
Transcendent Lord of The World's

what will you do if the boring universe you are living Distroyered But surprisingly you survive and teleported closer to Some Unknown level entity who give you Three wishes what will you choose Immortality ? God level power? or something Stupid? This is the story of Chu Xuan whose Thought's are like limiteless Realm He knows about Cultivation realms "animes etc And How to become Immortal So he cautiously wishes Something That Turned him something Beyond He ask the type of wishes, So he won't be Treated like Protagonists runing half chapter's and broken beaten half. what Type of wishes he asked Read This Novel

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Ch 9 A promise?

Chu Xuan after taking quick look at System ' then after he gone to bath

"He most of the time wash his body with spritual energy But some time bathing is fell good and that was with Cool water in hot summer

After the bath Chu Xuan choose clothes he like ' white colour with golden strings something like shi hao in perfect world weres ' He look like young immortal in mortal world

" Damm..." indeed look very Looking at the mirror Said Chu Xuan complement himself for his handsome face

" You Indeed very much Handsome~ brother ' Fairies outside will try to seduce you 'you have to take care of yourself don't be seduced ' said Little Yun Yun last half her tone some what jealous tone

"...Nah ' Little Yun I am that kind of person in your eyes ?

' I indeed believe in your character Brother ' But what if some bitch success in seduce you, To move your soft heart is easy brother '' Little Yun said

Chu Xuan "...."

Then little Yun with black hair and blue eyes in beautiful fairy dress 'apperd in side of Chu Xuan and take his hand and hug between her small chest , and said with puppy like eyes ' bother why don't you just marry me i will take care of your every need~

little Yun said close to Chu Xuan ears while blow hot air ~

Chu Xuan almost fell on the floor,

"...Little Yun , what are you saying i can't marry you ' You are too small for these things..."

Chu Xuan swallowed his words after seeing Little Yun watery eyes like she was about to cry if his answer is No

But he didn't won't to be tagged as Loli-con

"...sigh..Ok i marry you when you become old enough '

" Promise ! said little Yun Yun with teary eyes

"... Promise! Ok little girl i am man of my words, said Chu Xuan!

Little Yun satisfied with Chu Xuan answer, Bloom with big smile ' quickly give kiss on Chu Xuan cheek **muha !

and runaway in the system!

Chu Xuan stunned " This little girl

While rubbing the place little Yun kiss

,Atleast give me franch kiss..."

Chu Xuan throw distracting thought's from his head out and start walking towards outside at the assembly where this small Immortal academy student's are gathered and most important Protagonist His treasure hunting Dog.

After sometime

Chu Xuan seen long line of Cultivator's

With four and five spritual root's

As for two spritual Root /Celestial bones' They got vip treatment to form another buliding!

He don't have any interest of knowing about these low level character's

So he simply walk toward where foundation' level some elders of this academy setting and simple seated at the empty seat that for elders ' no one stop him after all his talent is well known in the cultivation academy as Heavenly water spritual Root/ Celestial bones

Elders smile and greeting him with smile ' he returned the greeting and have no intention to talking further

Start looking at Cultivatior's line

Elders admire him ' no one has dissatisfaction from his attitude ' after all Elder Gu already told them he was already at the peak of mediation level 10 and become foundation Cultivatior at any time. With his talent become big shot possible and most importantly they can't sense his Realm

He was like a normal person, so they know he already surpassed them in Cultivation "

Elders don't discuss anything and start to focus on line some acting like sleeping close their eyes

Chu Xuan just laugh at the elder who acting sleep in his mind

Elders don't have any intention about talking did not mean Cultivatior student's don't an intense discussion start in Cultivatior's line the moment they saw Immortal like Chu Xuan

".Look He is heavenly Spritual root and celestial bones ,senior brother

"...i heard he already become Nine-level Meditation level..

"...nah i heard he already Build his foundation don't you seen senior seated on Foundation level elders seat

" Senior brother look here ' shouting 12 year old girl's like love sick fan's

" Ahh 'Senior brother is too handsome like real immortal ' said another female Cultivatior

" Did you seen immortal's i think senior brother is more handsome than immortal Said another female fan .