
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

29 Proposal

Taking his eyes from the thrones and looking to the left and right of the great hall. He saw a lot of elves, there were a lot that had different hair colors and eyes.

'The elves are a beautiful race.' Was the first thought Ben had when he looked around at all the elves gathered here.

"Royal guest, please come forward and pay your respects to the leaders of the elves." The royal guard that escorted Ben said to him. "Ah! Yes, sorry." Ben embarrassingly responded while touching his nose.

Ben followed the guard all the way towards the platform. "Stay here and pay your respects." The guard instructed. The guard faced the leaders of the royal family. He saluted by stomping his left fist to his chest. Then he bowed ninety degrees.

"You can raise your head." The king said. The guard raised his head and stepped toward the guards standing in front of the platform. He joined the line and resumed his duty.

All the while Ben looked on with interest to what the guard did. 'No one taught any of this formal stuff to me. Should I mirror the guard or just do what I think is appropriate?'

While Ben was thinking this, his body reacted on its own. He bowed forty-five degrees. The clan leaders narrowed their eyes while the King imperceptibly smiled. "You can raise your head, Ben." The king said.

Ben raised his head. "The reason I called you here is to introduce you." The king said with a mysterious face. In a lot louder and authoritative voice, the king said to the elves present.

"The Ancestor-elders and I of the royal families have connected with the Old one. We have interacted with Our Mother, she told us that because of the weakening of the seal on the realm of Chaos; the heavens of different realms decided on a union.

The world of this young man here, his name is Benjamin Gabriel, is from one of these realms. But this realm isn't one of cultivation, but something they call 'technology'. Due to this the heavens decided to seal this realm off from us. We don't know the how Benjamin circumvented the sealing but due to this he is stranded here with us.

Due to him being disconnected from his heavens, he is unable to cultivate his energy and soul path until his realm unseals.

This is unfortunate because he is a genius that only appears only ones per generation. With this I mean a genius on parallel footing to myself. Maybe even a talent higher than myself."

Gasps resounded throughout the hall. A lot of people paled when they heard the seal on the Chaos realm was weakening. But brightened when they heard that Our Mother knew of the plan of multiple heavens wanting to merge.

A lot of murmurs resounded through the hall when everyone began to discuss everything that was said.

While this was happening, Ben stood perplexed in front of the stage. 'I am an extreme genius? I knew I was a bit overpowered to have all these entities, but to such an extent, I didn't know.'

He slowly looked up to the king and he was sure he saw a mischievous glint inside the eyes of the king. But it was gone as fast as it came.

The king raised his hand to indicate he wanted silence. A moment later it was quiet again. "This doesn't mean Benjamin can't improve. He can cultivate his body as he likes, only this path isn't obstructed by not being connected by the heavens.

I also have taken him to his weapon affinity test. The result was something very interesting. The heavens showed us a different kind of weapon. Headmaster Makalaure is already busy making this new kind of weapon.

When this is ready. A member of the Dusk Royal family will comprehend this weapon and teach it to Benjamin." The king said to the people inside the great hall. The man on the throne stood up and bellowed to the crowd.

"Leave it to the Dusk family to nurture this talent. Being from a heaven that will unify with ours to fight the Chaos realm is it to us to make this young one powerful in order to suppress the Chaos realm. Regarding the disconnection fr-" The clan leader of the Dusk family suddenly stopped talking mid-sentence.

He bowed to the king and sat down. Ben was curious of what the man was going to say, but he kept to himself. He is the only one here of his race right now. He now also knew why he was treated with a lot of respect.

Ben has read enough novels to understand that in a world of cultivation power was everything. To stand on top of the world is to justify your own means.

Ben who was in thought snaped back into reality when the king continued with talking.

"Being disconnected from the heavens means you can't learn any laws. But you can comprehend concepts.

Only being disconnected from the heavens does impede the speed of comprehending said concept.

The reason I tell you all this? Benjamin here is disconnected from his heavens, is all alone and surrounded by a different intelligent species and will have a difficult path ahead of himself to get stronger. But is he giving up?

No, he isn't giving up. In only a week has he improved his body cultivation by three minor realms, his energy cultivation also with three minor stages using Primal qi and he has learned a bit of our history, our power structure and a bit of culture."

The elves present were dumbfounded. A literal newborn in the world of cultivation has improved that much in only a few days and even learned history, culture and the general power structure in only a week.

He is even disconnected from his heavens and he is already this talented. What kind of monster would he be if he got connected to the heavens?

A lot of elves had the thought of tying him down to their own families.

One person stands up of the elves present. He has long deep blue hair, his eyes are also the color of his hair and his skin is very glossy.

"I have a proposal for Benjamin. I can faintly sense a water attributed cultivation from you. I Arith Vonalu clan leader of the Vonalu great family want to betroth my third daughter Alith Volanlu with Benjamin. Because of your water attributed cultivation it is only natural for my family to nurture you.

What do you say Benjamin? Marrying my daughter and my Vonalu family nurturing you to become powerful?"