
Transformed world (Discontinued. Rewriting and editing. Will re-upload

A world of technology merges with worlds of cultivation. The whole of humanity faces an enemy so strong it threatens the heavens themselves. The others worlds are filled with myriad of races. Ones brand new and others as ancient as time immemorial. Follow a pair of brother and sister. One thrust into the world of cultivation too soon adventuring the newly merged world. The other slowly adapting in a somewhat save environment of technology that is adapting to the cultivation world. The one fends for himself the other following humanity while hoping to find the other. _________________________________________________________________________ The first 30 or so chapters are a bit messy. It is my first try at a novel. I know there will be a lot of plot holes here and there, but I'm trying. English is not my first language, even though I try my best to make as little as possible grammar mistakes.

Pasaim · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

1 Crash

Pain. I can only feel pain. It is so excruciating. My whole body is in pain. It feels like every fiber of my body is on fire. My bones are being destroyed and build up again. Then the cycle continues. Destroyed and build up.

My skin is peeled off and rebuild and repeat. I can't hear anything. The only sound I can hear is electric static. I don't even know if I'm screaming or not. The only thing I see is darkness. The deep abyss. 'Is this the end? Am I dead? If this is what we feel after you die? I wouldn't wish this to anyone. If I could, I would want to live forever.'

Suddenly, I see a green golden glow in the deep abyss. It slowly becomes brighter and engulfs my body. 'Oh? what is this calming feeling? It is so comfortable. I can finally relax.' Now all the stress from the pain he felt is gone Benjamin fell into a deep sleep.

Beeping sounds and alarms could be heard inside a cockpit of a plane. "Mayday mayday we have lost contact mainland. When there was a distortion in the atmosphere we appeared out of nowhere above sea. We don't know where we are.

The navigation and auto pilot are not responding. We are flying blind. Looking at the sun we are flying to south west. We will be out of gas in two and a half hours! We are in need of immediate assistance."

The pilot is almost screaming into the transmission radio of the plane. When flying in the direction of south west for over one and a half hour the pilots see land. A very green land and a massive tree in the distance. The height of the tree cannot be seen as it is even higher than the plane is flying.

"Julie please inform the passengers to fasten their seatbelts and prepare for emergency landing. We will try to land gently inside that clearing." One of the pilots says to a stewardess. "Yes sir, I'll immediately inform the passengers." The stewardess replies.

The intercom alarm is heard inside the cabin. "All Passengers please fasten your seatbelt and please remain. Prepare for an emergency landing." The voice of the stewardess is heard through the intercom. All the passengers inside the plane all start to get nervous. Some whispers could be heard. 'Are we going to die' and 'What happened?' or 'oh no will we survive.'

In a place not far away, a bustling city is located. The city has a middle-aged feel to it and the infrastructure screams year three hundred. The only difference is that the city is beautiful perfectly cut wooden houses and marble stones. Golden accents everywhere.

n a busy street with lots of shops and people a group of heavily armored individuals can be seen surrounding a beautiful girl with crystal white hair and blue white eyes. A peculiar thing you can notice from all people here is that they are all pretty tall and have pointed ears.

"Princess, please let's go back to the palace please!" a maidservant that is assigned to the princess pleads. "No, I just have a feeling that I need to be outside!" The princess says back. The princess is feeling antsy all day long already. When she decided to go outside the palace the antsy feeling calmed down a bit. When she got to the busy street that feeling started to get stronger.

The street eventually ends up to the entrance to city where the city is surrounded by city walls. The party of the princess also ends up at the entrance. Suddenly the princess feels a hard pull towards the north east. The princess starts to follow the feeling. "Princess where are you going?" The captain of her guards asks.

"I have a feeling like I need to go this way. Into the forest." The princess says to the captain. "But princess its not safe!" The maidservant says. "I have been into this forest a lot of times already to visit the world tree and none of those times I was attacked by beasts." The princess retorts.

"But princess if something will happen to you, we could never forgive ourselves." The maid says. "No, you will not stop me, something is urging me to go there! I will go." With that the princess out of nowhere materializes green 'batlike' wings on her back and a tail forms just above her butt and takes of towards the forest. "Dammit, guards follow the princess NOW!" The captain of her guards screams and starts running after the princess.

'Huh? the princess isn't supposed to have powers, right? She should only be able to call out a sword. Since when did she have wings and a tail?' The captain thought while starting to chase the princess.

The princess is flying very fast trough the forest. The urging feeling made her not think rationally and act on instinct, she is dodging left and right, up and down avoiding all the trees that are in her way. When the sound of an object coming down is heard the princess looks up.

