
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 11: Outcome’s

Alvis, finally regaining the freedom to move, directed his gaze skyward, his voice laden with a mix of regret and determination. "I never intended to sow destruction, let alone cause harm to innocent lives. My goal was to protect my friends from death. I acknowledge the mistake I've made, but it's my responsibility to face the consequences. If this is what you wished to show me, then you've succeeded. I'll shoulder it." As he spoke, Alvis's ethereal soul radiated a brilliant light, an augmentation of his control over White Magic. He continued, "And now I understand why I couldn't wield this power before. My previous stance was not about protecting the weak, but about exerting control over everything." A sigh escaped him, tinged with a hint of self-contempt, as he grappled with the depths of his newfound comprehension.

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Having comprehended the situation, Wong conveyed his farewell to Coulson, accepting a satellite phone from him before departing the scene. He returned to Kamar-Taj headquarters through a portal, only to find that everyone was just arriving as well. Wong sought out the Ancient One to apprise her of the recent events.

The scene before Alvis seemed to shatter like a broken mirror, his ethereal soul retreating from the extensive river of time, returning him to Kamar-Taj's familiar realm.

"Ancient One, what should we do now?" Wong inquired, describing his situation and confusion. However, the Ancient One's response held an even more perplexing nature. "I'm uncertain. There seems to be more to this. Alvis couldn't have accomplished that on his own. The power he wielded appears to originate from someone or something else. He previously mentioned having different versions of himself or multiple personalities, but there appears to be a deeper complexity at play. Once he awakens, we might gain clarity. However, in the meantime, I will establish a connection with Fury to ascertain our options. It's evident that Kamar-Taj is poised for change, and potentially the entire world. If your words hold true, this could imply a shift into a nexus reality."

'You have a clever friend, Alvis Bright. She recognized that you were utilizing another's power. Sigh, if only you possessed even 10 percent of her intelligence.' The being's roasting of Alvis was skipped as his ethereal soul held a question that he had been pondering from the outset. "Whose power am I using... Isn't it my second personality?" he queried.

'You don't need to ask; you already know the answer, don't you, Alvis? You'll comprehend everything soon, kid.'

The atmosphere shifted as Alvis's question elicited reactions from everyone present. Mordo and Wong's expressions morphed, indicating a dawning realization. It appeared that Kamar-Taj's enigmatic ways would transform into more open communication with the world, leaving behind its veiled existence.

Alice, while not grasping the entire picture, gleaned some understanding. She cast a meaningful look at Alvis, a mix of emotions reflected on her face. The Ancient One noted Alice's reaction, her gaze focused on the young woman who held her missing hand tenderly.

The Ancient One extended her hand, and the Eye of Agamotto emanated a brilliant flash. A vibrant green magic circle enveloped Alice, causing her hand to disintegrate into particles that moved toward its missing place. Particles connected, reassembling her hand, and within a moment, the restoration was complete.

Holding her newly restored hand, Alice bowed in gratitude toward the Ancient One before her gaze returned to Alvis. The entangled emotions that had marked her expression vanished, replaced by a radiant light in her eye. With a final look toward Alvis, she bid her farewell and hastened towards the library, her anticipation palpable.

Observing Alice's eager departure towards the library, Alvis halted abruptly, casting his gaze around at the others present, only to find them all in a state of suspended animation. "What's happened? Hey, Narrator, speak!" he demanded. For reasons unknown to him, Alvis had never shown respect for the narrative, instead choosing to assert his own actions and viewpoints. Yet, in this instance, the narrative yielded an answer to his inquiry.

'How is it, Alvis? Have you seen enough? But it's not the end; look up.'

Alvis followed the directive, shifting his gaze upwards. A force began to pull him upwards, and even though he refrained from responding, he sensed that the narrative held the answers he sought. He phased through the ceiling, transcending the confines of Kamar-Taj. In mere seconds, he traversed the atmosphere, reaching the exosphere and gazing down at the Earth. However, a peculiar sensation overcame him – a burning sensation in his eyebrows, or rather, his forehead. It intensified, and he clenched his eyes shut, the pain escalating until he feared his head might burst.

In the third-person perspective, Alvis was observed within Earth's exosphere, his body trembling as if he were experiencing a stroke. The shaking persisted for seconds, which turned into minutes, and eventually half an hour. Gradually, the tremors subsided, revealing a closed eye at the center of his forehead.

Returning to Alvis's point of view, he heard the narrative urging him, 'Wake up, Alvis Bright, and open your eyes to the world.' Responding to the command, he opened his eyes, though he couldn't express it, he'd have welcomed a release through sweat – an experience that, as a soul, remained beyond his capacity.

