
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 30: King of the World - D. DESTINY

"You've got to be kidding me. I escape one godlike being only to run into another insane person," Alvis muttered under his breath as he observed the pirate with wild braided hair. There was only one person in the entire One Piece world who sported such a distinct hairstyle.

"ZEHAHAHHAHAH! What an interesting kid! Join my crew, ZEHAHAHHAHAH!" The pirate burst into laughter, studying Alvis with an intrigued glint in his eyes. 'What an interesting kid, and his inner voice is even more intriguing! ZEHAHAHHAHAH!'

"Sorry Rocks D. Xebec I don't want to be a pirate….but thanks for the invitation" Refusing Rocks D. Xebec Invitation.

'He wouldn't accept refusal right?' a fleeing thought

Alvis activated his observation Haki, confirming his suspicions.

SWOOSH! Before he could react, a lightning-fast punch was sent towards Alvis, but a cloud-like barrier appeared around him, protecting him from the attack. Despite this, the force of the strike sent Alvis flying and quickly overwhelmed him, sending him into unconsciousness.

"No one refuses a Rocks invitation! Little ones, throw him inside and lock him up with seastone! ZEHAHAHHAHAH!" Rocks laughed heartily as Alvis was subdued and restrained by his crew.

"Quite durable for a kid, huh?" Rocks remarked to himself, noticing the cloud-like smoke still lingering around Alvis. His laughter echoed through the ship, sending chills down the spines of his crew. "ZEHAHAHHAHAH!"


A dark red wave of energy emanated from Rocks' body, swiftly moving towards Alvis. As it approached, a smaller, purple wave of energy formed around Alvis, defending him from the attack.

"ZEHAHAHHAHAH! A new Conqueror bastard has joined us! Little ones, start the party! ZEHAHAHHAHAH!"

Three days later...

"BASTARD, ROCKS! LET ME GO!" Alvis's furious cry echoed through the ship as he endured another round of beatings from Rocks. Lying on the ground, Alvis gazed at the bright moon in the distance, tears welling up in his eyes. For three days, he had been relentlessly pummeled by Rocks until he could barely remember his own name. Alvis wasn't afraid of death, but Rocks's Conqueror's Haki strikes were beyond insane.

"WHO ARE YOU CURSING? IT SEEMS YOU NEED ANOTHER HAKI LESSON, KID," Rocks taunted, a smirk playing on his face. 'What a durable bastard. The first day he was knocked out, the second he could tank two or three punches, and now he's even cursing at me. Even if I were to fight the entire world, this bastard would stay on my ship.'

Another punch flew towards Alvis, but this time, he disappeared from his spot. "Bastard!" Alvis cursed as he teleported all over the ship, attempting to escape Rocks, who moved faster than him with his future vision. "Damn future vision, and this guy isn't even in his prime."

Alvis was sent flying over the ship, crashing into the sea below.

"Go get him before he drowns! Head towards Hachinosu! Today, we mark our EXISTENCE!" Rocks commanded his crew with a deep, reddish glare in his eyes.

Rescued by Rocks's crew and returned to the ship, Alvis lay on the ground, staring up at the sky in disbelief. The dimensional travel and the dream dimension had taken ten years off his life sending him to the future. Now, he only had two years left until the God Valley Incident.

"How's Brogy and Dorry.... and Will the ending change?" Alvis murmured to himself, opening his status.

Name: Alvis Bright

Rank: Superhuman - D. Destiny

Level: High 8-C: Large Building level {Adapting}

Power: Save & Load {Omni}, Status {Oneself}, Supernatural Body {One Piece - D. Family}, Haki {Minor}, Dream Concept {Basic Level}, Dream-Space {Locked}, Will of The D. {Forced}

Skills: Hand Combat -> Body Combat {Minor Level}, Dream Body {Minor}, Virtual Jump {Minor}, Dream-Walker {Locked}, Observation Haki {Minor}, Conqueror's Haki {Basic}

"Is it a blessing or a curse..." Alvis stared at the multiple D's in his status, unsure how to feel about his return. It seemed fate or destiny had marked him as a protagonist, blessing him in disguise.

"Does this world really have gods..." Memories of the colossal being in the strange dimension flooded back to him, alongside the stories of the D. Family. Alvis was certain something was amiss in this reality, perhaps even questioning if he was truly in the One Piece world, or some altered version of it.

"Captain Rocks how much do you know about this world" accepting his fate of not escaping the Rocks Pirates Alvis asked Rocks

"How Much do I know...this is a question I will answer it for you later on young kid..." Rocks D. Xebec with smirk in his face feeling that he won another general under his command but soon the smirk disappeared 'this world is hopeless young boy they all think about ruling the sea and the world but they forgot that we are not alone in this world…..Draco people I will pull you down….then we can look ahead….' Murmuring to his mind Rocks glared at Alvis with hint of tension appearing in his face he knows much more about this world to fight for it.

