
Transcending Reality: When the Game Becomes Life

Behold as our protagonist is transported from their in-game avatar to a foreign realm. However, the individual has now taken on a feminine form and must navigate the treacherous waters of their deranged underlings, who seek to crown her as ruler of the world. As the pressure mounts, our protagonist must also contend with her own deteriorating mental state, threatened by the encroaching madness.

Im_Hungry123 · Action
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40 Chs


As Kaelen found himself enveloped in an overwhelming sense of confusion and apprehension, his once composed and confident demeanor began to crumble before my very eyes, leaving behind a shattered, uncertain shell of a man. Quivering with anxiety and disbelief, he struggled to form the words that were already perched on the tip of his tongue, desperately attempting to make sense of the chaos that was unfolding around us.

His voice, usually clear and unwavering, now quivered with emotion as he finally managed to utter the question that had been weighing heavily on his mind: "Good heavens, what is happening?" The very sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine, as it was so unlike the Kaelen I had come to know and respect.

I could see the fear etched into his face, a stark contrast to his usual self-assured and confident expression. The lines on his forehead deepened as he tried to process the events that were unfolding before us. His eyes, normally bright and lively, were now filled with a mix of confusion and alarm, a reflection of the turmoil that was raging within him.

It was as if I was watching a stranger inhabit Kaelen's body, for he was no longer the composed and unflappable individual that I had always known him to be. Instead, he was a man on the brink of collapse, a victim of the relentless assault of the unknown and the unexpected.

It is not surprising that he, or anyone else for that matter, would react with such strong emotions and actions. Given the gravity of the circumstances at hand, it would be deemed unreasonable to respond in any other way than with complete shock and horror.

And so Erantheus, known for his staunch disagreement with the notion of a world apocalypse, finds himself unexpectedly declaring, "This is the world's final hour."

With a sense of urgency and concern, I gazed intently at Erantheus. "I implore you, Erantheus, do not succumb to fear," I beseeched him, the measured tone of my voice belying the intensity of my emotions. At that moment, it was not only him whom I wished to calm, but my own frayed nerves as well.

But as much as I needed to calm my own fears, there was no time for hesitation. My attention then shifted to Eldric, who stood nearby, watching the unfolding events with a mixture of shock and horror. I fixed him with a determined stare, and in a voice that brooked no argument, I commanded him to take immediate action.

"Eldric," I said firmly, "you must go and usher as many people as possible to safety within the castle walls. We cannot afford to waste another moment. Lives are at stake."

I could feel the weight of the responsibility bearing down upon me as I spoke those words, the gravity of the situation becoming all too real. But I knew that I could not let my own fears hold me back, not when the safety of so many innocent people hung in the balance.

his penetrating gaze briefly met mine, as if he was seeking some sort of acknowledgement or familiarity. It was as if his eyes were scanning my face, trying to make some sort of connection with me, before he sprang back to life with renewed vigor and energy.

In a gesture of utmost humility and subservience, he immediately dropped down to his knees, showing his complete obedience and dedication to the task at hand. With a sense of unwavering commitment and dedication, he confidently affirms, "Worry not, I shall attend to it."

He approaches the threshold of the room's exit as an immense and devastating event unfolds right after. A blinding sphere of incandescent light, pulsating with a white-hot intensity beyond comprehension, materializes and obliterates the fabric of reality. The searing, all-consuming radiance of the sphere consumes all in its path, leaving nothing but utter devastation in its wake.

As the initial flash faded, a great mushroom cloud rose from the center of the blast, billowing upwards like a living, breathing creature. Its form seemed to shift and change with each passing second, expanding and contracting in a slow, hypnotic dance.

The sound of the explosion reached us only moments later, a deep, rumbling roar that shook the ground beneath our feet. It was a sound unlike any other, a primal and overwhelming force that seemed to vibrate through every fiber of our being.

I raise my arm with great purpose and determination, the smooth and unblemished skin of my limb glints in the light. Without even the slightest hesitation or delay, as if possessed by some otherworldly force. In that fleeting moment, I feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus.

My arm reaches its apex as my eyes lock onto Eldric, who stands before me with a look of determination etched onto his face. With a resounding cry that echoes through the air, I shout "Go now!" with all the force I can muster, my voice carrying the weight of a thousand voices.

Without any prompting from me, the trio trailed closely behind him, their decision to act spurred by the turbulent circumstances unraveling before them.

They gradually left the room as I naturally pivoted my focus back towards the spectacle unraveling in front of me. The sky, which had earlier been a serene shade of blue without a single imperfection, was now being dominated by menacing clouds of an ominous black hue. These clouds had taken over the skies, wrapping the atmosphere in a cloak of impenetrable darkness. In a matter of seconds, the once bright and radiant rays of the sun were obstructed from view, casting the entire environment into an eerie and unnerving representation of nighttime, even though it was still day.

