
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime & Comics
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220 Chs

Susan Storm



According to the investors, after Reed and his team encountered cosmic rays, Doom Enterprises' stocks plummeted at the fastest rate since the Great Depression, surpassing even Stark Industries in certain aspects.

This ultimately led to Mr. Victor von Doom's entrepreneurial failure, earning him the moniker "Doctor Doom" as he returned to his hometown to start over.

To lose money to such an extent, would Daisy throw her money into the water? Not a chance!

However, she also knew that money was meant to be spent; otherwise, it was just a bunch of numbers.

Pretending to ponder for a moment, she finally replied, "Reed, do you know? Since I was a child, my dream has been to become an astronaut, but unfortunately, my physical condition is too weak."

Pausing here, she blinked, feeling a little embarrassed for talking nonsense with her eyes open. However, she covered it up well. "I fully support your plan. How about this: I'll waive all of your supercomputer usage fees, and personally donate another ten million to the Baxter Foundation. You can use it however you like."

Without spending money, she wouldn't be able to ask for further preparations. Daisy's intention was to donate the money to the foundation, which could effectively offset taxes. She didn't have to pay taxes on the "hard-earned money" she earned at S.H.I.E.L.D., but Skye Data and Skye Pictures still had to pay taxes.

In the end, she didn't lose much money after all.

Waiving the supercomputer fees made Reed, who had been worried, secretly delighted. However, Daisy's investment seemed a bit small to him. Ten million wouldn't last long.

But something was better than nothing. Since they couldn't even come up with ten million now, Reed tentatively asked, "What do I need to give in return? Naming rights? Percentage of project profits?"

Daisy waved her hand, indicating she didn't need any of those. Project profits? Why don't you ask Doom loudly? His ten years of hard work were destroyed in an instant. Was there any profit in this project?

As for naming rights, it would be classified as one of the most failed investments in history. Was it necessary to name it and be laughed at by future students?

Daisy smiled. "Here's the deal. Because of health reasons, I can't go to space. My legal advisor, you've seen her, Ms. Maki Matsumoto, also has a dream of going to space. Reality doesn't allow us to go to space, so could you bring along two spacesuits with our names written on them as substitutes? That way, it's like we've been to space too."

"It's best if they're the same style as yours, so it feels more personal." After some thought, she added, remembering that Doom's spacesuits were made of a special synthetic fiber, which preserved cosmic rays exceptionally well. Even after passing through the atmosphere, not much escaped. Bringing them back would allow her to extract cosmic rays.

"Is that all?" Reed was a bit skeptical. This condition was as good as having no condition at all.

Upon receiving Daisy's signal, he immediately pledged, "No problem. I'll personally carry the two spacesuits! There won't be any issues, I guarantee it."

Daisy believed in the promises of superheroes. She immediately signed the document for free supercomputer usage and wrote a check for ten million dollars.

After seeing Reed off, Daisy called for the maid. "Maki, prepare the funds we have. We're going to short Doom Enterprises this time."

This was something they had done before, so they were familiar with the process. Miss Maki nodded immediately. "How much of the funds should we use?"

"All of it!"

Daisy was ready to put it all on the line. In her opinion, Doom's space station being swept away by cosmic storms was a sure thing. If anything unexpected happened—like the storm arriving on time, the Fantastic Four not being formed, or Reed's experiment being a huge success, leading him to the pinnacle of life and reconciling with Doom—well, the chances of those things happening were extremely low.

If those things did happen, she would just have to chalk it up to bad luck!

In Maki's mind, Daisy was already like a God. Whatever she said was unquestionably correct. Two hundred million dollars were quickly gathered and waiting to enter the market at the last moment.

A week later, the media announced that Doom Enterprises would be observing cosmic rays. The public wasn't optimistic about it because Doom Enterprises was solely funding this space project and didn't allow any capital to enter. This went against the principles of capitalism...

Daisy's "investment" was more like a donation. In comparison, Doom Enterprises, which provided the space station and observation equipment, as well as all the supplies, had no comparability.

The International Space Station cost 150 billion, and Doom's space station, although not as large, cost over 20 billion. The cost included a large amount of supplies and observation equipment, transportation fees for materials, launch fees for spacecraft, early sky training fees for the team, and the special observation chamber made by Reed, which alone cost about a billion from manufacturing to launch into space to assembly on the space station.

It could be said that Doom was going all-in this time. He believed that his old love rival and nemesis wouldn't betray him. Filled with ambition, he placed all the funds of his group and himself on this project.

As a donor to the foundation, Daisy received an invitation from Reed a month later to visit the space station aboard the spacecraft.

To showcase her "fragile" nature, she dressed a bit less aggressively today. She wore a pale blue chiffon blouse paired with a light gray skirt and a pair of stiletto heels.

For the first time, she lightly swept pink eyeshadow over her eyelids and applied a watermelon-red lipstick. Maki said that under the sparkling texture, it would appear very charming.

Daisy didn't quite understand this, though. After looking at herself in the mirror for a long time, she only felt that her teeth looked exceptionally white beneath the red lips...

Outside, Maki still maintained her image as the queen of the New York legal world—white shirt, black suit, thin-rimmed glasses, and eight-centimeter high heels.

"Welcome, I am Susan Storm, head of the genetics research department at Doom Enterprises." Walking into the Kennedy Space Center, a young woman approached from a distance. She was tall, with flowing, light blonde hair, fair skin, and lips as red as dawn. A smile from her could make one's heart flutter.

She was wearing a special protective suit made of synthetic fibers, walking briskly, with the suit accentuating her perfect figure.

Daisy couldn't help but look her up and down. This woman indeed had charisma, captivating not only Reed and Doom but even someone like Silver Surfer, who had destroyed countless planets, and was forcibly whitewashed by her smile...

Judging solely based on appearance, Susan Storm was on par with Black Widow. However, unlike Black Widow's trained and unintentional seductive allure, Susan had a sweet smile. While this might be a negative for women, it was a definite positive for men who liked the innocent and girl-next-door vibe.


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