"Now Alvis from tomorrow onward we will start your real training I need a general under my command not a bastard who cheat with devil fruits powers Haki should be your focus Devil fruits not always a blessing kid"

Sighing, Alvis surveyed the crew members of the Rocks Pirates, but aside from the greedy John and Silver Axe in his old silver armor, he found no one else notable. Despite the daily conflicts and betrayals within the crew, Alvis couldn't shake the feeling of a peculiar bond among them.

"CAPTAIN, WHY DO YOU VALUE THIS KID? WE WERE HERE BEFORE HIM TOO!" A young crew member voiced his envy, questioning why Alvis was receiving special treatment from Captain Rocks after only three days of joining them.

Rocks D. Xebec observed the crew, noting that many others harbored similar sentiments. A dull smile crept across his face as he drew his sword. The silver blade transformed into darkness, and a wave of energy emanated from it, stunning everyone except for four individuals who remained standing.

Rocks glanced at those four—Silver Axe and John among them—sweating but resolute. Nodding approvingly, he shifted his gaze to Alvis, still lying on the ground seemingly unfazed. A glimmer of appreciation flashed in his eyes as he observed the boy, who struggled to rise to one knee, blood trickling from his mouth. "Biting your tongue to stay awake, huh? Impressive, kid. Tomorrow, join Alvis for his training," Rocks declared with a smile, pleased to have another resilient individual under his command. "I have another ruthless person under my command. Zehahaha."

The next day after breakfast, Alvis patted his stomach and made his way to the deck of the ship.

Though this ship seemed larger than the one from his previous world, here it was standard, spanning four hundred meters in diameter and hundreds of meters in height. Alvis knew it was exclusive to large and powerful pirates, but he also knew that it would eventually be replaced by a newer ship durable and stronger ship.

On the deck, Alvis locked eyes with the ruthless boy from yesterday, Ronan Bones. Ronan had a childlike face with smooth black hair streaked with white, but what set him apart was the scar beneath his glasses. As they observed each other, tension crackled through the air, causing the crew members to stop their work and watch intently.

They have agreed to train together so today they gonna start there training.

"Ronan," Alvis said, summoning clouds into his hand and appearing behind him. "Alvis!" Ronan reacted swiftly, drawing his sword to block Alvis's punch. The fight that ensued showcased Ronan's agile sword style against Alvis's virtual boxing. Bumps appeared on Ronan's body, while scratches marked Alvis's skin, drawing blood. Eventually, the confrontation neared its end.

"Dream Style - Eldritch Horror!" Alvis exclaimed.

"One Sword Style - Silent Death!" Ronan countered.

Appearing Behind each other, they launched their attacks. Black octopus-like tentacles emerged from Alvis's back, cleanly cut by Ronan's sword. Meanwhile, Ronan bore dark, eerie marks on his body—a curse from Alvis's dream power, a fusion of darkness and horrors from Alvis's memories. This curse would consume matter until it became virtual.

On one knee, Ronan touched the dark marks on his body, as if wisdom bloomed the dark force were directed to his cracked sword. As they healed the tiny cracks and gained strange symbols, with an enchanting powers. Confused and afraid, Ronan looked at Alvis, realizing the weird power he possessed. As Alvis's scars began to heal rapidly, the crew shuddered at the sight. Ronan cursed inwardly, knowing he had to find a way to defeat Alvis if their conflict ever raised to a fight to the death.

As Rocks stood on the deck, he began clapping his hands, commanding everyone's attention. Alvis cursed under his breath, realizing they hadn't noticed him until now. It was a display of low pressure and a fascinating use of Haki.

"Now, boys, after the warm-up, let's begin the real training," Rocks declared, his voice carrying the weight of his authority. "Alvis, you cannot use fruit powers anymore. Only Haki from now on. If you use it, I will throw you into the sea. And you, Ronan, you will do your best to kill Alvis. If you fail, I will kill you myself. Is that clear?"

With Haki infused in his voice, Rocks delivered his command, glaring at both boys with a dangerous intensity in his eyes.

"Yes, Captain," Alvis and Ronan responded in unison, their gaze locked in a silent exchange. Despite the tension, Rocks couldn't hide his mischievous smile, hinting at the trials that lay ahead.

As the ship drew closer to Hachinosu over the course of the month, the sea became a canvas of broken ships and blood, painting the water red. Alvis stood on the deck, his gaze fixed on the seastone beneath him, blood dripping from his body. Cursing under his breath, a dangerous light gleamed in his eyes.

