepticon soldiers readying themselves for the future that awaits.

While Drachen prowls with an air of unwavering loyalty, a palpable aura of brotherhood envelops the halls a living testament to decepticon loyalty.

And as I sit here on my throne, surveying the culmination of progress and unity, a genuine smile tugs at the corners of my lips.

For within the heart of this fortress, amidst the hum of machinery and the determination of soldiers, a transformation has transpired one that transcends mere machines and strategy.

It is a transformation of spirit, a resurgence of principles born from the fires of Megatrons's original ideals and tenets of the decepticon cause.


( I apologise about the massive info dump and world building but it's required later chapters won't be this intricate and long unless you guys are alright with it.)

(By the way tomorrow shall have a short interlude on Galvatron and what's going on in his head.)