

When Jessica decides to live with her bestfriend Grace to get away from her horrible family, crazy things start to happen. Jessica is happy to be out of her house but will her love for her bestfriend and now her roommate change things. It may for the better and also the worse.

itsjustjess28 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Grace's beauty

"Yeah?" I blurt out. It was the first thing I thought to say and it made no sense. It sounded angry as it came out of me which really didn't bother me but I knew it would piss my dad off. "Where have you been? You haven't been home since yesterday. Why haven't you called?" he yelled at me. He looks angrier than ever. I've truly never seen him this angry before. I wonder if he is drunk. His eyes are glazed over.

"WELL!!" He snaps me out of my inner questions. "I've been busy." I'm short as possible with him. "That's not good enough. You're grounded! " I looked at him in shock. "Y-you cant d-do that! I'm not a child anymore dad!"

He moves closer to me with hatred in his eye. He looks like he wants to hit me. I begin to tremble a little at the thought. "You still live in MY house and you will abide my MY rules! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" He raises his hand up to my face and cocks his hand back. Oh no....he's actually going to hit me.

I close my eyes and tense my body preparing for the hit. But nothing happens. I slowly open my eyes and my dad is knocked on the ground with a bloody face crying. "What the fuck!?" I say out loud. I hurry to pack a few more things then rush down the stairs and out the back sliding glass door. I dont see Grace anywhere so I start running to her house.

I finally make it to her house and barge in the front door. Grace is in the living room. She looks calm and kind of proud of herself. I didn't realize I had started to cry but it's like waterfalls down my face. Grace walks over to embrace me in a hug. Man I needed this. She's cold but it's so comforting. She smells amazing, like always. It's intoxicating to me and I can't help but moan at her scent. She pulls us apart and wipes my face making sure to get every last drop of tears. I look into her green eyes and just stare.

She's absolutely beautiful. I smile at the thought. She smiles back. It's like she is reading my mind. She looks like she is blushing and I blush thinking about it. She pulls me into a gentle kiss. I meet her kiss back with a lick on her plump lips. The crook of her lip is smirked up and she bites my tongue a little rough and I start bleeding.

Something happens with Grace. She pulls back and her eyes are closed. Her demeanor changes dramatically. She starts to lick her lips and that's when I get the glimpse of those...bright.white.fangs!

I step back shaking my head from left to right.

No...no...this can't be happening. This isn't real right? H-how can this be real? I have to be dreaming right. My dad must of actually slapped the shit out of me. He had to of. There isn't any way Grace has fangs. How have I not noticed them before?

Grace opens her eyes and they are red with flakes of blue floating around them. Great..... This is real. Shes a vampire. She's going to fucking kill me. I have to run right? Wait.... what the hell?! She hasnt explained this to me. Why has she lied to me all these years. We have been friends since longer than I can remember. Why would she keep this secret from me? Thinking about this angered me and I stood there with anger in my face and eyes. Grace lets out a low growl and it startles me and I start to back off. What do I do now?

** Grace's p.o.v**

Jessica meets my kiss with a lick of my lips. I can no longer contain myself. I need her. She's absolutely sweet and taste absolutely amazing. I hadn't noticed my fangs come out and they accidentally nick Jessica's tongue. Shit.

It taste amazing and I close my eyes with ecstasy and lick my lips. I know she has seen my fangs now. I tried to play off like she didnt see them the other night in the kitchen. But she must know now this is real. I'm sure my eyes have turned their red color with the amazing blue specks in them. I do adore my eyes very much. I open my eyes and she stares at me looking angry. Oh shit.

Woah she looks scared now. What the hell. Wait did I just growl? Fuck.....

"I-I wanted to tell you last night about this.....secret..... but I was scared. You looked angry and now terrified and I just want you to know it's okay. I won't hurt you." She just stares at me. "Jessica?" She closes her eyes then rubs them. She must think shes dreaming. Well shes not. I just love her so much I don't want her to hate me. "I know this is alot. Do you want me to go upstairs or something? I kind of need to feed anyway."

"Feed?" Jessica says with terror in her voice. I feel terrible.

"Yeah... I-I'm a vampire. I need blood to survive."

"Yes I get that you are a vampire but what do you mean by feed? Do you kill people? Do you have some supply of constant blood? Do you kill animals?" These questions take me by surprise. She doesn't seem frightened anymore just honestly curious.