As his gaze settled on Earth, a sudden burst of light engulfed his senses. His soul's eye, the embodiment marked by a process symbol [⚙] at its center, materialized. With Earth before him, the view transformed from a beautiful planet adorned with blue and green hues into something profoundly different. The planet's brilliance vanished, replaced by an expanse of pure darkness, not black, but an all-encompassing darkness tinged with hints of golden light.

'That golden color is the remnant of the magical circle, and that darkness holds the secret of creation.'

The mention of the secret of creation triggered a recollection for Alvis. He couldn't help but inquire, "What happened there? Why are you here? If I'm correct, the laws of causality should prevent you from approaching me. Even if all creation were to perish... neither death nor loss would have enough significance to bring you here."

The narrative's voice reverberated, echoing with words that sent shivers down Alvis's spine. 'Huh, I wish it were just death. I'd be happier if all of creation were destroyed. But alas, it's more than that. Allow me to show you.'

A sensation of being drawn from the expanse of Earth's space propelled Alvis into the cosmic void. His consciousness expanded infinitely, enabling him to perceive, hear, and feel every event transpiring within the universe simultaneously. He witnessed the transformation of Asgard, once a golden kingdom, now drenched in blood and dismembered creature parts. He observed Xandar's galactic civilization destroying numerous planets to contain a colossal portal, its size comparable to that of an entire world. And among the myriad scenes, he even witnessed Thanos delivering a single punch that obliterated a gigantic beast. Evidently, being bald was a sign of great strength.

As the spear of eternity pierced through the last remaining adversary, Odin, the God-King of the Asgardians, surveyed the lifeless forms of his fallen people scattered on the ground. His gaze then shifted to his son, Thor, the God of Thunder, who unleashed bolts of lightning towards a distant red portal.


"LIVE FOR ASGARDIANS, LIVE FOR ASGARDIANS!" The united cries of his people reverberated through the air. Although Odin wasn't entirely pleased, he moved swiftly after eliminating the enemies to conduct memory and soul searches. He discovered that their souls were anchored in a different universal space governed by alternate laws. What dampened his spirits, however, was uncovering memories of beings on par with his own power and even mightier, a realization that led him into a somewhat somber state.

Yet, the question remained: what could prompt Odin, who had long forsaken war and destruction, to once again embrace the path of conflict?

With a hint of satisfaction, Odin extracted a newly grown strand of golden hair from his head. His smile grew, and Thor, standing beside him, took note of his father's change in demeanor. In his straightforward manner, Thor inquired, "Father, did something good happen?" Unable to fully comprehend the situation, Thor couldn't fathom why his usually stern and protective father was beaming amid preparations for battle.

Observing his son, Odin entertained a hopeful notion, 'Perhaps Thor's growth will accelerate, altering the course of Ragnarok for the better.' Addressing Thor, he shared, "Yes, son, it appears our adversaries have brought us unexpected gifts."

Thor, standing nearby, didn't fully grasp the intricacies but caught onto his father's happiness. In his simple manner, he thought that perhaps the fallen items were the cause of Odin's elation. Regardless, the fact that his father was content made Thor happy as well.

As Alvis considered Odin's increased vitality and life level, he pondered his own situation. He couldn't shake his bewilderment over his vanishing talent. In his astral projection, he expected it to persist. Seeking an explanation from the narrative, Alvis inquired, "I'm right, aren't I? My talent should still be present even in astral projection. Why has it disappeared?"

The narrative's response held a mix of agreement and contradiction. 'You're correct, but also mistaken. However, now isn't the time to seek answers. You must grasp the bigger picture of your actions. Set aside your scholar's curiosity and calculative tendencies for once.'

As he felt himself being drawn away once again, Alvis held a degree of frustration towards the narrative for its lack of gentleness. If only the narrative were tangible, he would have cast a sidelong glance its way. But alas, it was not.

While Alvis moved away from Asgard's realm, drifting deeper into the cosmos, he sensed a new force pulling him upward. The notion of up and down was, however, irrelevant in the vast expanse of space, a dimension devoid of conventional directions.

Alvis's cosmic-level consciousness began to dwindle rapidly, but he experienced neither fear nor apprehension. Instead, he seemed to understand the unfolding process. His awareness gradually returned to his mind, and if visualized, it would appear as if his three-dimensional perception was diminishing, devolving into a state so limited that even a singularity might envy it.

Although this experience felt like an eternity, it spanned only seconds—or rather, it wasn't constrained by time as we perceive it. Alvis's consciousness exploded much like a singularity, ascending to a level even he, with his extensive knowledge, couldn't fully grasp. It was as if he had crossed some boundary, surpassed a barrier, and transcended the confines of the universe. Indeed, he had achieved what he suspected: he breached beyond the cosmic wall, venturing into the expanse of the multiverse that lay beyond the boundaries of our reality.

