
Transformers: Dawn Of A New Era

After Optimus Prime chose to primarily focus on Earth's protection, the Elite Guard's Second in Command, Shadowstorm, was appointed as his sucessor. He now leads the Autobots in a new era, as they struggle to end the tiranny of Megatron, Leader of the Decepticons. However, despite their valiant efforts, the Great War continues, without an end in sight. Now, with the battles becoming feircer, Shadowstorm must fight to rid his homeworld and the universe of Mgatron's evil. Will he suceed, or die trying?

BlackViper55 · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

Chapter 6: A Galactic Crisis

On Cybertron

War had broken out once more. This time over a powerful relic which can either save or completely obliterate the entire universe.

Should it get into the Deception's hands, then there was s no force in the universe that could stand in their way.

Shadowstorm decided to secure the universe's safety, by launching the orb of world.

In The Autobots' Fortress

Shadow storm, Ironhide, Sideswipe, Jazz, Warpath and a team of Autobots went down to the fortress's lowest level, where the space bridge was located to launch the orb off world.

At The Space Bridge

The orb was placed into a container.

An Autobot typed in the coordinates and pressed the 'activation' button, watching it get sucked into the vortex of energy.

On A Remote Planet-900 Billion Lightyears From Cybertron

A portal opened and the container flew out, not even sustaining a scratch upon collision with the planet's surface.

A few months following the orb's crash, the planet started being bombed by meteorites, with some of them landing in close proximity to the orb's crash site. As time went on, the meteor showers started becoming more and more frequent, as a result of this the planet sustained some serious damage. Basically becoming a lifeless wasteland in the process.

Meanwhile At The Autobot's Fortress Back On Cybertron

A heavy security detail was present around the fortress, guarding it incase the Decepticons even dared to try anything.

Ironhide was on the 299th floor surveying the area as a smirk made it's way onto his face.

"Well, any Decepticon whose dumb enough to assault this fortress is for sure going to be reduced to scrap.", He said.

In The Fortress's Control Room

"Computer, how long can the Decepticons be held at bay?", Shadow storm questioned.

"There isn't really a limit to how long they can be held at bay. Despite having gotten better at close combat, you can easily beat them, thanks to having received better tactical and comat training. However the orb must be kept out of their reach no matter the circumstances."

"Understood.", Shadowstorm replied as he detected trouble from the planet the orb was on. He sent a team to the location and the problem was neutralized quickly.

Everything was once again under control.

Meanwhile On Earth

Optimus and the small group of Autobots that was stationed on earth where preparing to send a huge amount of Energon to Cybertron.

"Is the cargo ready for transport?", Optimus questioned as an Autobot nodded.

"Then commence transport!", Optimus ordered as the Energon was sent through the bridge.

"Shadowstorm, this is Optimus Prime! What's you're status?", He questioned as Shadowstorm's image came online.

,,Cargo received, repeat cargo received! Beginning unloading of the cargo momentarily!", Shadowstorm replied.

"Understood! I shall head to Cybertron as we speak. Stand by!", Optimus ordered as Shadowstorm nodded.

"We'll do!", He replied.

in The Fortress's Control Room-On Cybertron

An Autobot activated the Bridge,as they waited for Optimus.

He stepped through the portal momentarily as everyone in the room saluted.

"At ease.", He ordered and everyone relaxed.

"Optimus. I hope everything's to you're complete satisfaction.", Shadowstorm said as Optimus nodded.

"Indeed. I couldn't be more proud seeing as you've grown into the leader I always knew you'd be one day." , He replied.

After inspecting everything and having a long discussion with Shadowstorm, Optimus headed back to Earth and the other Autobots returned to their tasks.