
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

 Chapter 32: The Legendary Showdown

"ZEHAHAHAHAHA! BASTARD, I KNOW YOU WILL JOIN! ZEHAHAHAHAHA! LET'S SEE HOW YOU'VE GROWN THIS MONTH, ALVIS!" Rocks laughed manically, pulling his sword. A dark hue painted with reddish lightning shot forth in a flying slash towards Shiki.

Shiki, positioned in the sky, saw the incoming slash and combined his swords into an x-shape. "Two Lion Style - Fallen Sky!" he yelled, his eyes glowing golden with reddish hues. He sent forth an even bigger sword slash, painted with blackish tints and whitish colors. The slashes clashed, resulting in a stalemate for seconds before Rocks' slash overpowered Shiki's.

Shiki, still in the sky, cursed and threw boulders of stone towards the slash to slow it down as he dodged the incoming attack.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Charlotte Linlin charged towards Rocks with speed breaking the sound barrier, her giant sword slashing downwards. "MA MA MA MA, ROCKSY!" she yelled. Sensing Charlotte's attack, Rocks moved even faster, leaving three afterimages in his wake. 

The first afterimage collided with the sword attack, defending against it. The second strike managed to slash into Linlin's body, causing sparks to fly as she coughed up blood. Finally, Linlin received the third attack, a palm strike similar to the one Edward had received, sending her flying.

"What a monster," Alvis cursed as he appeared behind Rocks. Rocks struck his sword to the ground and began fighting Alvis with hand-to-hand combat.

"Dream Boxing - Constitutive Strike!" Alvis summoned multiple images of fists that flew towards Rocks. Rocks adjusted his haki application and countered the strikes with equal force.

Some of Alvis's punches disappeared upon contact, while others landed successfully. Rocks then kicked Alvis back.

"Natural Observation Killing - Kenbun-Goroshi. Interesting," Rocks remarked as he observed Alvis coughing up blood from a distance, a dangerous smile forming on his face. "Let's see how much you can handle, kid."

Rocks stepped on the ground and appeared behind Alvis, his hands glowing with dark reddish energy and black lightning. Alvis realized that if he were hit by this attack, he would either lose consciousness or die.

As time seemed to slow down, Alvis heard the thumping of his heartbeat, his blood racing faster through his veins. Sweat formed on his brow as his mind went silent, devoid of thoughts or emotions. It was as if he wasn't even present.

"Sigh, I didn't want to use it now," Alvis sighed, his eyes losing focus for a second.

"Dream Style - Second Life." Alvis's image dissolved.

BANG! Smoke rose as Rocks laughed maniacally. "INTERESTING, ALVIS BRIGHT!" He pulled his hand from the ground and slapped the air, dispersing the smoke and revealing Alvis reconstructing himself in the distance. Clouds of varying sizes shaped a human body as Alvis coughed up blood, sweat dripping from his body.

"Using reality as an anchor to change the structure of the body into a fully dream state, existing in the spectrum of the physical world and becoming a dreamlike virtual creature... it seems a mortal body cannot handle the price of changing dimensionality," Alvis murmured to himself as he felt his body decaying and dying at a fast rate, watching Rocks move slowly toward him while pulling his sword from the ground.

"Captain Rocks... I think you've forgotten this is a team fight!" Alvis laughed as scars on his body began healing at a faster rate than his decaying, looking at Edward Newgate, future known as Whitebeard, charging towards their location with a stern expression. Whitebeard struck his spear to the ground, positioning his hands as if hugging himself.

Alvis recognized the iconic attack of Whitebeard—Sea Quake. He channeled his haki to protect his body, activating his dream body to lower his density as he virtually stepped far away from the scene.

Rocks, having read Alvis's thoughts, turned his body towards Whitebeard, hands placed behind his back. He had already foreseen the upcoming attack in the future and didn't even want to stop it, sporting a mischievous smile.

