
Transcending Celestials; A Thousand-Year Rebirth

A timid student who attended Blue-ball academy decided to take his own life due to him being the failure of the Charles family and living a painful existence. However, a soul that had been sealed for a thousand years takes over the body of the student.

TempestGee · Action
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4 Chs

The dungeon of life

*Logan sitting in class sleeping*

"Logan, listening in class is the least you can do."

Argh shut up Veronica, you don't know how it is for someone like me to be in such a place and why are you still disturbing me.

"I told you I won't leave you until you teach me about Arcane dueling!"


I will be going to train during the vacation, if you follow me I'll show you Arcane dueling but it's at your own risk!

  With a profound sense of fulfillment in her heart she quickly responded saying, "Of course I will follow you on your voyage."

    Yayy Veronica will also pay for transportation!

"Leave that to me. Wait what?, hell no!!."

     2 weeks later

<We couldn't afford to use Teleportation stepping stones so we had to go by Enchanted carriages, which are faster than normal carriages, it would still take us 2 days to reach our destination.>.

As the three carriages moved in a tight convoy through the rugged terrain, a sense of unease hung heavy in the air. The travelers inside the first two carriages exchanged anxious glances, their instincts warning them of impending danger. Suddenly, a group of fierce bandits, with huge muscles beneath their tattered garments, emerged from the surrounding wilderness. With arrogance, they descended upon the carriages, Waving their weapons as they demanded valuables and some holding women as hostages with cruel intensions. But within the third carriage, where I sat, an unusual calmness prevailed.

Unfazed by the chaos unfolding outside, my unwavering resolve and steely gaze conveyed a message to the bandits — he was not a man to be messed with. My unyielding willpower and a hidden strength lay dormant, ready to emerge should the need arise. The bandits hesitated, sensing a formidable opponent.

With the bandits momentarily stunned by my unflinching demeanor, i seized the opportunity to spring into action. In one fluid motion, i disarmed the nearest bandit with a lightning-fast maneuver, sending the man's weapon to the ground. Logan's movements were so quick that it was blurred to normal eyes, as I then dispatched the attackers one by one, my fists and feet acting as lethal weapons against the startled bandits.

As the last of the bandits fell, a hushed stillness descended upon the scene. they heard an earth-shaking roar that sent shivers down their spines.

Emerging from the dense woods was a colossal creature, a massive forest guardian, half-human and half-beast, with gnarled limbs and eyes that glowed with an otherworldly intensity. This fearsome monster had been disturbed by the commotion

Veronica fell to her knees in shock as she told Logan what that monster was, "T-thats a-a Grade-5 monster known as the Goliath Of The Wild".

  With those words every other person there began to tremble in fear as they awaited their deaths.

With a gentle pat on her head I assured her that I would win.

  an epic clash of wills and abilities that would determine the fate of this remote wilderness.

Facing the towering Goliath of the Wild, I tapped into my immense magical prowess and summoned a raging torrent of water, drenching the beast and sapping its strength. With a flick of my fingers, bolts of lightning crackled from the sky, electrifying the creature. I then unleashed a blast of ice magic, encasing the Goliath in a frozen prison.

The Goliath of the Wild, untattered by my attacks, launched a series of deadly attacks. With thundering roars as it charged at me, its gigantic fists striking the ground destroying what ever it hit. The creature's relentless assault pushed me to the brink, but my morale wasn't fazed.

In a desperate bid, i summoned a wall of water to shield myself from the Goliath's crushing blows, followed by a blinding flash of lightning that temporarily blinded the beast. Seizing the opportunity, i enveloped the Goliath in soaring flames, causing it to roar in pain as it burned. I then realized what it's weakness was.

The Goliath struggled against the flames, but with my final surge of strength, i casted a hybrid spell which I combined flame and lighting, it was so powerful that it burnt my own fingers when I casted it. "It had already reduced the Goliath to a heap of ash before having an impact, which then created a huge shock wave".

The intense battle was over as I stood victorious receiving Cheers from all over. Veronica looked at me so deeply Asif she had fallen in love with me *well ofc*

I was able heal the small burns on my fingers but I was completely exhausted.

While I rested, the journey continued waiting to reach our destination

       2 days later

We finally arrived at a destination but that wasn't our destination. we arrived at a neighbouring town called Crestwood, we couldn't afford to go any farther so we have to get there by foot.

"Logan Charles, please wait up!"

Eh, your that shadow syndicate guy, what do you need?

"Yes, I am Andrew Mori and I was in one of the enchanted carriages that you protected, you saved my life. Thank you."

Veronica was surprised to see Andrew Mori from the Mori house, a person of high nobility, talking so casually with Logan.

"How can I reward you for your goo--"

Money, I want money

"Haha alright how much do you need?"

2gold coins will suffice.

"Alright take this"


A-a THOUSAND GOLD COINS is wayy too much but I humbly accept it.

Veronica shook her head because he accepted it faster than a kid accepting candy on Halloween

"I'll be taking my leave now, feel free to visit the Mori house whenever you'd like."


Veronica muttered,"this fool is too ungrateful.!!"

With the money we received from our hero we then went shopping buying armour, a subspace magic bag and things of that nature, And we had more than enough money to use the Teleportation stepping stones instead of going by leg.

Veronica you should brace yourself, using Teleportation stepping stones might turn your stomach.

"Hm Hm, it seems you've forgotten that I'm a Grade-3 mage"

     Few moments later

"Gag Gag Retch.... help me *vomitting*!!"

Pfft ahaha, i warned you. That aside we finally got to our destination...The town of Deli.

"Waw, this place is beautiful."

Yeah it really is, <This place hasn't changed much, you would think everything would have developed after 1000 years but everything is pretty much the same. Is the lord of Celestials responsible for this??, maybe he got scared of how strong humans were and decided to stop our growth.>

We proceeded to go to a bar where we ate after a long journey. The Bartender asked:

"You'll are new here?"

Yes, we want to go to mount Deli

"...You should just go home. Clean untattered armour, a fragile woman and a skinny guy, you two wouldn't even last 5minutes there!!.

  If you wanna keep your life then just go home, that place already took my son away from me."

Without saying much we left the bar and headed to Mount deli.

We made it to mount Deli, a place known for its gruesome monsters. The mountain was huge, I and Veronica were here to face these challenges head on and get stronger.

As we kept going up, it started to feel scorching, and the climb became more challenging. And if that wasn't tough already, we encountered these monstrous creatures blocking our way, which we had to kill. After climbing for what seemed like an eternity, we finally reached a flat area on the mountainside. It was there that we stumbled upon a hidden cave, we broke down into the cave like it was home.

"Now it makes sense why you wanted us to train here. Fighting these overly strong monsters will definitely improving our strength quickly."

Oh that's not the reason we are here

Veronica, we are going to Eldrune's dungeon."

"Eldrune's dungeon?! A dungeon created by the Great Sage Eldrune, rumored to grant you the world if you find it? I thought it was just a legend."

<It is probably not hidden at all. Knowing his personality, it's likely in plain sight.>

Calling it a legend isn't an exaggeration; it's extremely dangerous. You must be at least in grade 6 to survive it. So, I'll rush to grade 6 in 2 months."

"Two months is absurd. It takes prodigies and geniuses dozens of years to reach grade 6, and you want to do it in 2 months!???

Veronica, don't worry about me..i'm different.