

As soon as the announcements ended, a gong sounded for the second time. Almost simultaneously, hundreds of cultivators rushed to the eighteen battle platforms.

The four of Yu Nianzhen, Jiang Yue, Li Futian, and Xuan Ke were no different.

Xuan Ke rushed to the first platform and was about to jump on when a red blaze flew past him.

He momentarily stopped, but the short pause was enough for another shadow to rush past him.

However, he was soon grateful that he never made it to the platform. This was because the red blaze that initially rushed past him was Lin Huang.

Although he was not afraid of her, he did not like fighting against women. He would do it if he had no choice, but he particularly didn't want to fight against Lin Huang.

'What if she likes me and wants to drag me into her harem?' He shuddered lightly and decided to give up on the first battle platform.