She can't believe what she is seeing, a flying bird shaped metal object is coming straight for her. Her eyes widen and she dodges to the left and is barely able to dodge the metal object.

The metal object crash lands on the ground and loses its wings because of the trees at the side. It scrapes across the ground and slams into the trees in front of it. When it finally comes to a stop the princess immediately flies to the metal object. She calls out her sword and slashes at a window in the side of the metal tube.

Her urging feeling is rampaging trough her and is at its peak when she finally cuts a hole big enough to fit trough. When she looks inside, she sees a young man inside a strange stool, she immediately cuts the strings holding him in place and tries to drag him out of the hole she made.

The captain of the guards hears the crash and is very scared now. 'What happened? Is the princess okay?' "Go faster we need to know if the princess is okay." The captain commands his troops and hurries his steps and when he can finally look through the bushes and trees into the clearing.

He sees the princess coming out of a metal tube dragging a young man by his armpits through a hole. With her wings protecting the man form danger. "Help the princess and look for survivors!" The captain gives his orders to the guards.

"Captain Sigrid, help me carry him and the survivors to the world tree." The princess commands to the captain. "To the world tree? But that is our sacred place. Are you sure?" The captain asks. "Yes, you will do as I say, I am your princess, you will listen to my commands!" The princess' voice rumbles and with it carrying a very profound feelling all of a sudden, like an ancient deity speaking to a mortal.

"Lay them down close to the world tree. The almighty will know what to do." After the guards could carry some more survivors out of the metal tube, they all rushed to the world tree. When arriving at the world tree that was in the middle of the forest. They put all the injured people down at the feet of a very big tree that needs at least 30 people holding hands to surround the tree.

The height of the tree is even more impressive. The top of the tree cannot be seen because the top is above the clouds. A very profound and ancient voice resounded trough the area. "What are these creatures, little one? I don't have any knowledge about them existing. They look like elves but don't have pointed ears like elves do. They are definitely not dwarves. They are too tall and have a too delicate appearance." The voice says.

"I don't know. I just had an urging feeling that I needed to go to the north east to be somewhere and out of nowhere a massive metal bird carrying these humanoid creatures came crashing down. I reacted out of instinct and went in and saw this young man and I just knew I needed to save him."

Princess Luna said and at the end of her sentence she started to whisper. "Hmm.... Well doesn't matter but congratulations on unlocking your first entity little one." The ancient voice replies.

The eyes of the princess widen and look down towards her hands and sees she has claws and green scales running all over her body. She feels a weird sensation on her back and looks behind her. "Oh my god I have wings! And a tail!" The princess exclaims.

"Almighty can you please appraise my entity? I would be very grateful." Princess Luna asks the world tree. "Yes of course I can. Let's see." Out of nowhere a string of green energy engulfs the princess. "Oh! You have a very strong entity. It is almost as strong as a primordial entity." The world tree says.

"Really? What is it?" The princess asks. "Well I can't really get a good reading of your entity, but it has a very powerful affinity to the wood element and nature." The world tree stops speaking, the princess is slowly feeling down because the world tree can't appraise her entity.

"But by looking at your appearance it should be a forest dragon." The world continues. The princess is stunned. 'A forest dragon? They are not seen for over hundreds of thousands of years! I have a forest dragon as my entity? OMG this is so exciting!' The princess is thinking and at the end is making a little victory dance.

"Ehem *cough" The captain coughs. The princess froze mid victory dance and fixes her appearance. "Ehem... yes, thank you almighty for appraising my entity." The princess says with a big smile on her face. "No problem little one." The world tree says. "I would have done so anyway out of gratitude because you always visit this old me and likes to listen to my stories." The world tree says.

Then suddenly the wind is starting to pick up and a suffocating aura starts to engulf the whole space. Everybody except the princess and the world tree can withstand this pressure. The world tree does notice the danger but fails to protect the guards and maid. All the guards fall one by one to the ground unconscious. The princess and the world tree are stunned.

Then the body of the man that the princess carried here starts to glow. An even more ancient, dreading and emptiness pressure starts to appear. 'Hey old tree I should move the elves out of here if you don't want them to die.' The world tree hears a very smooth voice directly in his mind. The world tree does as the voice said.

Roots start to come out of the ground and pick up the elves and moves them away. The princess just stares at the body of the young man. She sees three figures start to materialize. She sees a humanoid figure with silver wings and a black halo above his head, a humanoid fox with nine tales and an exact replica of the young man made from only water.