
Transferred To Boruto

*Following the Manga Events. *His Looks are the same as the cover. Sam died got wishes and was transferred to Boruto right before the Chunin exams.

What_You_Wanna_Now · Anime & Comics
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1. Sharingan:

"Eye of Insight"

The user can see chakra, giving it colour in order to distinguish it by its composition and source. Though not as capable in this regard as the Byakugan, it can see chakra through some obstructions and detect irregularities in a person's chakra flow, such as those caused by genjutsu influence.

The user is granted incredible clarity of perception, enabling them to read lips or mimic something like pencil movements. In combat, this allows them to see fast-moving objects and, once fully developed, offers some amount of predictive capabilities: they can anticipate an opponent's next move based on the slightest muscle tension in their body and act accordingly to dodge or intercept. They can also read the enemy's hand seals to give them an insight of the performed technique's nature, regardless of the speed of performance, so long as the hands are not physically hidden from view. Although a Sharingan user can see these things, they also need the physical ability to actually act on the visual information. In the anime, it is shown that with advanced enough prowess, via eye contact, the user can even enter the target's mind to look through their memories. Even erase them within a long range for several targets.

The user is able to copy almost any jutsu they see, memorising ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu with near-perfect accuracy. They can then either perform that jutsu or modify it to suit their needs. Again, Sharingan users need the prerequisite abilities before they can mimic a jutsu they have seen, and for that reason they cannot, for example, reproduce kekkei genkai abilities they do not have or nature transformations they haven't learned to perform.

Eye of Hypnotism:

The user can perform what is generically called Genjutsu: Sharingan. While there are various manifestations and purposes of the ability, the better known one is to, through eye contact, suggest thoughts and actions to a target, coercing them to divulge information or act in a particular way, potentially without the target's awareness. In extreme cases, the Sharingan user can take complete control of the target's body, forcing them to do exactly as the controller wishes; this control is visually indicated by the Sharingan's design appearing in the target's eye. The Uchiha are particularly infamous for using this ability on the tailed beasts, and in fact can enter its or a jinchūriki's subconscious to more precisely control the beast's chakra. Multiple targets can be taken control of in this way, though the more divided the user's attention is, the easier it is for targets to escape this control.

While not an ability per se, the Sharingan user can appear as if they are able to "see the future". First, the user must perfectly mimic every move their opponent makes and possibly their thoughts and words through careful observation. Then, they suggest an action to the opponent such as hand seals for a technique that the opponent and Sharingan user already know and copy that. With these things done, the user can complete the action even before the opponent does, possibly using the Sharingan's genjutsu to confuse or delay them.

2. The Enternal Mangekyō Sharingan is an advanced form of the Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan that has only been activated by two Uchiha.

His Abilities:


After making eye contact with a target, the user traps the target in an illusion of their design. Through their unprecedented ability to alter targets' perception of time, the user uses Tsukuyomi to subject victims to days' worth of torture in a matter of seconds; examples include continual stabbing or reliving traumatic events over and over. Tsukuyomi's illusions are usually represented as an inverted grey scale. Because of the power of the and the speed with which Tsukuyomi works, normal methods of countering genjutsu are ineffective againstit.


Amaterasu produces black flames at the focal point of the user's vision. In most situations, this makes Amaterasu impossible to avoid. However, techniques of extreme speed allow the avoidance or interception of the jutsu after it has been cast. Once created, the flames will not stop burning until their target is completely incinerated. The flames cannot be extinguished with water, the passage of time or any other normal methods only the user can put the flames out. Said to be "the fires from hell" and to burn as hot as the sun itself,Amaterasu burns any material other flames included until nothing but ash remains.

Susanoo (Red):

When activated, Susanoo forms around the user and becomes an extension of their will, acting and attacking on their behalf. By default, Susanoo is anchored to its user and they to it: in its less developed forms it will move around with the user; in its more completed forms the user will be suspended within Susanoo, being brought with it as it moves around. This connection allows Susanoo to shield against physical attacks, one that becomes more difficult to penetrate as it is manifested more fully. Although Susanoo is quite effective as a defence, it is able to distinguish in what it blocks. For example, the user can still perform jutsu while within Susanoo and the attacks will pass through it without complications. Others can be brought within Susanoo with the user's permission, and users can likewise choose to leave Susanoo's protective structure. The latter characteristic can be used against the user; if an opponent can bypass Susanoo, however slightly and latch onto them, they can be pulled out of Susanoo. With continued mastery, Susanoo can have increased defensive capabilities even at its ribcage stage Susanoo is also only able to defend against physical attacks, so they are still vulnerable to visual or auditory attacks for example. Additionally, unless the legs of the Susanoo are fully manifested, the user's still vulnerable to attacks from below. Complete Body Susanoo, the ultimate ability of the Mangekyō Sharingan. In this state, Susanoo gains a tengu-like nose, wings for flight, and is clad with robes and ornate armour. This form possesses power comparable to that of a tailed beast, capable of levelling giant mountains

