
Transformation into an Electronic Musician

A professional music critic falls asleep and is transmigrated into a female body. In a world where one genre of music is neglected, one person changes it all. This is a Translation.

Tenison · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 3

Success requires the girl's contact information. It's simply beautiful and stable!

Tang Miaoyi was in a very good mood. She continued to talk with An Qiuying for a while with a smile, though was reluctant to say goodbye.

Then she went home, boiled a bowl of instant noodles and took it back to the bedroom to fill her stomach, and continued to plan her electronic blueprint.

"It's the first time I've got a girl's phone call when In my entire life." Tang Miaoyi complained silently and put the note with An Qiuying's phone number on the table.

That's how the sound source material comes, so what is needed now is to prepare some details next.

For example, the first thing she needs to consider now is what style the first single should be performed.

Tang Miaoyi thought that there are many styles of electronic music. In fact, this kind of music is not only as simple as 'bomb', but also soft, warm and shocking. However, considering the development direction of electronic music in the world and the acceptance of the audience, she must also consider everything carefully.

The so-called acceptance must be done step by step. Everything should be done step by step. Otherwise, there will be a song that is explosive and hot on the first day it's streamed but calms down for the rest, which is unacceptable.

Half a step ahead, that's a genius, one step ahead, and a rare wizard, but a hundred steps ahead at once, it's not 'talent', but heresy!

Thinking of this, Tang Miaoyi opened the webpage and downloaded a software called [Qingyun Music].

Just now, when she had a preliminary understanding of the world, she paid special attention to the fact that there are many music platforms in the world, and the industry pattern is slightly larger than in her previous life.

And this light cloud music is the one with the largest audience of electronic music on these platforms.

Of course, behind Qingyun is Tianyin Music and the other two Star Music. These three platforms are the places with the largest number of electronic music fans in the world.

After downloading, Tang Miaoyi registered an account with her mobile phone number and logged in.

The light cloud music interface is based on the dark color system, which looks like the painting style of a normal music platform. As soon as you enter, you will see the major music recommendations, as well as style classification, personal radio.

In addition, there is a little difference from the one in her previous life. In Tang Miaoyi's personal center, there is also a [Musician Zone], but her area is still gray.

She couldn't help clicking, but she didn't get in, just a pop-up window popped up.

[Dear Qingyun user: I'm sorry, you are not a Qingyun musician yet. Please submit your work for the application first.]

Qingyun musician? Apply after submitting the work?

Tang Miaoyi: "It should be similar in nature to NetEase Cloud musicians."

She just glanced at it briefly and withdrew from the personal center and didn't listen to those recommended singles anymore.

She has just heard enough of these things.

Tang Miaoyi thought for a moment and finally thought of a very abstract description very similar to Wang Moulong's works in the previous life, such as the songs "King of Electric Sound" and "Midnight DJ".

In her opinion, there is no difference between the two. It's just wearing the skin of electronic music and selling pop music meat. After listening to it, you only remember what the singer sings, and forget what the melody of the electronic sound is, and even the whole single has no electric melody at all.

This is completely putting the cart before the horse. Originally, in the electronic sound, the voice existed only to enrich the whole piece of music. How can these works that do not pay attention to the melody and Drop part be called electronic sound?

She looked up at the sky and sighed.

Martin Jr., Hard, Marshmallow, SK God, Dead Mouse, Aming, Gay Brothers, Did you see it?

The electronic sound of this world needs your salvation!!

Tang Miaoyi felt it necessary to arrange the work as soon as possible.

If it continues to develop according to the normal trajectory of the world, it will take at least seven or eight years for electronic music to reach the level comparable to the earth in the previous life.

As for how to do the work Everything is simple!

Tang Miaoyi thought about the rest of the money in her account and sighed softly.

If you are poor, don't think about these money-burning things, such as external Midi keyboards, monitoring devices, mixing consoles, etc, they don't exist at all.

I can't even afford a decent strike pad with this money. It's good to buy an arrangement software to use with a computer. All the better conditions have to be left to the future.

Now, the platform has been selected. If nothing unexpected happens, Tang Miaoyi will hang out in the place of Qingyun Music in the future. Next, the most important step is arrangement software!

Tang Miaoyi searched and finally determined that the arrangement software is a well-known work made in China in China in the world.

'Radish interval', with relatively complete functions.

It is also very suitable for electronic music, but the price is a little expensive. It cost Tang Miaoyi 724 yuan, and the already small vault shrank sharply.

However, the price is not what matters. She gritted her teeth and bought it. An Arrangement software can't be exempted.

A good arrangement software, compared with works compiled by pheasant arrangement programs, has a large quality gap, including piracy.

This is the arrangement software.

"Sword Master's Fox can make a wave." Tang Miaoyi thought deeply.

Now that the sound source and software have been determined, and the painting style of the whole song is strange, the style should not be too fierce, after combining these factors, Tang Miaoyi has no choice but to achieve.

Martin Jensen - Fox!

Martin Jason, the big Martin in the double Martin, was given by Chinese netizens as the electronic producer/DJ nicknamed 'Martin Swordsman' in his previous life. He was born in Fort Silk, Denmark in 1991. He is very handsome and funny. In 2016, with the single "Solo Dance", he started directly in the electronic circle. , on the list of hundreds of DJs and became one of the top DJs in the world.

It is worth mentioning that Bilibili in her previous life had a very widespread meme called 'tuners with an annual salary of hundreds of millions'. This sword saint is the source of all evil of this meme!!

A producer who can be called a devil's picker can use anything to make music. Tang Miaoyi's goal, Fox, is that she mixed it out with the cry of a fox, and as it was once popular all over the world in her previous life and was regarded as a divine song.

Of course, it's not "The Fox's Cries". These are two completely different electronic sounds, and the styles are different, so they can't be confused.

Fox's style is House (Haoshi Music). The whole song is very fresh and suitable for Tang Miaoyi's requirements. Moreover, it is not a complete single. DJ Jiansheng did not finish it. The structure is very simple and not complicated at all.

In short, it is estimated that it should be accepted by the audience of the world. Right?