
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

12 Ghost

Ben slowly opens his eyes. He sees an unfamiliar ceiling. It is full of yellow crystals. Ben is a little confused at first but then all the memories came crashing down. Ben lets out a long sigh. Ben looks around and sees his clothes all over the place. He stands up and gathers all his clothes and places them down unto the bed. He walks out the room and enters the bathroom and looks around.

He walks to the showerhead looking devises. Attached to the showerhead looking devise with golden lines and symbols are a red and blue crystal. Ben touches the blue one and water starts to flow from the showerhead.

A high-pitched scream comes from Ben's mouth. The water is ice cold. Ben jumps back. He evades the water and touches the red crystal. The water changes to a lukewarm stream. Ben lets out a sigh. He showers and touches the crystals again and the water stops running.

Ben walks to a cabinet inside the bathroom and opens it and towels are inside. He grabs one and starts to dry himself. He walks out the bathroom with the towel around his waist down. Suddenly a knock is heard on the door. "Hey, are y-" A meek voice starts but is interrupted by the opening of the door. Ben wasn't thinking straight and opened the door without thinking. He is still in only his towel.

A servant is standing in front of the door holding something. The servant is stunned. As a servant it is normal to look down all the time so all she saw was bare feet and a towel. Her eyes crept up and when her eyes came above the waist she couldn't look away. A perfect six pack and powerful muscles are shown to her in their full glory.

She snaps out of it when she hears a cough from Ben. "I-I-I ehm… oh! Yes, I came to bring you this for Madam Miranda. She said it belonged to you." The servant says giving Ben a thin rectangular devise. Then she runs off as fast as she could. Ben who takes the devise is standing there blankly in a towel inside his doorway. Ben steps back and closes the door. "Well that was embarrassing." Ben says out loud.

He looks down to his hand that is holding the thing that the servant gave him. It was his mobile phone. It was a s*msung g*laxy S10 L*te. (A/N: just in case for copyright.) 'Why did she give me this. It should be useless because we merged with their world, right?' Ben thought. Ben pushes the power button and the screen opens. Ben frowns.

'How does he still have a full battery? It was in my pocket for over a year.' Then suddenly a white mist starts to come from the phone. Ben drops the phone and takes a few steps back. The mist eventually forms a ghost like form. "Finally, master I am back in your hands. That woman was crazy. She wanted to make a contract with me but I want to only make a contract with master." A voice is heard.

The voice sounds like somebody is talking over a radio to Ben. "Master is after all the one who bought me and used me." The voice continues. "That woman after a lot of convincing finally send me to master."

Ben asks cautiously. "Who are you?" "Master you don't recognize me? We have been together for two years already." Ben who connected the voice to the ghost asked. "Are you my phone?" "Affirmative, I am S.G.S.10.L master." The ghost says. 'Water?' Ben tries to communicate with Water. 'Hmm? Oh, this is new.' Water says inside Bens' head.

'Can you take me out?' Water asks Ben. Ben shines a blue light and Water materializes next to him. "Hey, what is your name?" Water asks. "I am S.G.S.10.L, primordial water of master." The ghost says. "You are a newly formed spirit?" Water asks.

"Affirmative, I just finished forming my consciousness just when master was changing clothes. I started evolving when a steady stream of very pure qi washed over me." The ghost says. "By master you mean Ben?" Water asks. "Affirmative." "You want to make a contract with Ben?" "Affirmative."

'He doesn't have any malice to you or me. He should be the only and first of his kind right now. The best thing to do is making a contract.' Water says to Ben inside his head. 'Okay sure.' Ben replies. "How does making a contract work?" Ben asks to both Water and the ghost.

"Every spirit has a different kind of process of making a contract. As he is a kind of spirit of your phone it should involve your phone." Water says. "Affirmative. What primordial water said is correct. Master needs to repeat the integration of his fingerprint and face recognition." The ghost says. Ben steps forward and the ghost makes way for Ben. Ben then pick up his phone and opens it once again.

The screen changes to all black and a white circle in the middle. "Please, put your two thumbs in the circle master." Ben presses his two thumbs on the screen inside the white circle. After a minute the black screen changes to green.

The front camera is activated. "Please look into the camera master." Ben looks in the camera and a white thread connects in between Bens eyes and the camera. The phone disappears from Bens hands and he feels another connection forming.

When he feels that the connection is fully formed, he wills his phone to his hand. The phone materializes in his hand. "This is amazing. What special ability do you give me?" Ben asks. "I am now connected with you, but you cannot fully use my potential. Please connect me to your soul avatar."

Ben nods and moves to his bed and sits down cross-legged. "Is it okay if I give you a name?" Ben asks. "I already have a name master, but if you want you can rename me." The ghost says. "As on first sight you reminded me of a ghost and you are white and translucent and all, I am giving you the name Ghost." Ben says. "Thank you for naming me master. From now on I will be called Ghost. "-REBOOTING-." Ghost says and reboots.

Bens' consciousness moves to his inner soul realm. Ben pulls the connection with S.G.S.10.L to his inner soul realm. A white orb is absorbed by the soul avatar. All of a sudden, the armor that is floating around the soul avatar changes. The armor disappears and it gets replaced by a metallic looking fabric. It looks like a thermal onesie that extends to the back of the head and just covers the ears and nose.

The eyes are covered with black glass. "Wow, that is one spiderman looking suit." Ben says out loud. Ben exits his inner soul realm and summons his armor. When his armor covers his whole body, the only thing Ben sees is darkness. "Ehm…? Am I supposed to see nothing?" Ben asks. "Wait a moment. I am still integrating myself to your soul, master." Ghost says.

Suddenly a bright light blinds Bens' eyes. When Bens' eyes adjust it feels like he is in a video game. There is in the right lower corner a blue bar. There is also a thin horizontal blue line at the top of Ben's vision. Same goes for the lower part of his vision. Ben suddenly sees a blue barrier pulses out and reverberates of the walls of his room. "What was that?" Ben asks.

"That was [Detection pulse] it is a pulse that scans your surroundings and makes a schematic of your surroundings that you can call up. It also scans people for you and marks them for you to see. It has [Thermal vision] that way you can see heat. [Night vision] that way you can clearly see in the dark. Even in the void. [Zoom] master has only access to 2x.

If master wants to use better versions of the techniques master needs to level up his soul cultivation." Ghosts voice resounded throughout the suit. "For me to keep working in optimal condition master needs to cultivate lightning qi."