
Transformation into the Marvel Universe

As the saying goes, three points are talents, seven points depend on hard work, and the remaining ninety points are given by parents. Daisy Johnson, Quake who traveled through the Marvel world, was secretly glad that she was one of those who had ninety points. Should she use her vibration power to become a salted fish and wait for the heroes to rescue her, or should she catch up and lead the way? Choosing to inherit the spirit of Nick Fury, she chose the latter. With S.H.I.E.L.D.’s control of countless resources and various advantages, this is a story of a time traveler gradually becoming stronger in the Marvel world. .............. OG Author: I want the quiet Don River ................ If you like the fic and would like to support this poor translator, then you can buy me a Kofi at https://ko-fi.com /daoistyuri  :)

Dao_of_MTL_8008 · Anime & Comics
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218 Chs

Lorna's School Life



"Miss Daisy Johnson? I've reviewed your application, and as the school, we welcome your ward to enroll. Our school's motto... In the past, we have achieved such and such honors..." Coulson acted as if he didn't know her, smiling and shaking hands, then launching into a series of introductions.

Originally, Daisy hadn't planned to enroll directly. Coulson's so-called "application" was obviously nonsense. But now, seeing Coulson's enthusiasm, she couldn't refuse. She couldn't just say they were here to take a look around and leave him to his own devices, right? What about the camaraderie of their S.H.I.E.L.D. colleagues? Just leaving like that was a bit disrespectful.

Daisy's acting skills were also good; she nodded from time to time as if listening carefully.

Initially, she hadn't expected to encounter acquaintances in this place, but she quickly realized it made sense. Many agents had real-life identities. Like herself, running a film production company and doing the Ice Bucket Challenge, didn't conflict with being a secret agent.

Coulson had always wanted to be a teacher. As a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, he couldn't teach for long periods. Becoming a principal now, he probably did it for his dream, right?

Lorna was very intelligent, but she couldn't tell that the two adults knew each other. She just thought the kind-faced principal seemed quite kind and gentle, more convincing than the other principals she had met before with her stepfather and mother.

Overall, the first impression of this school was quite good.

"If you're satisfied, then go and listen to some classes. If someone bullies you, remember the moves I taught you." Daisy gestured with her fist towards Lorna. She couldn't yet master her powers, but she could still learn some basic combat techniques.

In the original timeline, Lorna Dane wouldn't have known any fighting techniques and would have been beaten up while trying to show off in prison.

To give her some self-defense skills, Daisy simplified a set of fighting techniques from the S.H.I.E.L.D. technical and tactical courses. It was impossible to become a master fighter, but it would be enough to deal with some middle school students.

Lorna had been eating a lot of meat lately, and her body looked a bit stronger. She also gestured with her fist towards Daisy. Although she thought the idea of going to class was a bit random, based on her understanding of Daisy, this guardian was always random, so it wasn't too surprising. Going back to school one day earlier wouldn't make much difference.

Lorna was a decisive person. She nodded and left with the teacher to attend class.

"Your teaching methods are really unique..." Since there were no outsiders present, Coulson looked at her somewhat weirdly.

"I was often bullied by bigger kids when I was young. It's necessary to have some self-defense skills. You white folks wouldn't understand. By the way, you've always been the principal here?" Daisy sat on Coulson's chair, looking out the window at many kids playing basketball, asking somewhat puzzled.

"Ever since I came back from Antarctica. I've always liked kids, and watching them grow up into good people is my pleasure." Coulson and she looked out over the entire school together.

The face of the kind-hearted man shone with a light that could be called humanity. He truly enjoyed teaching, and enjoying his current life.

Daisy sighed, strengthening her determination. Not everyone liked the life of a secret agent. Coulson was a living example. He sacrificed his dreams and even his love for the safety of the world. What did he ultimately gain? Nothing.

Daisy patted Coulson's shoulder. "If you like kids so much, why not have one of your own? I heard things are going well with that cellist. Hurry up and get married!"

With that said, she didn't give Coulson a chance to respond and left Midtown High School.

To ensure Lorna wouldn't be bullied at school, Daisy sent out her bodyguards and driver to escort her every day. Manhattan to Long Island wasn't too far, anyway.

There are always a few who dare to bully the children of the rich these days.

During dinner, Lorna vividly recounted her experiences at school.

Daisy really wanted to ask how much she had learned today, but seeing Lorna waving a fork and enthusiastically describing how she knocked down a chubby girl, she kept quiet. She might as well treat going to school as playing around...

Hearing Lorna mention her classmates, Daisy felt a bit uncomfortable. Who arranged this? Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, Mary Jane, and Flash Thompson were understandable, but how did Jessica Campbell and Tracy Walker pop up?

Why did a class gather so many "elites"? Daisy specifically called Coulson to ask about this.

"Many of these kids are geniuses. They have talents that adults don't notice. I think putting them together can encourage each other and improve together." Coulson said so over the phone.

Daisy could only describe his vision as boundless unless Coulson was also a transmigrator; otherwise, his ability to see future potential in youth was definitely top-notch.

For Lorna, who used to only play around in the mansion, returning to her peers, even if she couldn't use her powers, but under Daisy's influence, practicing combat and marksmanship, these experiences had already put her ahead of her peers. Even Harry Osborn from a wealthy family wouldn't practice marksmanship with various weapons every day even with his strict upbringing.

So, I'm already this powerful! Looking at the group of kids, Lorna's confidence swelled unprecedentedly.

In just three days, Lorna made new friends, including Mary Jane with her red hair.

The two had relatively similar life experiences. Mary Jane's father was a thug who often beat his wife and daughter. Eventually, her mother couldn't take it anymore and left her husband, taking the children with her.

But Mary Jane wasn't as gloomy as Lorna. She was very sunny and liked to make people laugh with jokes.

"Daisy, Mary said she wants to be a journalist. What do you think about me becoming a journalist too?" One evening during dinner, Lorna said so, nearly causing Daisy to spray out her beer.

She really didn't like this profession exclusively for female comic book protagonists, it was too much of a death wish. But considering Lorna's abilities, ordinary people shouldn't be able to overpower her. She was still young, so let her do as she pleased for now.

Realizing that school wouldn't teach Lorna much knowledge, Daisy, the great demon king, could only give her extra lessons. She let Danger arrange a bunch of study materials for her. Learn! If you can't learn well, then don't let Lorna go to school to show off! That was Daisy's strategy...

After Danger deciphered the ring's information, Daisy prepared a bunch of tasks for her. Guiding Lorna's studies was just a minor task among them.

Among the pile of tasks, two were the most important: one was to research teleportation across light-years, and the other was to see if it was possible to further purify Daisy's bloodline.


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