In a moment of quiet contemplation, I stood alone in this desolate chamber, surrounded by the echoes of my own thoughts, a fervent desire stirred within me. And with a voice so soft that it seemed to dissipate into the air, I whispered, "If only this calamity is attributed to natural forces, I would be content." And though my words were but a mere murmur, they held within them the weight of my deepest convictions and the power of my unwavering resolve. And yet, despite the stillness of the air and the emptiness of the room, I spoke as if there were those who listened, those who might hear the passion in my voice and be moved by it. But alas, there was no one to hear me, no one to share in my desires or my fears, no one to bear witness to the fervent longing that burned within my soul.

Despite my best efforts, I find myself unable to fully embrace this notion. It's as if the omniscient hand of destiny is gently nudging me towards the truth, an idea that fills me with a sense of unease and trepidation.


As I strode towards the fortress gate, through were a constant flow of frantic townsfolk poured, seeking sanctuary from the pandemonium that reigned beyond the citadel's ramparts, my path was interrupted by an obese figure. This rotund individual posed a puzzling query that caught me off guard, leaving me momentarily at a loss.

Thaddeus Ravenswood, a man of considerable girth, whose ample belly seemed to indicate a fondness for the rich and indulgent pleasures of life, approached me with an air of importance that was hard to miss. With a booming voice that commanded attention, he spoke with an unwavering tone of authority, his words dripping with a confidence that was hard to ignore. And in a manner that left no doubt as to his own standing in the social hierarchy, he addressed me as "My liege," a title that was reserved for royalty and those of the highest nobility.

With a deep bow and a sweeping gesture of his hand, he then asked me with utmost politeness, "Could you kindly enlighten me as to the current situation?" His request, although couched in the most respectful terms, was nevertheless made with the expectation that I would provide him with all the information he required, for he was a man who was used to getting what he wanted and would not brook any resistance or hesitation.

Despite his noble status and the significant contribution he makes to the war efforts through his wealth, it is difficult to dismiss him outright. However, a question so foolish deserves a fitting reply.

My response dripped with irritation as I retorted, "How am I expected to answer such a query? Do I exude an aura of all-knowingness, or have I inadvertently become the catalyst for the tumultuous circumstances prompting your inquiry?"

Surprised by the unexpected retort, he stammered as he spoke, "I-I didn't mean to insinuate that at all. It was simply..."

"If that's not the case, then I suggest you make way, for you are squandering my invaluable time."

In a moment of quick reflexes, I acted decisively and interrupted him before he could finish his sentence, halting his verbal expression in mid-air.

Instantly, I perceived a subtle tensing of his body as though he was taken aback by my unexpected interruption. As though he had never before been subjected to such a bold and audacious action. Despite his apparent annoyance, I could detect a simmering anger just beneath the surface of his otherwise calm demeanor.

However, as quickly as the anger had arisen within him, it dissipated, leaving him once again composed and untroubled.

He gracefully maneuvers himself to the side as there's a subtle movement in his lips, and then the words flow out with such fluency, "I humbly beseech for your pardon." The expression on his face is so compelling that even the most astute observer would testify to its credibility. However, those who have had the chance to explore the intricate depths of his character are well aware that his words are nothing but a facade, masking the real truth that is far from contrition.

I simply move towards my final destination as I remain fully aware of the presence of the man following me closely from behind. Despite my complete indifference towards him, he obediently trails behind me as though I had explicitly commanded him to do so. While I find his behavior to be completely unacceptable, I make a conscious decision to ignore it as I do not wish to engage in an unproductive debate with a man who is displaying such childlike tendencies. I cannot afford to waste even a moment of my precious time on trivial matters such as this. Therefore, I maintain my composure and focus solely on the task at hand, allowing the man to follow me like a faithful dog.

"Your Majesty," Kaelen gasped urgently as I arrived at the site of the gathering throng, "We find ourselves at a loss. The people are teetering on the brink of chaos, gripped by fear and disorientation."

I lower my gaze as the veracity of his words resonate within me, echoing through the varied expressions etched upon the countenances of my people. Amidst the tumultuous sea of emotions, there are those whose anguished cries pierce the air, while others bellow with indignation.

"What's happening!?"

"The world is ending!"

"My house! I saw my house collapse before my very eyes!"

"Mommy where are you!"

Echoing through the air were the anguished cries and fervent clamors of those who had been stripped of something valuable, were consumed by fear, or were seized with frustration.