
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
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35 Chs

3 World tree 1

The current world tree is an existence that has lived for over 300 thousand years and isn't even at his prime. The world tree has been there when the first elf was born. The world tree was just a higher Ent about to trance the to a world tree.

It was the era of chaos. The demons ruled the land and hunted down all the dragons. The dragon king and his sons where eventually the only ones that where left. At that time the current world tree was dying. The world tree and the dragons came to an agreement.

The dragons and the withering world tree would sacrifice their life to drive away the demons and seal them on their islands. The world tree also had a condition that the last forest dragon would help the higher Ent ascent to a world tree and that the dragon king would give his special power to this higher Ent.

The dragons agreed. The sacrifice of the last dragons and the world tree birthed a new era. It sealed all demons to two continents. The world was swept over by a massive amount of energy. With this blast of energy of the lives of the dragons and the world tree created two new races, the elves and dwarves. With the creation of the new races a new entity came with it.

The entity called the god of the elves. The infant god of the elves made an eternal pact with the world tree that as long as the elves live they will be the protector of the tree and in turn the world tree will protect the elves and keeps making energy for the world and the seals that keep the demons imprisoned.

The entity 'god of the elves' is special even among all the other god entities because it can exist in two elves at the same time. The current king and the crown prince. Another reason it is special is because its power is related to the elf's constitution. Elves are natural drawn to energy dense areas and have close ties to nature. The power of the god of elves give the bearer of the entity control of all the elemental energies that are in the air. It is not an absolute control.

If an enemy has high affinity to fire the energy the fire user commands cannot be controlled by the god of the elves. On the other hand, all the other elemental energies in the air will bend to the god of elves will. So, the one who has this entity will never run out of energy. The only counter to this is if there are no elemental energies in the air. That is why it is one of the strongest entities that exists, but it is also one of the youngest.

Under the roots of the world tree there is a lot going on. The plane that crashed had not that many passengers inside. Only 49 passengers with 4 stewardesses and 2 pilots. In total 55 people. The seals of mortality and shackles that bind them are sucking all the energy that the world tree is creating. For the seals to break they need a huge amount of energy.

The world tree is straining his energy production to provide just enough energy to break the seals of every human at the same time. The result of this means that because his energy is divided over the humans it will take a long time for the unsealing to finish. So, the world tree took another approach. It will give 54 people just enough energy to keep them alive but in a comatose state and give the seals enough energy to satiate them.

In turn the world tree will focus on one individual at a time to unseal their bodies. For the first individual it chose the young man that the goddess of the moon had threatened him with. It chose this young man because the world tree was a little scared of the goddess and because the entity that the goddess spoke with.

The world tree had a feeling that the entity that spoke with the goddess of the moon was even more ancient than this world and time itself. By focusing on one individual at a time for unsealing it reduced the time needed for the young man to unseal from a very long time to only a year. By that time if the world tree no longer needs to support him with energy.

The world tree will release him and focus on unsealing the next person. It will be easier to unseal the other people. When the first person is unsealed and doesn't need energy from the world tree anymore, more energy can be used to unseal the next person.

The time needed to unseal the next person will also be reduced because of more available energy. The world tree plans to release the princess and let the young man and her meet. He is curious to know what will happen.

Slowly time past for a certain individual. The crown prince is becoming more restless as time passes. 'I almost had her, she was only so close to giving in.' 'Shit. Her father already gave his consent to ask for her hand. The only condition was that she also wanted to marry me.' All these thought alongside more vulgar thoughts where taking more space of the crown princes' mind every day. Finally, when exactly a year has passed, he went to the world tree together with the king.

"Almighty you promised that you would speak again when a year past." The crown prince says to the world tree but got no answer. The crown prince tries another time and still no answer. The prince is slowly getting livid. The king is just resting on his seat and drinking a hot beverage. The king brought with him a stool and a table to rest on. "Hey kid, have a little patience, the world tree doesn't take well when people try to command him." The king says to the prince.

The prince was furious. He started to walk towards the world tree and sat down with an angry expression. When the patience of the prince was almost up and the day was almost over the prince heard the voice of the world tree. "Young man you know that I would never go back on my promise. You need to learn patience if you ever want to lead your people well.

"The prince shot up and replied in a hurried tone "Yes, yes, I know but is she okay? Will she be released?" "Yes, don't worry she will come out but its best if you come back tomorrow." The world tree answered. "Why?" The prince asked. The king also looked up from his beverage. "Well she is very tired and needs to recover." "Oh. Then we will come back tomorrow then." The king says and bows to the world tree and leaves to go back to the city and his palace.

"Ugh... What the hell happened." Benjamin says. While the memories of what happened repeated inside his head. "The pain is gone. Finally. Why does my body feel so sore? Because of the pain? Can be it." Benjamin mutters.

He slowly opens his eyes and blinks rapidly because he is blinded by the light. After some time, his eyes adjust, he looks around. He sees a golden sky and he is lying in luscious green grass. "Is this heaven? Have I died? What the hell is this place?" Benjamin mutters while holding his head with one hand.

"No this is definitely not hell young human." An ancient voice is heard all around Benjamin. "Who are you? Are you god?" Benjamin asks. "Hahaha... No young one I am the world tree that helped you escape death. You are inside my mind scape." The voice responded. "What, world tree? Help me help escape death? Mindscape? Is this some kind of sick joke? Wait what is this language I am speaking, this is definitely not English?" Benjamin voices out.

"I am a world tree and you came crashing down in a big metal bird on this continent. That is why you almost died. The inhabitants of this continent brought you to me. This place is my mindscape. It's a place only a world tree has. It's a space inside my body where my consciousness resides. And the language that you are now speaking is the language of this world. I don't know of any language called 'English'." The world tree says to Benjamin.

"So, just to be clear I am not dead?" "Yes, you are not dead." "And I am inside you, the world tree?" "Yes." "And I am talking in a language I never learned?" "Yes" "Wow. This is unreal." "No this is very real." "How long have I been out?" Ben asks. "You have been held here for a year." The world tree says. "Oh." Ben responses.

'A freaking year. Did I transmigrate to another world? No that cannot be it because he said that I was inside a metal bird, that must be the plane. Unless the whole plane transmigrated with me.' "Where there more humans brought to you?" Benjamin asked the world tree. "Yes 54 others." The world tree answers. '54 people? So, everyone transmigrated with me? No that is too much.'

Benjamin thought but suddenly a far outstretched idea popped inside his head. "Wait what about my world, my home? I need to go back to my home." Benjamin says. "Your home? This world has never had humans living on it." The world tree says. "Huh? How do you know I am human then?" Benjamin asks.

"I looked trough your mind for the name of your race, homo sapiens also known as humans." The world tree replies. "Oh okay. That's creepy. Well you're a world tree, right? So, you should be able to see the world then, right?" Benjamin asks. "Hoh… you are a peculiar little creature human. But yes, I can see the whole world, but I haven't scanned the whole world in a long t-" The world tree starts.

"What? how could this happen? This is impossible." The world tree exclaims. "What is impossible, tell me." Benjamin says. 'Please let my assumption be right.' Benjamin chants in his head. "No this can't be. This world almost doubled in size. There are whole new continents. How could this happen?" The world tree says.