
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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Quake And Storm

The magnitude of the earthquake was increasing step by step along with Daisy's enhancement. The cracks in the mountains and the ground were becoming more exaggerated. Throughout Wakanda, except for the royal buildings reinforced with vibranium and the underground excavations, everything began to shake.

A large number of livestock were frightened, and the sudden earthquake caught them of guard, causing them to panic and run around as if they had gone mad.

The ordinary people of Wakanda had no idea how to face this natural disaster and could only run to open spaces, asking each other what was happening.

The tremors were most intense within the Sacred Mountain. Several priests, unsteady on their feet, quickly knelt down to pray. However, after just a few sentences, they stood up in astonishment, looking at each other. They had all received divine revelations, and the general message was that there was no major issue and they didn't need to disturb the Goddess.

If the Goddess said there was no problem, then there must be no problem. Their faith was fervent, but just as they let out a sigh of relief, an even more serious situation unfolded.

Storm also gained approval, and her enhancement began as well.

Outside the cave, dark clouds gathered, accumulating massive energy within a few breaths. Thunder began to rumble within the clouds, and a raging storm gradually formed. Raindrops the size of beans pelted down incessantly.

Daisy and Storm were like performing a duet – earthquakes harmonizing with torrential rain, while thunder accompanied the mountains collapsing.

A large amount of rain poured onto the Sacred Mountain. With Daisy's earlier tremors having already loosened the foundation, the entire mountain began to tilt towards the northwest side amidst the ferocious storm.

The rivers encircling Wakanda also started changing course due to the geological shifts and the accumulated energy from the tremors. Some even exhibited signs of reverse flow as the river water surged.

The priests were left dumbfounded. Had the venerable Goddess lost her wits? The scene around them didn't look like everything was fine!

Numerous ordinary people of Wakanda had no idea what had happened. Such a calamitous earthquake and downpour – was it due to the king's misdeeds? Was Great Wakanda about to fall?

A group of people knelt in the pouring rain, praying to their ancestors and deities.

"What are you doing? Wake up!" T'Challa could tell that the natural disaster was caused by the powers of these two women. He hadn't heard of any story where the earth shook and the sky fell. He only knew that he had a big problem on his hands.

Whether it was political challenges or public distrust, it was up to him to resolve them.

As a hero of the righteous camp, he didn't feel resentful. He only hoped that the two women would wake up soon and urgently shouted a couple more times.

His luck held, as Daisy, who was nearing the end of her enhancement, finally heard his call.

At this point, Daisy's enhancement was in its final stage, and after a brief adjustment, she regained control of her body.

Without even needing to sense it, she was startled by the external tremors. Unless there was another superpower in Wakanda capable of controlling tremors, the chaos outside was mostly her fault... well, at least half her fault.

This left Daisy in a rather awkward situation. She really wanted to stop immediately, but earthquakes weren't something you could just switch off. Redirecting the river was due to energy accumulation, and now that she wanted to stop, she needed to allow the energy to dissipate completely.

Since she couldn't stop immediately, she didn't open her eyes right away. Instead, she waited for a while, feeling the tremors subside, before finally sitting up.

Uncomfortable! She lowered her head and noticed that her body was covered in a layer of fine sand, similar to how she had been encased in stone during her first enhancement. Without hesitation, she activated her power and shook off the sand.

Clenching her fist and flexing her arm, Daisy experienced the enhanced power once again. The flaw in her vibration ability still remained, but the resonance's impact on herself had diminished significantly.

If she were to encounter those giant insects from the Costa Rican island again, she was certain she could defeat them with just a punch, solving the enemy problem straightforwardly.

However, the focus of the heart-shaped herb's enhancement was still on agility. Daisy now felt her legs brimming with strength. Previously, she could achieve burst speeds of up to 700 kilometers per hour. Now, she felt that a full-force burst might even break the sound barrier.

Similar to the beastly instincts of the White Tiger amulet, this ability had finally transformed into a personal capability.

Daisy suddenly realised she was only wearing her underwear.

Her clothes were neatly folded not far away by the female guards. Daisy curled her middle finger toward the air and lightly flicked it. The vibration caused a minor spatial distortion in the vicinity, generating a gravitational pull that brought her clothes to her side.

After putting on her outer clothing, she began to examine the changes in her body. Her skin felt like silk, smoother and more elastic. Her skin's condition was fit for starring in a skincare commercial.

Her waist had slimmed down a bit. Although Daisy's original physique was relatively slender, she wasn't overly slim – after all, she ate quite a lot... Now, she could easily touch her belly button with a reverse hand touch.

Daisy also noticed the blessing from the Panther Goddess. Normally, her nails were in their regular state, but in battle, they could transform into claws. The sharpness of these claws was proportional to her body's strength. She had taken another step toward mastering techniques akin to the Heart-Piercing Palm and the Jiu Yin White Bone Claw.

With a swift motion, Daisy transformed her nails and made a slashing motion against the wall. The debris scattered, and ten distinct marks were etched on the wall.

The eyebrows of the priests twitched in disbelief, both angry and speechless. Daisy realised she was on someone else's turf and reluctantly retracted her nails. After researching the hardness of the wall and the marks she had made, she felt satisfied with her nail's sharpness.

She then looked at her chest and asked a female guard to help check her back. There were no signs of Tiger heads or Panther heads. Daisy breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for your care. I promise that I will always be a friend of Wakanda," Daisy expressed her gratitude to T'Challa. Having obtained the heart-shaped herb, she didn't mind saying some kind words. These kinds of words couldn't be spoken lightly to deities, but they were acceptable to regular people.

T'Challa was a bit curious, "Did you cause the earthquake? Are you also a mutant like Ororo?"

Daisy had lost count of how many times she had explained the mutant topic. At this point, she almost wanted to hold up a sign proclaiming that she wasn't a mutant anymore. She firmly denied it, stating that she was just a regular superpowered individual.

"Considering the magnitude of the earthquake, your abilities seem pretty strong," T'Challa said, not pretending to not envy her.

Daisy gave a self-deprecating smile, "My abilities have flaws and can damage myself. How's Ororo?" She subtly mentioned her own issue, knowing that her righteous friends would help resolve it. However, she couldn't go overboard; she couldn't just demand a vibranium upgrade. She naturally shifted the topic to Storm, who was still buried in the sand.

T'Challa was equally concerned. He expressed his worries, saying, "There's no precedent for an enhancement like this with the heart-shaped herb. I'm quite concerned..."

"It will be okay."

"Thank you."

With a brief exchange, Daisy sat down and waited patiently.

Another ten minutes passed, but Storm still hadn't regained consciousness. The external earthquake had completely subsided, but the wind and rain were intensifying. Fierce winds accompanied freezing rain, and the temperature was dropping significantly. There was even a transition toward a blizzard. Keep in mind, this was Africa! No one had ever seen a blizzard here!