
Transcendent Monarch

At one point it was normal. We lived out our lives doing the same old same old. It was all fine... until it wasn't... A couple of months ago monsters we knew from a new video game called Legacy started to invade our world, reaping lives and destroying everything around us. At first, we figured the reports were fake but we quickly realized it wasn't when a boss monster most people knew appeared and erased a city from the map. Luckily we weren't as helpless as we originally thought. We, the players, were able to bring our game strength to the real world along with our companions, historic figures both fictional and not, to defend our planet. As things got worse with stronger monsters invading the real world we players split into two groups, the defenders and the players, where we took turns playing Legacy and defending our world to not lose against the growing strength of the invading monsters. It was working for a couple of months but then the strength of the monsters grew exponentially and we were unable to keep up. We lost city after city, bastion after bastion, and many beloved and powerful players lost their lives fighting for our world. When we were finally pushed to the brink and were at the last bastion of humanity, when the world needed something to rally behind, a banner flew high on the ramparts, and a single person was at the forefront of the real and game worlds, bringing about a tale that would be told eternally, a story about the leader of two worlds who brought an end to the monster invasion, The Transcendent Monarch, Zero. ___________________________________ Astral here, just writing this for fun since I've always wanted to cover this topic but never got around to bringing it to life. Now I have a chance I think so while it may be slow and pass the WPC deadline until things start taking shape I want to put ideas to paper more, unlike my other failed drafts. Leave a review and/or comment on chapters, I read it all.

AstralGodZero · Games
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8 Chs

Goblin Cave (2)

"We finally have all the cards down on the table, how will you proceed?" A calm and demanding voice asked after a few moments of most of the group panicking, all except for him, Gilgamesh. His carefree smile was still on his face as if everything so far was an amusing game.

"We need to keep going? You said we were running out of time so we continue ahead as planned," The soft yet clear voice of Serenity stated as she unequipped the cloak covering her, revealing blue mage robes that continued down to her mid-thigh. This action caused the rest to remove their cloaks shortly later, Hypatia wearing a plain white dress that extended to her feet, her hair styled into a double braid that curved around the back of her head forming a crown.

With Silverwind doing the same, his lean muscles becoming apparent as he wore sleeveless light armor, assumedly purchased from the blacksmith store. His pants were of a similar design while his blade was covered by a surprising hue of blue.

"Is that a rare weapon?" Marcus asked, his gaze inquisitive as he stared at the sword sheathed on Silverwind, fastened to behind his back by design.

"Yeah, I got it from a quest we completed yesterday, It was a cool secret one that gave me this sword as a reward, cool thing is that this sword stores magic spells on the handle, basically letting me use two magic spells when the sword is in either of my hands," Silverwind explained with a smile as he puffed his chest out mid gloat.

"Pretty cool," Marcus said as he looked at Fenrir and noticed the dark chains coiled around her forearms. He planned to ask about it but she refused to answer before he could.

Not wanting to waste more time, the group began moving in the direction of the light source, "Did anyone collect the loot from those goblins at the entrance?" Marcus asked in a low tone, the thought had slipped his mind after seeing the power of a couple of spells.

With headshakes by nearly everyone, Marcus was surprised when Gilgamesh nodded, as he didn't think the king among them cared enough to do anything but spectate.

"Don't be surprised, I am accompanying you so why would I let you and your new friends forget such things? It looks like you all need whatever these beasts and monster drops as it is either some item you can use or money." Gilgamesh spoke as everyone looked at the spectator among them. He raised an eyebrow with a confused expression while he briefly thought there was an issue but assumed it was because they didn't expect someone of his status to be acting as a porter.

"If you think I became King through being fed a golden spoon you know too little of my true tale…" Gilgamesh thought as he verbally remained silent, forcing the rest of the group to continue with a slightly faster pace as they remembered the time crunch they were on.

Walking through a curve in the tunnel Marcus noticed that there was a torch sitting on the wall held in place by a wall mount. Just underneath it was a group of eight normal enhanced goblins, all levels thirteen or fourteen.

Stepping forward, Marcus, Fenrir, and Silverwind prepared for battle as Hypatia and Serenity stood where they were, staffs in hand but with no intention of joining the battle, or rather slaughter that was about to unfold.

"Finish this in 10 seconds," Gilgamesh's voice said to the three fighters in front, surprising Marcus as he wondered what he expected them to do against eight enemies but blinked in understanding as a status effect appeared in front of everyone as the room began to shimmer, the floor becoming a smooth glazed brick, dozens of torches appearing on the walls that led into the far end of the tunnel turn corridor.