"Uhm well I have a supply of it that is given by humans who are willing. There are a select few thousand people in this state who supply it for us vampires across a few other states. There are maybe a 100,000 humans who actually know vampires exist." She looks at me with confusion. I offer her a small smile. "I really am sorry I didn't explain this sooner. I just couldn't loose you. If you walked away from me after this it would kill me." She looks at me with tears forming in her eyes. They start to fall and I move my hand to wipe them away. She stops me and starts to walk away. I grab her hand and she turns her head to me slightly without fully looking at me.

"Jessica, I'm so sorry. Please. Can you forgive me?" She pulls her hand away from me and walks upstairs to my room. My head has never hung lower than it did at this moment. Not once in my 300 years of life have I ever felt this low. I really messed this up. She's an understanding person. I don't know why I never told her. She would of stuck by me, she loves me. Why wouldn't she. Wait.... will she still love me after this? I go to sit on the couch to give her time to cool down.

What feels like an eternity passes and I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Jessica is standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at me. I wonder if my eyes have changed back yet. I dont want her to be scared. She moves over to sit by me. She takes me by the hand and looks me in the eyes and says "Tell me everything about you." This shocks me and for some reason brings tears to my eyes. She grabs my face and kisses me. This perks me right up and my fangs shoot out again. Damn it I hope this doesn't scare her off. She stares at them with curiosity in her eyes. She reaches up to my mouth with one finger and traces my fangs. She looks to interested in them. Good...I don't want her to be scared of them. She must have horrible thoughts of vampires. Humans made vampires seem extremely dangerous and scary. Don't get me wrong some can but 90% of them are just like humans. I pull my fangs back in and start to tell her about my 300 years of life.

**Jessica's p.o.v**

We spend the next 4 hours chatting about her life. She's been through so much. I laugh, I cry, I embrace everything she says. She is a genuine vampire and human. How do vampires stay so young and beautiful?

The things that they tell you about vampires are completely wrong. I've learned that there is about 10% who are really fucked up and are extremely dangerous. They are supposedly locked up here in the city under ground in a compound with thousands of guards. Thank god because they sound really bad to be around. I still cant believe my girlfriend is a vampire. I literally have no idea why but I am super excited and turned on. I wonder what it's like having sex with her. I cant wait to find out. Grace smirks at me as if she read my mind.

"Grace, tell me the truth..... can you read my mind?"

She smiles and says yes sometimes. Fuck me. So she must have known I have liked her since the beginning. "Yes I have." Grace says with a smirk on her face. I smile back at her.

We sit for another half hour or so before she asks me if I'd like to bathe with her. I blush at her question but allow her to lead me to the bathroom. I try not to think to much so she can't figure out what I'm thinking. I'm nervous. Like really nervous about this. What if something happens. What if she gets the taste of my blood and can't control herself? Wait am I seriously thinking about letting a vampire bite me and taste my blood? I stop while I think and Grace turns to look at me. "Are you coming?" She says while blushing.

Of course I'd let her bite me and taste my blood again. She smirks. I knew she read my mind there. I blush and smile at her and walk towards her. She runs the bath water. It's not to hot. Apparently vampires can't take really hot showers/ baths or they over heat. Weird because she always feels so cold. She starts undressing me. She finishes and looks me up and down a few times. I can't tell what she is thinking. She had this blank expression on her face. I return the favor by undressing her. She is surely a sight to see. She's perfectly sculpted with light pale skin. It's stunning! Her breast are perky and beautiful. Her figure is amazing. She's literally shaped like an hour glass. It's amazing. I feel gross next to her but her expression now says different.

The bath is done filling now and we both get in. It feels super nice. Her body so close to mine it makes my mind wander. I wonder if she can tell what I'm thinking now. I don't think so but her eyes are closed and it's hard to tell if she is even awake. My mind wanders to kissing her and those wonderful button nipples! I reach out and grab her breast with a gentle squeeze. She moans a little and I smile. I caress her beautiful body and make sure to touch every inch. She's staring at me now and I hadn't noticed.

"S-sorry....you're just so stunning." I say shyly. She just smiles and closes her eyes again leaning her head back. God I love her. I put my head on her chest and start listening for a heart beat. There isn't one. I don't know why but I thought she would have one. Man I have alot to learn.

I wake up in Grace's bed. Man I feel super refreshed! Yesterday was so hectic that it must of worn me out. I walk downstairs and Grace is cooking breakfast for us.

