
Transcendent Swordmaster

In a realm of swords, in a world of blood stands at the top the Swordmaster Rote, but he is considered a deity that transcended the realm of human and sword. In the end, even the one everyone thought could not be even looked at, was killed in the battlefield. Rote, the peak of swordsmanship, has been killed and reincarnated into the world of Tyulionia, where swordsmanship is not as developed, and magic exists. Will he stand atop of everyone in this new world too, or will he live a normal life?

Valentin_Daniel · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1. The Rebirth


Chapter 1: Rebirth

The once legendary Swordmaster, known throughout the lands for his unrivaled prowess, lay on the cold, hard ground. His body was broken, his spirit fading. He had fought countless battles, faced numerous foes, but this was where it would end. As his vision blurred, he felt an odd sense of relief.

"I just wanted... peace," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. His breath hitched, his eyes closed, and then there was darkness.


When he awoke, everything was different. The hard ground was replaced by a soft, warm surface. The chilling wind was replaced by a gentle, comforting warmth. Opening his eyes, he found himself staring at a wooden ceiling, a stark contrast to the open sky he remembered seeing last. A sense of bewilderment took over him.

Where was he?

Slowly, he sat up, his body feeling oddly light. Looking down, he was shocked to find himself in the body of a child. His rugged, battle-hardened body was gone, replaced by the frail and delicate body of a young boy.

Before he could contemplate further, a woman walked in. She was young and beautiful, her eyes filled with affection and concern. On seeing him awake, her face lit up with joy.

"You're finally awake! How are you feeling, sweetie?" she asked, her voice filled with relief.

Sweetie? The Swordmaster was taken aback. Nothing made sense. Then, it hit him. He had somehow been reincarnated. But why? And into what?


The room was filled with silence as the woman waited for his response. The Swordmaster took a moment, collecting his thoughts. He was no longer a feared warrior. He was a child, in an unfamiliar world, with a woman who was supposedly his mother.

There was fear, yes, but also a sense of curiosity. He had a second chance at life. Maybe, this was the peace he had yearned for.

Looking up at the woman, he did not realize since he was still a baby, that he could not speak, but inside his mind, he said "i am alright, mother"


This is the start of his new journey, a journey that will be filled with trials and tribulations, but also with growth and discovery. A journey of a legendary Swordmaster, reborn as a child, in a world unknown to him.