"GURA GURA NO MI - KAISHIN!!!!!!" Edward Newgate struck the air in different directions, causing white cracks to appear as if gravity, space, and time had changed the shape of reality, as the ground together with the sky began to wobble around.


A strange sound echoed, audible to everyone. Alvis, who had flown into the air long ago, glanced at Shiki, who focused his sight towards Edward's attack. His observation haki told him to run away, but how could the King of the Sky?

Alvis turned his head towards the sea as its level began changing.


The seaside began overflowing and retracting slowly. As the seconds passed by, the island began shaking, and the people on the island started trembling, not because the island itself was shaking, but because of fear.

"GREAT GOD!" "MOM!" "YOU'RE KIDDING ME!" "WHY DID I COME HERE?" Multiple people began cursing and crying as a wave began coming up slowly, increasing in height, turning the sunny sky into darkness.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" cursed Alvis in the sky as a tsunami so high that even he couldn't fly faster than it approached. He soon felt something weird, turning his head, finding his captain, Rocks, running up to the sky as lightning and a dark hue appeared around his body. Alvis felt a monstrous pressure.

"ZEHAHAHAHAHAH, WHAT A FUN FRUIT!" Kicking the air, creating sonic booms all over the sky, Rocks ascended rapidly. Multiple images of himself began appearing as he swiftly stepped on the air until he rose to the mid-level of the approaching tsunami.

Kicking the air to stay aloft, Rocks' swords bloomed in darkness as haki waves were sent all over the sky, black and red lightning painting the sky above the island.

"ZEHAHAHAHAHAH!" Continuing his laughter, Rocks raised his sword as a screeching sound echoed through the air.

As the tsunami came closer to the island, Rocks made a swift movement, rotating his body and creating three images of himself. At the same time, all the images had their swords disappear for a split second. In that same instant, a visible clean horizontal line appeared in the upcoming tsunami, all of it happening in the blink of an eye.

"The fuck," cursed both Alvis and Shiki. Neither of them could even see or feel what had happened. Rocks didn't send any flying sword strike or anything like that, but it appeared as if he had cut space. "No, it's not space," Alvis thought, feeling the attack was similar to something he had seen before in an anime, but he couldn't pinpoint where. As the tsunami wave was cut in half, another shocking sight appeared.

The tsunami itself began cracking—yes, cracking—as a visible spider-like web spread rapidly, consuming the entire wave bit by bit. In the blink of an eye, the wave was broken into huge water droplets.


What would happen if a tsunami was destroyed by an even stronger force? "Fuck you, Rocks," Alvis cursed, falling from the sky. His captain had indeed stopped the tsunami, but now he had created another natural disaster as water droplets of different sizes began falling from the sky.

As one big as a water tank hit Alvis, sending him down from the sky. "Sigh," Alvis stood, shaking his head to remove the water. He didn't notice the shadow appearing behind him.

"ZEHAHAHAHAHHAHA THE FIGHT JUST STARTED, LITTLE KIDS! ZEHAHAHAHAHAH!" Chills ran through Alvis's body. Before he could turn around, a punch sent him flying once again.

"GU RA RA RA RA, ROCKS, JUST LIKE YOU SAID, IT JUST STARTED! GURA GURA NO MI - FALLEN SKY!!!" A white sphere at the tip of a spear-like weapon struck down.

"JIHAHAHAHAHA, TWO SWORD STYLE - LION BITE!" Behind Rocks, an X-shaped lightning glare appeared.

"MAMAMAMMA, ROCKSY, I HOPE YOU CAN HANDLE SOME HEAT!" A flame-like sword stab came closer to his chest.

The moment Rocks sent Alvis flying, the trio of legendary pirates appeared, circling him. From every side, deadly attacks were coming.

"Funny attacks," Rocks said nonchalantly with a devilish smile as his body darkened. His sword disappeared once again, and three clear, bloody lines appeared on Edward, Linlin, and Shiki's bodies, sending them flying and negating their attacks as if nothing had happened.