"Vampires eat food?" I say startling Grace a little. She giggles which is absolutely adorable and to die for. I can't help but laugh with her. "Yes we still eat. Food still taste the same, we just don't need it to survive. We need blood to survive." I nod to her not sure what to say next. She comes over to me and sets a plate of pancakes down infront of me and sits down next to me with her plate. She leans over and kisses my cheek and I smile in return.

She makes me feel so good. I take a big bite of my pancakes and she does the same. They are super fluffy and have small chocolate chips in them. They taste amazing. She is such a great cook.

I break the silence by asking her a serious question.

"Did it hurt when you turned?" She stares at the plate for awhile and then puts her utensils down and looks at me. I can see the pain in her eyes as she relives the moment.

"It was one of the most excruciating pains I have ever felt. EVER! It felt like my skin was burning off from the inside and it was. It literally melted off my skin. It changed me, it changed my look. My hair, my face, my body, everything. I never looked like this before. I was very much over weight and very ugly. I had blonde instead of black hair and my eyes were brown. They changed to green. They change red with the blue specks now when I get the taste of blood in my mouth or if something exciting happens. But I can control it. To answer your question again, Yes. Nothing else compares."

I feel bad for asking. She looks like she is in pain. She forces a smile. I pull her face to mine and plant a small kiss on her cheek. I can tell that this time her smile is true. We sit silently for the remainder of our breakfast. I can't help to think to myself what it would be like if Grace changed me. She looks at me as if she heard me think her name. She did. I wonder if she heard the rest of what I just thought and I ask and she shakes her head letting me know she didn't hear anything. Good!

-A few hours later-

Grace and I sit in our living room right next to each other holding hands and watching t.v. This is perfect. Her skin is so soft and almost feels velvety. I circle on her hand with my thumb. I can't help but stare at her. She's so gorgeous.

"Can you take your fangs out on que?" My question startles her.

"Sure can!" She extends her fangs out and I instantly pull my hand up and put my fingers all on her mouth and fangs. She laughs at me.

"What? It really excites me." She giggles some more. I put my mouth to hers and I pull my tongue out and start tracing her fangs and lips with it. She shifts under me. I didn't notice that I made my way on top of her. I laugh at her. Her demeanor has changed and I feel the sexual tension between us. I wonder if she feels it too. I grind my hips on top of her trying to tease her. In one swift movement we start to float upstairs. Wait we are floating?! What the hell! I try to ignore it while we are in a passionate kissing match. We fiercely make out and end up in her room in her bed. She's on top now and is looking at me. Her smile is huge showing her beautiful fangs. I love them. I want some of my own. I wonder if she would change me if I asked. Although she did say it was super painful. I think I could handle it.

I'm snapped out of my thought by Grace pulling our clothes off. I'm back to reality and get super wet. She's magnificent. I stare at her wanting and waiting for her next move. She kisses my neck and makes her way to my breast. She caresses them so gently. She looks up at me with her red and blue eyes. Why do her eyes paralyze me. She looks away and starts moving down more and more. She pushes my legs open and goes to work.

I've never been this horny in my life. She knows exactly what to do down there and before I know it I'm exploding with ecstasy and pleasure. Fuck that was to quick. She looks up at me smiling licking her lips and sucking her two fingers she slipped inside me. She's so sexy. I pull her up to my face and kiss her aggressively and toss her on her back gently laying her down. She looks stunned by my moves. Good. I kiss her some more and start moving my way down. She smells and taste so nice. I find her spot and go at it. Shes moaning so loud that I get super wet again. I slip one finger inside her and she starts moving on her own and riding my finger. I slip another in and she rides faster. I wonder if I can fit one more in there. I try and it hardly fits but I manage to squeeze it in there. She is enjoying this so much. I think I may explode just watching her. She is still riding my fingers fast and hard and I start to move back. I lick her spot and move faster and faster and out of no where she is exploding all over my face and my hand. I too explode moaning extreamly loud. We both are moaning together really really loud. We dont have a care in the world though.

She slows to a stop and I remove my fingers from her one by one and look into her now green eyes and start licking my lips and fingers one by one. She smiles and closes her eyes. I move next to her and wrap us in her blanket. What an amazing day and amazing night. I want this forever and it never to end. I'm going to ask Grace to change me tomorrow. I want this more than ever. I want to be a vampire.

*to be continued*

***Please dont forget to rate and comment. I would love what you like and dont like about the story. thank you!!!***