
Approaching the Enemy

On the fourth day of travel, Wang Xue'er called a stop.

She coated her eyes with a layer of qi and focused on a location one hundred metres on their left.

When she first looked at the place, something nagged at her subconscious, but she couldn't tell what it was.

Now that all her attention was focused on the place, she naturally realised what was wrong.

"Shadows…" She mumbled and continued to look.

Although she couldn't see the people hidden behind the huge rock, their shadows were visible.

If she was not mistaken, seven or eight people were behind the rock.

Five of them were standing, and the remaining were crouching for whatever reason.

"Is it them?" Bai Ruyue asked.

Her voice was filled with fear, and the relaxed face, she wore over the last few days was nowhere to be seen.

"It's impossible to tell from here." Wang Xue'er answered.

"Let's go before they see us."

Bai Ruyue was a little flustered.