
Transformed world

If you are here because of the cover. The art is made by @Neferu.nii, you can find her on Instagram. Challenging the heavens, taking power for yourself, and evolving past your mortal limits. To overcome death, to live and thrive. Becoming a higher existence. The path of Cultivation is a hard one, full of conflict and scheming. Earth has shed her mortality, joining the ranks of Tiered Worlds, joining the world of Cultivation. Earth, having the potential of becoming a 9th tiered World, she struck a deal with higher beings in exchange for the full blessing for their children, to keep herself safe and give herself time to evolve. The leaders of the higher beings birthed twins, Ben and Jane. They have never seen before talent and potential. But in order for them to grow one had to be sent away. Follow the adventures of Jane and Ben. One on Earth and one in the vast Universe that is the Cultivation World.

Pasaim · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 24 Second Layer

The next day everyone is standing in a line before Uriel and Adramalech.

There are 12 people in total. The 7 siblings of Jane, Kairy and her adoptive dad, the 2 who were left over with Kairy and her dad, and Jane herself.

They are standing inside a big room layered in grey tiles. Adramalech and Uriel are standing quietly before them.


A sudden shift in the atmosphere. Like a primordial predator is staring at its prey. The feeling of your life hanging on a thread and a pair of scissors ready to cut it.

Everyone immediately put up their guard, ready to fight or run.

"Oh?" Adramalech looked surprised at Kairy, her father, and the two that were left over. "You all have felt killing intent before?" A light smile graced his lips.

Adramalech swiped his hand and 4 rings floated in front of him. "You all can feel your soul. Try reaching out to the ring and making a connection."

One of the rings floated towards Kairy. She grabbed it out of the air and visualized herself making a connection with the ring. Like an invisible strand of her soul enveloping the ring and establishing a connection.

She felt the connection being made. Like a new limb or part of herself was added. An instinctual knowledge of what to do next came washing over her. She suddenly could 'see' the contents inside the ring.

A few books, a bunch of see-through crystals, a long rectangular box, a black bracelet, and some food.

Kairy looked up next to her. There she saw Jane gripping a ring on a chain around her neck, looking questioningly at Uriel.

Kairy looked at Uriel. She has a stoic face, one you couldn't figure out what she is thinking. Her gaze shifted towards Adramalech. He has a slowly growing smirk on his face. The more of them looked at him the wider his smirk became.

"As you see inside your ring, there is a black bracelet. Take it out and put it on." Adramalech instructed.

'Take it out, how?' Many thought. But just this thought was enough for a black bracelet to manifest inside their hand.

As everyone was putting on the bracelet Adramalech spoke again.

"You reacted as I wanted when feeling killing, so..." The smirk is at its peak. "Good luck, we will see you in a few weeks."

Both Uriel and Adramalech waved as an array below their feet began to glow and come to life. Spatial fluctuations became wild and then a bright flash blinded everyone inside the room.


Jane and the rest found themselves inside a similar room they were just teleported out of.

Suddenly a blue transparent screen projected out of the bracelet, like a hologram.

[Energy signature of the second layer detected. Processing...]


[Opening up to the World Spirit...]

Jane looks around and sees everyone had the same confused face as her. Even her siblings.

[Welcome, my 12 chosen!]

"Welcome... My... 12... Chosen." Jane read out loud. As it appeared on the blue holograms like it was typed in real time.

[Sorry for this primitive way of communicating, but World Spirits are very restricted in their communications with their inhabitants and I am rather occupied right now. But oh well. This bracelet has a small wisp of my spirit inside it and allows me to communicate with you. As you might know, Earth has changed a-]

"What is going on?" Jane asked no one in particular cutting off the dialogue being typed in front of her.

At her question on the screen whoever was typing stopped. Like deleting all it said the screen became clear again.

[You have entered the second layer of Earth. Long ago, before your parents had made a deal to protect this world, Earth was fought over by many races. Even though I wanted humans as my inhabitants, many other races kept coming, when I made the deal with your parents they helped me make this second layer.

Anyway, it doesn't really matter.

All you have to know is that as I heavily suppressed all the other races and sealed them inside this second layer, due to me breaking through the next level, evolving essentially, my restrictions on these races have loosened by a lot.

Now, these races have settled in the second layer and I don't want them here.]

Jane is a bit overwhelmed by all the information thrown at her. She is surprised that the World Spirit could talk to her. And that it knew it talked to the daughter of Uriel and Adrmalech, at least she wondered how it knew.

But as a World Spirit, it should know things no one else could know, she speculated.

"And what do you want us to do about it?" Jane asked.

[Quest issued: Exterminate the 5 settlements of the enemy.

1st settlement: 5 Kilometers West.

2nd settlement: 8 Kilometers North-North-West.

3rd settlement: 9 Kilometers North.

4th settlement: 6 Kilometers East.

5th settlement: 9 Kilometers South-East.

This is a good start to making this planet have only inhabitants with my blessing.

Completion: Energy crystals and the opportunity to go back to the first layer.]

"Is this some kind of sick dream or something!? Quests? Like in a fucking game!? Exterminate settlements? You want us to kill until no one remains? Like some sick murderer?" Said a boy around 18 years old with black hair and blue eyes.

"Who are you?" Lucy with her bluish skin, blue-purplish eyes, black hair, 9 black tails, and menacing horns that grew from her forehead vertically upward, looked quite intimidating.

"I am Jordan Bole and human by the way. Who are you?" Even though Jordan is very intimidated he didn't back down.

Lucy raised her hand to stop any of her 6 siblings from acting. "The only ones I deem worthy to talk to me like that are my father, mother, first mother, and the heir to the Pride clan." Lucy scanned Jordan from top to bottom, leaving nothing unscanned.

Jordan felt like he was seen through and all his secrets exposed.

"And you are unworthy to even know my name." Lucy looked down at Jordan and turned on her heels and sat down crossed-legged.

She took out her body cultivation technique from her spatial ring and started cultivating.

A sudden change in the atmosphere could be felt by everyone as the surrounding energy all funneled towards Lucy. Popping sounds are heard from her body as she quickly advanced her bodily cultivation, taking the first step toward becoming stronger.

[You have 7 days to prepare before you set out. ;)]