[You are under the effect of King's Dominion]

(AN: In case you forgot I will put the skill details for you again.)


King's Dominion[Eternal]: Forcefully override any control over territory another being might have with the historic lands of Uruk, the area you override becomes your temporary domain, boosting all attacks and defense by allies by 200%. The range of the domain is 1000 meters x 1000 meters. Can be cycled on and off until the maximum duration is achieved. Can be forcefully put on cooldown.

Mana Cost: 100 mana per second

Max Duration: 2 minutes

Cooldown: 12 hours


"What is th-" Silverwind prepared to ask but was interrupted by Fenrir pushing him forward as she ran over to the group of confused Goblins, trailing behind Marcus who moved almost immediately after the skill was activated. Remembering the time limit of 10 seconds Gilgamesh gave them, Silverwind quickly followed suit.

Reaching the group of confused goblins, Marcus swung his sword at the closest one who had noticed his arrival. Unfortunately for it, the goblin knew nothing about how strong Marcus was with the current buff to his attack, which ultimately led it to be cut in half diagonally from shoulder to knee.


Not wanting to let up at the sight of his overkill, Marcus stomached his disgust as he dodged a goblin trying to shank him with a rusty dagger, spinning on his heel as he swung around, his sword following his body as it bisected the goblin.


While the other goblins were preparing to act, one tried to move to the incoming Fenrir but felt the world spinning as it suddenly felt weightless in surprise, it wanted to move but its body felt unresponsive, it saw the room spinning past its eyes as it impacted the floor, leaving it stunned in death as it watched its body crumple like a puppet with its strings cut.

Continuing her short rampage, Fenrir spun and sidestepped around four more goblins in an agile yet wild manner, a single fist either blowing a hole in the chest of a goblin, launching it into the wall with enough strength to leave a small crater, or removing its head from it's body similarly to the poor first goblin.

Smiling at her brief one-sided slaughter, she spun around and watched as Silverwind decapitated the final goblin who had lost its will to fight.

+1320 exp (x8)

Level +3

With the last goblin dead, Gilgamesh canceled his skill with two seconds to spare until a total of ten had elapsed. He smiled in amusement for a moment as he felt his body glow three times along with Marcus due to the latter increasing their level by three. Walking over to them, Marcus shouted in excitement as Fenrir tossed him an uncommon sword dropped from one of the goblins she had killed. It was remarkably cooler than the iron one he had been using so he quickly replaced it while showing off to Gilgamesh as he stood beside him.

"Good job everyone. Let's continue this as time waits for no man, nor women." He said as the group nodded and they continued onward, this time in a light jog as they didn't know how vast this cave system was despite it being a beginner area dungeon.

As they moved on, Marcus quickly checked his status page before continuing his stat distribution, putting fifteen points into both strength and agility while gazing happily at his increased health that had broken into the two thousands.


[Status Page]

Name: Zero

Race: Human (+10 to all base stats)

Title: None

Class: Swordsman(Common)

Level: 10

EXP: 1,040/10,320

Health: 2,150

Mana: 200

Defense: 850


Strength: 55

Agility: 35

Vitality: 45

Intelligence: 20

Dexterity: 27

Luck: 28

Free Attribute Points: 0

[Innates] Empowered Slash

[Passive Skills] N/A

[Active Skills] N/A

[Bag] [Wolfkin Pelt], [Wolfkin Pants], [Jagged Sharp Sword]

(AN: I added health to the Wolfkin gear, 800 and 700 respectively to the pelt and pants while also increasing the defense to a number in the hundreds. Still working out the kinks of monster vs player stats so bear with me)


[Jagged Sharp Sword]

Info: This sword was sharpened by limited intellect monsters smacking its edges with a stone of sorts.

Rarity Uncommon

Damage: 60




(A/N: Adding this right as I post this but I realize that adding status pages to make up for word count is kinda rude to you all as readers, so when doing chapters with status pages they will be longer in word count to make up for it. Probably around 2k words.)

A bit of brain power is required to fine tune things... Working on it though so hopefully it reaches a good spot soon.

Do you have a creative idea about a historical figure or a cool ability to incorporate it into the story? Comment it and let me know about it! Add this to your library if you haven't and leave a ps for me to know you truly enjoy my story.

AstralGodZerocreators' thoughts