Standing with a straight back, Rocks's hand began shaking as he coughed a little blood, but a more devilish smile appeared on his face as he looked at Alvis walking straight towards him.

"Captain, that wasn't a normal sword style... and that haki is not normal at all," Alvis said, looking at Rocks with a manic smile on his face. Alvis's body warped in a dark hue; his haki had once again been upgraded to another level.

"ZEHAHAHAHAHA! ALVIS, REALLY, THE VOICE OF ALL THINGS DIDN'T LIE WHEN THEY SAID NATURE'S FAVORITE SON HAD APPEARED! ZEHAHAHAHAHA!" Putting his back to the stash and warping his hand with haki, another boxing match started.

'Nature's favorite son, what's that?' Alvis wondered as he blocked the upcoming punch. His thoughts began to brew again.

"Dream Boxing - Unequal Punch!" Alvis phased his hand into a dream-like state, intending to switch his mass and rules from physical to dream state into Rocks' chest. However, something strange happened—he didn't feel his hand hitting Rocks' body at all.


Alvis hit the ground hard, a strong dizziness overwhelming him. Shaking off the thoughts that had been brewing before, he stood up, coughing up sand mixed with blood. Alvis looked at Rocks, who had a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"That was a dangerous trick, kid. Do you want to kill your captain today?" Rocks spat out more blood, a clear fist scar appearing on his chest as he looked at Alvis with a speechless face.

"..." Alvis remained silent, staring at Rocks with realization dawning in his eyes. As he looked at the dark hue surrounding Rocks, Alvis was certain that this man was not a normal human.

"Captain, stop cheating!" Alvis glared at Rocks, his smile gone. Rocks looked at Alvis, then a devilish grin spread across his face. "You noticed. Interesting. You should be happy you're my crew member, kid..."

As the fist fight continued, something interesting was happening in the One Piece universe.

Deep in space, the dark void was lit up by the light of stars flickering. Spaceships rode the darkness of space, moving closer and closer to the unknown. Inside one ship, a being sat on a bone throne, starkly different from the sci-fi-looking deck.

"Hmm... How many years has it been? A hundred? Two hundred? Maybe more. I don't remember..." The being murmured, their voice carrying a weight of centuries. "Dracos... Your end is coming... Deep in space I trained, my hands stained with the blood of many, just to kill you. The mad scientist, Nulla..."

"General, we are close to our hometown. We will arrive in three years after hopping on the next void portal," someone reported.

"Good. Dracos, your death is closer than ever. I will do what JOYBOY COULDN'T DO!!!" Reddish lightning crackled in the being's eyes, shaking the space around them.

As the spaceship flickered and disappeared into the void, back on the One Piece planet, deep inside a cold palace, a being deprived of colors sat alone on a throne. Five small figures in suits knelt before them.

"The world has told me that the ending is near. It's closer than ever. Fate, destiny, and freedom... Everyone fights to either overcome it or control it. But they never understand that everything is already written from the start..." The being spoke in a haunting tone. "So, five elders, be ready. The beginning and the end are close."

"Yes, Imu-sama," the kneeling elders responded, fear etched on their faces.

Near Hachinosu's seaside, multiple warships, larger than most normal ships, rode the dangerous winds and waves of the New World. A white flag painted in blue fluttered, painting the sea with its pristine color, as the fleet moved closer and closer to the skull-shaped island.

On the opposite side of the sea, numerous wooden ships sailed through the waves, their black flags creating a stark contrast against the sea. They too moved closer and closer to the same skull-shaped island, filling the air with tension.

"Captain, something is coming..." Alvis turned his head to the side, ignoring the incoming punch aimed at his face, as Rocks withdrew his hand and also turned to look in the same direction.

"ZEHAHAHAHAHA! Kid, look over there! Many monsters are also coming," Rocks said with a mischievous smile, pointing towards the other side of the sea.

Alvis followed Rocks' gesture and saw a flag that he hadn't imagined he would see so soon.