 With a dark hue emanating from his hands, Alvis celebrated the manifestation of Armament Haki. As his injuries began to heal on their own, he marveled at the power of Haki and D. Family resilience, finding it intriguing. However, his joy was short-lived as the Haki soon dissipated.

"Still can't control Haki, sigh," Alvis muttered to himself, frustration evident in his voice. His gaze shifted to Ronan Bones, as he appeared beside him with swift movement, a sword poised at his neck. Alvis nodded in acknowledgment, recognizing Ronan's awakening of Observation Haki, though he remained vigilant with the sword at his throat.

Alvis's eyes glowed with a reddish light, unsettling Ronan and causing him to retreat, muttering "Monster" under his breath. Chuckling at Ronan's reaction, Alvis glanced toward the distant island, lost in thought. Over the past month with Rocks Pirates, he had witnessed their ruthless conquests, leaving kingdoms and islands alike drenched in blood. Despite the chaos, Alvis couldn't shake the feeling of unease, especially when innocent lives were at stake.

Lost in contemplation, Alvis found himself frozen in place, his mind overwhelmed by the cries of the innocent and the sight of flames engulfing the horizon. A hand on his shoulder snapped him back to reality, and he turned to see Ronan, his eyes empty. Alvis realized the grim reality of piracy and murmured, "Yeah, this is what pirates are..."

As Alvis gazed at Rocks standing nearby, he felt a surge of questions welling up inside him. Yet, in the face of the kingdom's destruction, he found himself unable to articulate his thoughts. Finally, summoning his courage, he addressed Rocks with a single question that weighed heavily on his mind: "Captain, what sets you apart from the Draco People?"

Upon hearing Alvis's words, Rocks turned his eyes towards him and uttered ruthlessly, "I give them a painless death. I don't take slaves. I'm also never scared of those who seek revenge. What I give them is a painless death, and look ahead, do you see any sadness?"

Alvis, his eyes filled with confusion, was at a loss for words. Shapes of various kinds appeared in his eyes, and instinctively, his Conqueror's Haki manifested, dispelling the shadows. Unbeknownst to him, Alvis began to hear voices.

"Bastard pirates!"

"Fuck the Marines!"


As cries and curses echoed in his ears, darkness enveloped Alvis's body, and a heavy blow struck his head.

"It seems your fruit isn't that safe to use at all, interesting," Rocks remarked, appearing behind Alvis without a sound and rendering him unconscious with a powerful punch. He then turned his gaze towards the darkness, which was receding.

"Alvis's blood needs to be shed for my own dream…" Rocks murmured under his breath, glaring at Ronan Bones, who remained frozen in place, witnessing the chaos of the pirates' actions.

"TCH," Rock's sighed, his eyes glowing with a reddish hue as he sent Ronan Bones into slumber as well.

"Captain, why?" John asked, perplexed by Rocks's unexpected actions of showing concern for the two young pirates.

"John, everything in this world has a reason. Their fate is not in piracy. Mine and yours are. I shed blood because it's my destiny. You kill for gold and money. Silver Axe kills to find whom he will protect… This world is hopeless. When the D. Family lost, it was already written in history… Who rules is justice, whom loses are evil. Nothing we do will be good, even if we do it… Every evil is produced from us, so why care? And these little kids still haven't found their own way… for my own If you kill, I don't care if you steal i wouldn't care. Just don't stand against me, and don't betray me. That's all I ask," Rocks explained, speaking at length for the first time in front of Silver Axe and John.

As clarity appeared in his eyes, Alvis observed the seaside of Hachinosu, noticing the various pirate ships of different shapes and sizes. Observing their flags, none seemed familiar to him. Alvis looked at the pirates in the distance, and a silence fell over the island as they noticed the approach of Rock's ship.

Without concern, Alvis leaped onto the island and began to advance forward, encountering people who looked at him with either fear or disgust. "Who made you look down on me?" he questioned.

Suddenly, waves of purplish energy emanated from Alvis, sending shockwaves across the island. However, multiple waves of energy countered its movement, and a dark, gloomy aura surrounded Alvis, causing his eyes to darken as he produced even stronger waves.

As the clash of Conqueror's Haki intensified, cracks appeared around the island, and the sky darkened with the emergence of clouds.

"The sky cracked!!!" someone screamed in terror.

Amidst the chaos, laughter resounded, echoing in Alvis's ears: "Gu Ra Ra Ra Ra," "Wororororo," "Jihahahahahaha," "Mamamamamma," "Zehahahahahaha."

With the cacophony of laughter, a hint of sanity returned to Alvis, and the darkness dissipated from him.


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