Alvis was struck by an overwhelming sight as he found himself within the multiverse's space. Countless universes radiated brilliance, illuminating the void with their collective luminance. Yet, before he could fully absorb this spectacle, time and space began to reverse. Alvis could merely observe and sense the retrograde motion, akin to rewinding a film reel. It rewound back to the point where his laughter had breached the confines of his universe, connecting with the multiverse. This sequence continued, reaching the very inception of his laughter's journey—a moment when it not only escaped the bounds of the multiverse but ventured beyond them, transcending into the unknown.

Listening to the cosmic beings, Alvis took in the laughter of dimensional demon gods, the weighty statements of Eternity, and Cthon's emotionless intent to destroy his universe. He observed it all until their departure, after the cascading effect of his causality had taken place. The appearance of OAA brought emotions flooding back to Alvis faster than the speed of light.

"OH NO, OH NO, OH NO, OH NO, OH NO, OH NO, OH NO!" Alvis exclaimed, witnessing the magnificent hand of Stan Lee attempting to shatter his universe. He momentarily forgot that he was observing events from the past. Seeing that his causality did indeed protect his universe, a sigh of relief escaped him. But would the twist in the tale end here? No, it wouldn't. OAA's call to the Presence jolted Alvis's soul to the brink of nonexistence. If he had a physical body, he might have fainted from the sheer impact of the sight.

The timeline resumed its forward motion, carrying Alvis along with it. As he heard the conversation between OAA and the Presence, Alvis's expression underwent numerous changes. He learned secrets that Xeir had kept from him. Observing the shifts in the duo's facial expressions, he felt the waves of suppression emanating from OAA. He sensed the impending collapse and disintegration, prompting a protective coating of purplish-black to envelop his soul, shielding him from the impending chaos of life suppression.

Then, the Presence unlocked his powers, causing the protective coating around Alvis's body to bloom further. It transformed from purplish-black to a resplendent shade of golden black, rising in level. Alvis's expression shifted once more, his certainty deepening as he pieced together the puzzle.

Listening to the duo discuss the manipulation of probabilities on an omniversal scale, Alvis's expression transformed into one of understanding. However, the narrative's words provoked an even deeper sense of unease within him.

'How does it feel, Alvis, to be a puppet in this grand omniversal theater? Do you find it amusing or fun? You hope it's over, but you'll never truly grasp the magnitude of your own self and your position...'

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As the duo transcended the confines of the Marvel universe, Alvis's protective layer dissipated. Observing the cracks in the timeline surrounding him, he sensed that the movie was concluding. He felt something pulling at him once again, lifting his consciousness upward.

In a rapid sequence, Alvis's consciousness ascended through dimensions, from the fourth to the seventh, skipping over two dimensions at once. As he transcended the confines of the multiverse, something even stranger occurred.

Gazing at the crystal wall of creation that safeguarded the multiverse from the onslaught of the Omni-Energy Sea, Alvis noticed that the wall was riddled with holes, allowing energy to overflow into the multiverse. Uncertain of the outcome, he watched the scene unfold before him.

He observed the Living Tribunal, the judge and protector of the multiverse, engaged in battle with a colossal entity. Alvis's perception of dimensional intricacies allowed him to deduce that the creature's sheer density had the potential to obliterate the entire multiverse. Witnessing the Living Tribunal's three heads in a state of intense focus, the void creature disintegrated into particles, which were then drawn into the Living Tribunal's being. A transformation akin to Odin's situation occurred with the Living Tribunal, yet it was more profound. His power level surged, more than doubling.

Before Alvis could fully comprehend or analyze the events, he transitioned beyond the Marvel hierarchy without encountering any obstacles, arriving in a space that lay beyond the confines of Marvel's limitations.

If Alvis could translate the overwhelming scene before him into an image, it would depict him gazing at the Omniverse, employing his seventh-level dimensional scanning to perceive and comprehend the vast complexity. His heightened perception allowed him to sense numerous things, including various hierarchies and realities. Notably, he detected three distinct hierarchies similar to those of Marvel, DC, Transformers, and one that struck him with a sense of dread – the Warhammer 40K Multiverse.

"Fuck, the Omniverse is scary" Alvis exclaimed, unable to shake off his unease as he observed the expanse that resembled a supercluster of galaxies, albeit on a much grander scale. Yet, before he could fully grasp the gravity of the situation, he found himself being pulled upward once more.

"Where can I possibly go higher than this? Hey, narrative, enlighten me," Alvis implored, his understanding of how to progress beyond the Omniverse eluding him. However, an even more disconcerting development ensued. Alvis perceived the passage of time, or rather, the sensation that time itself was unraveling and regressing, not like a reversal of timelines but akin to time crumbling away.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Alvis exclaimed again, the Omniverse before him morphing significantly. The hierarchies began to explode, one after another, resulting in the complete obliteration of the Omniverse. Witnessing the final vestiges of light blink out and disappear, Alvis sensed that he had arrived at a new location, unlike anything he had previously encountered.