
Yang Xu?

After walking for half an hour, Yang Xu saw a light at the end of the stairs.

However, this light made him uneasy and he became more vigilant.

[Be more careful.] He reminded and Bing Lan nodded.

A few breaths later, they took the last step and arrived in a wide cave.

Although the cave was underground, it was bright and was no different from the outside.

Looking around, half the cave's ceiling was covered with white stalactites which secreted a milk-like substance.

The substance collected in a small pool which was the source of light in the cave.

[AXu, something in that pull is attracting my soul.] Bing Lan said and involuntarily took a step towards the pool.

[Don't be reckless.] Yang Xu said and held her back.

However, he was not unaffected.

He desperately wanted to go to the pool but a part of his mind was overwhelmed with crisis.