3. Rinnegan (Sasuke's)(Both eyes):

One who wields the Rinnegan can utilise six abilities collectively known as the Six Paths Technique: controlling attractive and repulsive forces with the Deva Path; mechanically altering one's body with the Asura Path; extracting souls through the Human Path; summoning various creatures through the Animal Path; absorbing chakra through the Preta Path; and access to the King of Hell through the Naraka Path.

Chibaku Tensei:

Users create a black sphere between their hands that they hurl into the sky. When the sphere is activated, it generates powerful attractive force, pulling everything in the vicinity to it until a large satellite is created users control how large the satellite becomes. Creating a satellite apparently requires a great deal of chakra. Chibaku Tensei is most often used to restrain targets, drawing them in during the satellite's creation and trapping them beneath the mounds of rubble. When used to capture tailed beasts, the resulting satellites are known as Tailed Beast Sealing Stones.

4. Wood Release:

Wood Release allows the user to create wood, essentially converting their chakra into a source of life. At its greatest, mighty trees of various size and shape can be created. The vegetation can sprout from the user's body or grow from the surroundings.

Wooden constructs can also be created, ranging in complexity from cages to complete houses. It is not necessary that the created wood take any identifiable form, allowing users to focus on its inherent pliability to ensnare targets or its durability for brute force attacks. The Wood Release was also equally famous for its power to manipulate, suppress, and/or absorb a target's chakra

5. Sage Mode (Hashirama):

Sage Mode is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with one's chakra, creating senjutsu chakra. Sage Mode allows users to tap into the natural force of the world, opening up new techniques to them and allowing them to power up existing ones with the new senjutsu chakra.

Jutsu: Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands:

After entering Sage Mode, the user creates a wooden statue of titanic proportions; it is easily able to dwarf a full-sized Kurama, as well as a Complete Body Susanoo. Thousands of hands originate from the statue's back in countless concentric rows, while its two main hands are clasped, as if in prayer. The statue can serve a variety of purposes in battle, from fighting on the user's behalf to defending and even using other techniques. The sheer size of this technique makes it almost impossible to attack the user. It can also detach its main self from its main arsenal to increase its mobility to adapt to a situation that requires more speed. With its immense strength, it can grab hold of a tailed beast with ease and hold it in place, leaving it unable to move.


Once it is formed, it also does not require any additional chakra to sustain it, which means that there is no definite limit to how long the Rasengan can be maintained. However, the Rasengan will dissipate if it collides with something, even if it's an unintended target. Though the Rasengan's shape is consistent from user to user, its size varies from only barely large enough to be noticeable to much larger than the user's hand. Greater experience with the Rasengan allows the user to create them in a larger size, and even one in each hand.

Planetary Rasengan:

Creating a Big Ball Rasengan in one of his hands, which is then surrounded by three regular-sized Rasengan, in a similar manner to moons around a planet. When coming into contact with a target, the disordered rotations of the individual Rasengan, created by the central and smaller ones spinning in different directions, interact with each other to form a massive and turbulent wave-like vortex.

Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan:

In an instant, the user creates a Rasengan of gigantic proportions. When it impacts, there is a large shock wave unleashed that can send unsuspecting shinobi flying.

Vanishing Rasengan:

After creating a small Rasengan, the user adds Lightning Release to it, before throwing it. As it glides, the nature transformation abruptly kicks in, resulting in the technique disappearing from sight. This adds an element of surprise to the attack, as an opponent may lower their guard, assuming that the technique has dispersed, only to find themselves struck by the invisible attack.

Wind Release: Rasenshuriken:

The Rasenshuriken requires a great deal of chakra to perform. After travelling a certain distance or colliding with a target that it can't slice through, the central sphere of the Rasenshuriken detonates, producing a vortex of wind in the immediate area. Within this vortex, countless microscopic wind blades are created, so many that even the Sharingan can't count them all. The wind blades pierce every cell in the body, disconnecting them from the Chakra circulatory system and so preventing them from providing their physical energy to the chakra-creation process. Because of this, the target loses their ability to create and mould chakra, damage which cannot be healed by medical ninjutsu. Tsunade likens the damage to poison, and warns that if the damage is great enough, those affected by it won't be able to use jutsu again.