
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

34 Concludes

Alus took a scroll from his spatial ring and handed it over to Ben. "This scroll holds the movement part of the Red grade technique [Flow]. Read and start comprehending it. Then practice."

Ben nodded. "Master, I do have a question though." Alus just nodded for Ben to ask away. "Do these martial arts help in cultivating the body, like I already have powerful body cultivation techniques from my entities?"

"That is a good question, I'm pretty new to teaching so... Ahem... No, you can see these techniques as supplementary techniques. To direct all that you have cultivated into a direction and use it more wisely. It's like acquiring knowledge but then not knowing how to use the knowledge. These techniques teach you an option for how to use this knowledge." Alus explained.

"That did not really make sense but I think I get it. When I cultivate I accumulate power in my body. Then when I fight I will use all that power not efficiently. Like I will use much power here less power there. Or even use power in the wrong directions.

Learning these techniques gives me the option to direct all the power and use it much more efficiently."

Alus was again stunned. "Yes... Exactly. Someone who has high proficiency and self-control has a much higher prowess than someone with higher cultivation without technique."

Ben nodded and began to read the scroll using the speed reading technique from the Sapine family.

The whole [Flow] martial art was focused on flexibility. Alus who scanned Ben's whole body found out that Ben had a very high talent for martial arts because his body couldn't be better for hand-to-hand combat.

Ben's body had such a high affinity for flexibility, speed and strength you would think such a prodigy would only be born once a generation. Alus even suspected that Ben had a special body constitution. But Alus couldn't see through it.

The rest of the day was spent learning the movement technique of [Flow]. Ben first read a bunch of times. He then tried to replicate the movements of the technique and on the first try, he felt that his body changed a bit. He felt his body getting more flexible.

It was a surreal feeling. Normally a person would notice that he was beginning to become more flexible a few weeks after doing flexibility exercises every day. But Ben felt it the first time he practiced the movement technique.

On the second try, he felt it more pronounced. The change in his body was certainly happening. Getting a bit addicted to the feeling the next hour or so he did the movements back to back.

At the end of the hour of Ben doing the movements, an excruciating pain assaulted his body. "Argh..." A grunt escaped Ben's mouth. Ben felt his muscles breaking and his bones crack.

Alus who was focused all of the time on Ben told him. "Fast! Start cultivating your body!"

Ben heard him and sat down and tried to regulate his breath. Nine black tails sprouted from Ben's back. The dragon chest came out of his spatial ring and increased the density of Primal qi around Ben.

He started to cultivate using the [Primordial water body] and [9 void tails] at the same time. Primal qi surged towards Ben.

Ben felt his body cultivation shoot through the roof. His muscles and bones started to mend themselves. His muscles got much more flexible. His bones got also stronger and his joints loosened up a lot, while also getting much stronger.

Black mucus was exiting Ben's pores. Alus yet again was surprised. Ben's cultivation rose till it hit the bottleneck of the first stage. So, his body path cultivation was at the moment at the peak of the foundation bone marrow stage.

Ben released a foul breath. "What you just did, exhausting your body to the bone and then sitting down and cultivate to mend your body and increase your cultivation. Is one of the most effective ways to increase your body cultivation." Alus explained.

Ben nodded with vigor. His body was brimming with energy. But when he wanted to stand up a splitting headache assaulted his mind. "Due to you overexerting your body to such a high degree, the concentration and will needed for your body to keep going is so incredibly high your mind is exhausted. You need rest. So, this will conclude today's training."

A little bit longer than a year ago.

On the east of the capital city on the mainland. On the top floor of a massive tower with a dome made of glass on top. A very handsome man sat crosslegged on a cushion. If you just look at his appearance he is certainly from the Silivren royal family.

This man gazed to space and if one looked deep into his eyes you would think you were staring at deep space. Because the Silivren family had such a talent for Space and stars. Spatial deviations or breaches in space were easily sensed by the Silivren family. Especially this man, who is seated at the highest tower in the heart of the Silivren's domain.

This man had his senses stretched out all over the Elven land. Every corner was blanketed by his soul sense. He of course respected the privacy of his race, his soul sense was only primed for spatial deviations.

Then suddenly his eyes snapped to the west and he abruptly stood up. He took out a messaging talisman. "It is beginning. Even though it is too early, it was within our calculations for this to happen. Since we know what is happening to the heavens it was to be expected that the seal would weaken quicker.

There will be four breaches. One in the far north a few kilometers west of the dwarfen territory. One east on the 'Rising sun Island'. One south on 'Snow peak Mountain'. The biggest is west that is where I'm going to receive our uninvited guests."

After saying this the talisman burned and the man stretched his hand out to the side. A spatial rift appeared to his side and the man stepped through it.

In the west of the Elven land in the outskirts of the Morivae's family domain. In a withered forest, called 'Dark withered forest'. At the center of the forest, a beautiful scene was being shown. There seemed to be a small grid wall of golden runes and lines appearing.

It started as a small dot but it expanded outward until it was as high as the trees and almost split the forest in two halves at the shortest distance from where one entered and exited the forest.

At this point, a spatial rift appeared and the man from the Silivren family exited.