
Transcendent Lord of The World's

what will you do if the boring universe you are living Distroyered But surprisingly you survive and teleported closer to Some Unknown level entity who give you Three wishes what will you choose Immortality ? God level power? or something Stupid? This is the story of Chu Xuan whose Thought's are like limiteless Realm He knows about Cultivation realms "animes etc And How to become Immortal So he cautiously wishes Something That Turned him something Beyond He ask the type of wishes, So he won't be Treated like Protagonists runing half chapter's and broken beaten half. what Type of wishes he asked Read This Novel

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Ch 4 Yun Yun


Now i Got Heaven-Defying Talent's and Cultivation Resources

Next wishes

" I want all system Cultivation Resources I can use Freely infinite Times without any limitations "

My Fourth Wish is My All Cultivation Talent's become 'Million Times Stronger '

My Fifth wish I want "Beginning and End level " Tian shin level Servent who is absolutely loyal to Me i can Control her life and Death and i Died she dies to

My Last wish is I want A special Function on my system That I can Travel to any world or Reality's at any Timeline without any limitations

Granded !!! Said Unknown level entity

Your servant is became your System Fairy your death means She Dies to said unknown level being

I feel same feeling as before I got innate Talent's too Comfortable without any pain as discribe in novels

Now all done choose world and Time lines you are going

I opened System Status

[ Ding! ] -

- Name : Chu Xuan

- Lifespan : 22 / [ Etranal life]

- Cultivation : [Not Started]

- Constitution : [ Transcendent Great Dao's Body ]

- Comprehension : [ Transcendence All Beyond ]

- Spritual roots : [ Transcendent beginning root ]

- World's Traveling : [Open]

- System Space : [Open]

- System Shop : [Open]

- Host Talent : [ Great Transcendental / Transcendent Charm ]

Oh ! I got Etranal life Hahaha truly blessing

But " Trancedant Charm..." What is the use of this ,Chu Xuan thought's swim in fantasy realm about using his face to shamelessly eat soft rise and become stronger.

No..No . I don't want to become soft rise ' absolutely not ! His unique Fantasy stop and Chu Xuan saw Unknown level entity looking at his as he was some weirdo !

Cough cough"... So

I want to go the world " I have special cultivation talent " at the time before Main character Start Cultivation !

" Intresting ! Said Unknown level entity

My heart jumping from comment's of This being ' May be she sees thought My plans of Cultivating "World Creation Dao"

In that world main character got reincarnated with A Primordial stone from outside of the Heaven's

If I got that stone I can Cultivates The World Dao will be become Transcendent being

[ Main character ] That guy seriesly getting this kind of chance he created some kind of Heavenly Court and live life in the lust with 3000 thousands of heavenly consort's and always forcing all the lives people of the 'Inner world' to hand over marriage's for his lust

Seriously Cultivatior's cultivate mind

But He sigh ! I Will take his chance and walk the path of Transcendent World's Lord

That why I ask wish to have Omnipotent level being as guard at first with guard i can extract " Primordial Stone "from Main character

My heart sink at the moment of this entity able to fullfill my wish really

That means That slaying is True

' Cultivation is Endless' and This Entity might be Some ,Progenitor-level ' being at beginning of life creation Anomaly

Suddenly Infront of me my new servent that was created with a thought of this unknown level women appeared

" Master! said sweet little Loli !

Literally" A legal Loli ! and I am not against Loli's but my lips tumbled at this sight

After all on Earth if Loli said master to anyone they will be sent to jail directly !

Cough cough..."

N..No need to call me Master just call me brother or Brother Chu and do you have name?

Girl said " Ok Brother~ in sweet voice

Brother" I am just born and i don't have any name and brother did not have to worry that i can't control my powers i innately have 100 % Control, said little Loli

I narrowing my eyes This girl read my thoughts just now !

Hmm "You have beautiful black hair and Dark Blue colour eyes like me So

Your name will be " Yun Yun

Yun Yun..? Brother you don't think this name I have any similarities right?

You just think this name is good because it is the name of your favourite anime character's right Konosuba and BTTH right

Right it is cute name just created for you

"...Cute ~Ahh what are saying brother

Hahaha, look you like this name to right !

Hmph ! snorted girl I like Yun Yun Name!

Yun Yun looking towards at me some time and said " Brother you better adjust your Charm otherwise you have to face many problems later!

Oh ! My Charm Now you remind me i adjust at the level of Immortal level